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Australian Survivor: Titans V Rebels


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7 hours ago, Alex95 said:

What an amazing week of Survivor. Caroline and Kirby running their tribes is what dreams are made of. Kirby invented gaslight, gatekeep , and girlboss she is so unhinged :wub: :wub:. Just calling bitches out and cackling as her name is read <3333333. So glad the Titans went with Kirby over Feras. I did enjoy Garrick as the old grump so I was kinda sad to lose him though, lowkey wish it was Feras. But I'm also glad the Feras & Kirby war can continue.


I don't think there's any way next week can live up to this week, but I'm still so happy we got this one. Just some of the best Survivor I've watched in years.

This was my favorite episode of the season so far.If Kirby didn't win this battle it would have been so depressing though. Feras side is far less likable and if they were running the game post merge the season would have been so meh.

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Welp it wouldn't be an Australian Survivor season without a bullshit twist thrown in there :dead:. But at least it worked out for the best. I'm kind over Feras, but I'm so relieved Aileen survived. And Charles as collateral damage is a bit of a whocurr, especially against the other options. I think it should've just been an immunity twist, not a voting twist. But I don't think the results change much because Feras would play his idol on Raymond and all three of them would still be safe (and it would feel a bit more fair).

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At least tomorrow's preview looks good :dead:. I prefer these pointless twists over the insane game-changing ones like last episode, but it's still a waste of time. I guess AuSurvivor has to fill up their bloated episode order though. Aileen winning the immunity challenge was fun, as was Caroline domination as per usual. But yeah, let's hope they can have a good episode tomorrow to save the week.

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I’ve finally caught up on the last couple of weeks.


Caroline and Kitty pretty much running the Titan’s feels correct. :wub:

Aileen and Feras clinging on makes me so happy. I love them both and hope they can turn it all around in their favour.  Aileen’s edit fascinates me. She went from invisible to one of the main characters. Especially with her dominating the last three challenges!

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Kelli 😭. What a legend, certainly one of the most memorable pre-mergers I've ever seen. Having said that, don't blame them one bit for booting her once she spilled everything to Kitty lmao. No way could anyone trust her or control her come merge. I actually think Feras' side could've played it a bit better and gotten Kirby out, but still, not worth taking any risks to save Kelli.


I'm shocked we're merging already. Is a 14-person merge the largest tribe in Survivor history? It has to be. We're missing out on a 4-4 split on the Titans and Rianna immune on the Rebels so the timing feels off. But there's so many different dynamics going on here that I'm excited to see what happens when they all come together. Honestly, Rianna feels like the key here, which is wild since she's such an UTR player. She's got the connection with Kirby and with Caroline & Kitty. If she can bring these two alliances together, that would be huge. But then again, that would require Valeria working with Caroline & Kitty.


I feel like Kirby's house of cards is gonna fall soon. I hate to see it, but I feel like the show has been giving her such a cocky edit the downfall is inevitable. I hope it can happen as late as possible, she's been my favorite by far and I just want to spend as time with her running the game as possible.

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Kelli. 😭 She was such an interesting character. I wish she would’ve at least made the jury so that we could witness what she would ask. 🤣


I’m hoping Kirby leaves soon. She’s been in a power position for too long and doesn’t really show us any personality. Especially next to the bigger characters.

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Hurricane Kelli was certainly an interesting experience. :dead:  A great character combined with a terrible player always makes for good tv. But it was definitely her time to go. Kirby's half does seem to be down in the numbers especially after losing Charles to a BS twist and than Kelli to insanity. God help anyone that hires her to be their psychologist. :giggle:

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I was excited to see Scott become a bigger character this episode, and then disappointed when I realized it was leading to that. Can't blame the guy for putting his mental health first. He was clearly struggling, that scene of him with Kitty was beyond bizarre. I loved seeing Kirby pull him to the side and ask to just talk about life, not the game. I'm sure Kirby knew he was struggling out there since they're so close.


