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SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US10) (Round 8)


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 8. Melanie Moore & Marko Germar - "Turn To Stone" - (Contemporary by Travis Wall)


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@taylorkat - 1

@FrogLenzen - 1

@*Chris - 2

@*Wallace - 8

@totes4totes - 8

@.Rei - 9

@*Amanda - 12

@Erestor - 14

@Zoey - 17

@kritaaay - 17


Avg. Score = 8.90






This is the routine I always remember from this season. It's beautiful.




This and Dancing are probably the two routines that most consistently make me cry like a baby. Magical.




This was a really stunning and beautiful Contemporary from Melanie & Marko. I do love the stone like concept/theme of the dance. Melanie and Marko both shone equally and danced this beautiful. I love how they dance together and side by side, especially with the build up of the song. This was a fantastic first dance from them as a couple - though sadly for me, they weren't able to top or recapture the magic of this dance for their future ones (though they still had a number of good dances together). But this will always be the standout dance of theirs for me.




If we cut out between 1:20-1:45 this would be a perfect routine. It's genuinely beautiful choreography with really great dancing and chemistry between Melanie and Marko. It just gets generic when it hits that bombastic part of the music it goes from that like genuine emotion to that "here's some big pairs choreo to go with the BIG musical moment." I wish it had just been that quiet intimacy all the way through.




Despite this being a very very Travis routine, they slayed this! Despite not being a versatile partnership, they started with a bang and deserved all the praise for this routine.




7. Melanie Moore & Marko Germar - "Skin & Bones" - (Contemporary by Dee Caspary)


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Gigi - 2

Amanda - 2

Megan - 4

Kriti - 6

Chris - 6

Derek - 8

Patryk  - 8

Rei - 12

Wallace - 18

Zoey - 19


Avg. Score = 8.50






You know 12 years later I think it's okay to admit that while Melanie and Marko weren't challenged and every routine outside of contemporary/jazz they weren't great in, they genuinely were one of the best partnerships of this show and by far the best of this season. Melanie in particular is maybe the best contemporary dancer I've seen on this show and she has that quality that makes me compelled to watch these contemporaries which I'd otherwise write off. Her technique and performance quality is so off the charts that I remember seeing her audition and thinking she was going to win the show. In the actual show I was disappointed that I was correct because she wasn't very versatile (and also Sasha is one of my favorite dancers of all time) but by god Melanie is so good. Marko is also great. I'm still kind of in love with him!




WHEW Melanie’s movement quality in Dee’s style is beyond. My issue with this dance is that for a show like this, there’s not a strong enough connection between the movement and the music. The music cut is actually decent and builds and has a climax but the movement doesn’t really respond to that enough. This is why choreographers like Travis who are not as skilled in the contemporary style (as Justin/Dee for example) still manage to succeed on this show because Travis knows how to tightly pack a full emotional arc into a short routine that matches the music and fully meets the format of the program. 




I think that at some point during season 8, I was obsessed with this routine. Dee was always amazing creating those not-so -typical routines full of interesting movement. I still love this a lot but maybe not as much as those that I ranked above.




"Skin & Bones" is a really beautiful Contemporary routine from Melanie & Marko. This was another one of their better routines for sure. But at the same time, it's also one of those routines I really liked when it was performed but forgot all about over the years. Rewatching it now, I've gained more of an appreciation for it but it's still not one of my ultimate favorite Contemporary dances of the season.