But I'm disappointed about the repercussions. I can't blame Scott for pretty much having a meltdown, that's not something you can control. But sucks if he took Mark & Valeria down with him. I'm hoping Kirby, Rianna, Valeria, Winna, and Mark can all work together. It's starting to look like it might be them vs. Caroline, Kitty, Eden, and Jaden. Which puts Feras' group in a swing vote position which is wild considering the position they were in just last week.


In lighter news I loved the safety without power reward challenge. I think that's a really interesting twist on the reward, whether you actually want to go for it or not. I'd love to see them do that more often! Also, the cut to Caroline in Nathan's jacket after her argument with Valeria over it had me :dead:. One of the highlights of the episode. As disappointed as I was by the quit, glad we have more time spent with Caroline & Kitty's reign of terror duo :wub::wub:. I wish Eden was getting more heat. He's the person I'd most like to sacrifice in this game.

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Caroline and Kitty joining forces with Feras, Aileen and Ray. :wub:

01. Aileen - Challenge beast.

02. Feras - Love him.

03. Caroline - She’s dominating this game and is unhinged.

04. Kitty - They underestimated her from the start.

05. Jaden - I wish I was that rope.

06. Ray - He’s funny.

07. Val - I’ll be surprised if she wins this fight. 

08. Mark - He started off strong but he’s just floating at the minute.

09. Kirby - Again, she’s floating.

10. Eden - I don’t find him likeable.

11. Alex - Hasn’t done a thing.

12. Ri - Amanda 2.0.

Edited by Zoey
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What was that vote?! Jaden immediately flipping on Caroline & Kitty! Rianna and Alex getting tricked into doing random votes out of nowhere! Valeria flipping the vote from Kitty to Caroline! The other side randomly doing Winna! Another episode of literally every single person perplexing me I love this season :wub: :wub: :wub:


It's weird that I'm not rooting for a side because I like so many people in this cast. I guess I'm hoping this merge is kinda like Pearl Islands where each group loses someone each episode. Like we can rid of Eden next, then like Feras or something. Then back to Rianna. Just nonstop chaos!


The best thing Aus Survivor has over US Survivor is the tribal councils. I zone out of US Survivor tribal councils now because everyone's just delivering their boring ass analogies. But here, people are always calling each other out :wub:. The merge tribal council must've been painful for Valeria because she couldn't call anyone out to their face like she does every single other tribal :dead:. Except f*cking Eden. Who cares about Survivor speed dating or whatever :rolleyes:.

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What?! How does this season keep doing it?! That might've been the best episode yet, and there have been so many amazing episodes! The drama after tribal council and the awkward reward I thought would be the peak of the episode. But man that tribal council was everything! I can't believe Kirby, Valeria, and Mark didn't flip and they were willing to go to rocks for these tribes they hate. But then Jaden, the man with immunity, was the one to flip to avoid rocks. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs when they revealed that flip. I know Feras kept saying he read them like a book, but I gotta give it up to Kirby who seemed to be the first to notice the Titans were back together at tribal (notably when Valeria didn't talk shit about Caroline for the first time in her life ❤️).


And on top of all that, we lost Eden's worthless ass. Definitely sad to lose a soldier for Caroline & Kitty, but everyone left brings something more to the table so I can't be too mad.


1. Caroline

2. Valeria

3. Kirby


4. Kitty

5. Jaden

6. Mark

7. Aileen

8. Rianna

9. Raymond


10. Alex

11. Feras


But my 1-3, 4-9, and 10-11 are genuinely so interchangeable based on how I feel moment to moment it was hard for me to rank. Caroline, Valeria, and Kirby are easily my holy trinity of the season though.

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Eden believing he was a mastermind to end up getting played was a delight to watch. This season is probably the single best season of any Survivor that I’ve watched. It’s been incredible from the beginning and I’ve enjoyed most of the cast. Survivor Australia is something else.


01. Feras - I love him.

02. Aileen - Obviously.

03. Caroline - I think she could’ve screwed herself over with the last vote but I’m hopeful.

04. Kitty - I love paranoid and skitty Kitty.

05. Jaden - I think he’s the winner.

06. Raymond - Yes.
07. Kirby - Played hard and then didn’t play at all.

08. Alex - Meh.
09. Valeria - Same as Mark.
10. Mark - Has not made one successful mood in how many episodes?

11. Rianna - She’s done nothing.

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5 minutes ago, Zoey said:

07. Kirby - Played hard and then didn’t play at all.

Lol she lost two allies in a row, one due to a quit completely out of her control. Of course she had to change her strategy up. Yet she was still literally the catalyst of the Rebels getting back together. When Kitty said she was having trouble lying, Kirby realizing the Titans were back together and Feras was able to secretly rally the votes for Eden.

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7 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Lol she lost two allies in a row, one due to a quit completely out of her control. Of course she had to change her strategy up. Yet she was still literally the catalyst of the Rebels getting back together. When Kitty said she was having trouble lying, Kirby realizing the Titans were back together and Feras was able to secretly rally the votes for Eden.

Oh I know. My rankings change each episode so she’ll probably be higher after the next episode if what the preview shows happens. :haha:

5-10 are all interchangeable as they’ve either been in the shadows or not done much. 

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I got my way and we lost someone from Feras' group, but disappointed it was Aileen. Even though they're down to just Feras, Raymond, and Alex that group is still extremely dangerous with two idols + Raymond's advantage. The others are gonna have to keep chipping away at them and handle the next vote or two very carefully.


Still glad the momentum of the shifting power structure continues. Since the merge we've lost Scott (Kirby's group), Winna (Valeria's group), Eden (Caroline's group), and now Aileen (Feras' group). It's rare we get to see the power shift this much on Survivor, gotta enjoy it while we can!

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I mean...I'm speechless. What more is there even to say about this season?! Feras torching his relationships with Alex & Raymond to become a Kirby minion, causing them to flip?! Kitty randomly flipping on Caroline for seemingly no reason?! Alex using his idol on Valeria?! Everyone clocking Alex's idol play and flipping the vote on him?! Rianna ruining ANOTHER vote and Jaden going home :dead:. Just nonstop hilarity. This isn't just the best Australian Survivor season, this is just flatout one of the best Survivor seasons of all-time. I truly cannot wait for each episode.

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Lmao did that actually happen :dead:. Raymond is kind of a legend for that :wub:. I'm sure there's some very fair commentary about how Raymond was weaponizing mental health mere days after Scott had to actually pull himself from the game for mental health reasons. But this season has been #mess all the way through and Ray definitely just helped contribute to that :wub:


Very sad to lose Valeria, but I appreciated her exit. Very classy, hope we get to see her again one day!


Final 8:

1. Kirby - Icon, legend, etc.

2. Caroline - Quieter week for Caroline, yet she is still mother to many (me).

3. Kitty - Completely obsessed with my top three. Kitty randomly turning on her entire alliance for no reason still has me :dead:

4. Raymond - He's been a fun background character all season and this past episode made him a star.

5. Rianna - Queen really cheated on her partner with Kirby only to vote the wrong way multiple times and ruin multiple plans :wub:

6. Alex - This was a good week for him. Specifically, the Monday episode showed a lot of personality from him.

7. Feras - I do actually like him! I just wish we had smaller doses of Feras. It's too much. He's probably gonna win.

8. Mark - Meh I like him, but he hasn't brought anything to the show since the merge.

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God bless Alex for saving us from that all guys alliance and blowing up his game. I was on the fence about him as a himbo, but he unleashed his full himbo potential this past episode.


Don't know how Kirby's gonna continue to cockroach her way through this game. I mean her time has to be up sooner rather than later, right :dead:. Feras has to get the timing perfect with Kirby because the second she's gone, he's the biggest target. I still think he's winning, I've been thinking it for a while. It's wild to me no one's doing anything about that idol of his! Would love the girls to stick together and pick off those guys though.

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