(tie)5-6.  Caitlynn Lawson & Marko Germar - "Heavy In Your Arms" - (Jazz by Sonya Tayeh)


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Patryk  - 2

Wallace - 3

Chris - 3

Amanda - 6

Derek - 9

Rei - 10

Zoey - 10

Kriti - 11

Gigi - 14

Megan - 16

Avg. Score = 8.40






This is pretty interchangeable for me with my #1, because I loved everything about it. I mean, Florence and the Machine song, obviously, is an automatic win, but Sonya creating something a bit different to it was such an amazing surprise. I’m glad that Caitlynn got to leave on a high note with this routine, and it’s my favourite routine from Marko, too. Just stunning :wub: 




This is a pretty dang amazing and outstanding Lyrical Jazz from Caitlynn & Marko! Oops, I forgot that I said "I Know It's Over" is my favorite Marko dance but.... I think it's this one. :dead: I'm not sure which one he shines in more for me as he's pretty fantastic in both of these dances. Then Caitlynn is stunning and amazing in this too.  I love the angst, power and intensity that both Caitlynn & Marko bring with this dance!  I love their partnering here - like how Marko does those creepy walks while holding Caitlynn, and then how they connect arms & legs  and then she rolls over him. And just so many other parts. Ooh I love all of the side by side dancing they do - with their running and flips. This routine is just so good, bone chilling and gives me chills. :omg: How Caitlynn was eliminated after two fantastic dances on the Final 6 night? I will never understand. It's truly disgusting.




Caitlynn actually waited until her very last routine to do something extraordinary in a jazztemporary style. Thank you Sonya. Honestly I like the Piece of My Heart one with Mitchell by Travis a lot too, but this was Caitlynn reinvented. Not surprised it is in the finals here.




Typical Sonya performed amazingly by Marko and Caitlynn. Caitlynn really killed that Top 6 night, even though I would say that Sasha and Melanie were the more interesting dancers. Heavy in your arms is also a very good song for a jazz routine.




A total whatever. Caitlynn doesn't match Marko in terms of performance. But it's Caitlynn. What can you expect.



(tie)5-6. Sasha Mallory & Kent Boyd - "Fool Of Me" - (Contemporary by Tyce Diorio)


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Derek - 2

Kriti - 4

Megan - 5

Rei - 5

Amanda - 7

Chris - 7

Wallace - 10

Zoey - 14

Gigi - 15

Patryk  - 15


Avg. Score = 9.50






There have been girls in this competition who can developpe, and pitch to the side, and do 20 pirouettes and land perfectly… and I don’t care. It’s amazing. They’re amazing technicians. It’s a great trick. You put your finger against a wall, and you break my heart. That’s dance.” This is probably Tyce’s best routine ever. “I don’t even know what Kent was doing…” lmao Christina is the best judge.




Sasha is SO GOOD in this routine that the man performing with them could literally be anybody INCLUDING Kent Boyd and it really doesn't matter because they cannot detract from how excellent they are. I literally have no comments on Kent, he might as well just be there. But Sasha is so good. This is a bit of a surprise high ranking from me (because of the aforementioned Kent Boyd) but I think Sasha really elevates the routine and I am typically fond of Tasty Oreo choreography.




FLAWLESS!!!! Not to throw shade to Kent but I would have never imagine that this partnership could have created this amazing routine and somehow it worked magically. Obviously the star was Sasha but Kent really supported her well throughout the routine.




This is a really beautiful Contemporary fromSasha & Kent. I did not think or expect them to be this good of a match together but they really were. I love how they use the wall, especially that part where Sasha has her legs on the fall for a few seconds wsith Kent holding her. 😮 And yeah I love how she throws herself  in the dance and each move she does. And also I love how athletic the routine is. Not only that, but there's so much raw emotion and intensity. A very beautiful dance and my favorite dance from Sasha. This is also up there as one of my favorite dances from Kent too.


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Your Top 4!


Clarice Ordaz & Jess LeProtto - "Light Through The Branches" - (Contemporary by Justin Giles)

Caytlinn Lawson & Pasha Kovalev - "Malajunta" - (Argentine Tango by Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo)

Sasha Mallory & tWitch Boss - "Misty Blue" - (Hip-Hop by Christopher Scott)

Marko Germar & Lauren Froderman - "Shirk" - (Contemporary by Tessandra Chavez)



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  • .Rei changed the title to SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US8) (#8-#5 Posted)

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