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The Challenge: All-Stars (Premieres April 1)


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And we've got the official cast reveal even though it's already been spoiled lol


Ace Amerson - 4 Challenges 
Alton Williams - 4 Challenges, 1 win
Aneesa Ferreira - 14 Challenges 
Arissa Hill - 1 Challenges
Beth Stolarczyk - 7 Challenges
Darrell Taylor - 9 Challenges, 5 wins
Derrick Kosinski - 10 Challenges, 3 wins
Eric “Big Easy” Banks - 6 Challenges 
Jemmye Carroll - 7 Challenges
Jisela Delgado - 3 Challenges
Jonna Mannion - 5 Challenges
Katie Cooley - 9 Challenges, 1 win
KellyAnne Judd - 4 Challenges
Kendal Sheppard - 1 Challenge, 1 win 
Laterrian Wallace - 3 Challenges
Mark Long - 6 Challenges, 2 wins
Nehemiah Clark - 4 Challenges, 1 win 
Ruthie Alcaide - 4 Challenges
Syrus Yarbrough - 5 Challenges, 1 win
Teck Holmes - 1 Challenge
Trishelle Cannatella - 4 Challenges
Yes Duffy - 3 Challenges, 1 win

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2 minutes ago, *Lily said:

I need to catch up on my old school Challenge watching because this seems great! Even I found the trailer exciting and I don’t know half these people. :dead: But love anything involving old-school representation!

Paramount + has seasons 11 to current I think. And the old seasons are only like 20 minutes long so that's not bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That was so much fun ❤️. It was really cool to see all these legends and old people back. Everyone flopping at the first challenge was hilarious :dead:. They really threw a bunch of 40+ people who barely workout into a challenge we'd see today with 20-something athletes :dead:.


Where did Miss Jisela come from?! She was one of the people I was least excited for just because I didn't remember her that well, but she was the star of the episode :wub:. Beth was amazing as well, of course. When we got the first "Tenderoni" I lost it :dead:. Really enjoyed Teck and Yes as well, neither of whom I'm that familiar with.


I felt bad for Ace lol. That was rough. Laterrian kicked his ass. He can stay home with his morals though. Ain't no one here to watch moral players :kissbye:.


Looking forward to the rest of the season!

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It was funny to see who has aged well and who hasn't. Some of these people haven't been to a gym in a decade and it shows. Jisela stepped up though she was completely useless back in the day byt not anymore. Yes also crushed it and he wasn't high on my list either but he did well. Watching all these old people try to swim was great though. Ace then proceeded to get his butt kicked by Latterian that was rough but welcome back to the challenge I guess lol.

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On 4/1/2021 at 1:00 PM, Alex95 said:

That was so much fun ❤️. It was really cool to see all these legends and old people back. Everyone flopping at the first challenge was hilarious :dead:. They really threw a bunch of 40+ people who barely workout into a challenge we'd see today with 20-something athletes :dead:.

This was tooo dang much right here. :dead: I felt bad for them but it had me cracking up too. :haha: 

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Yeah I agree with Alex that Jisela was a big surprise and such a star of the episode. I don’t remember her all that well from the past but I was a fan of hers this episode. ❤️ Also enjoyed Yes being the math wiz of this challenge too. (Made me think how this would be the only challenge i would do well on as I would flop in everything else. :dead:


Beth had me cracking up and is still hilarious as ever. :dead::haha: 


Oh its so weird seeing Jemmye as a blonde. Can't get used to it, but I'll try.


I also felt bad for Ace for how he was thrown in there….. and in that elimination, yikes. But at the same time, no one is going to want to ruffle feathers on the very first elimination. Laterrian certainly proved himself in that elimination, so I wonder how he will do in the future regarding group challenges. Ace was a bit much calling people monsters, bad people, him needing to be the hero and all of that.


It was really fun seeing these older classic Challengers here, and I already feel familiarized with some of them again. :haha: 

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What a fun second episode. First thing that stood out was Trishelle apology to Aneesa. I hope it was a legit apology not a staged one for tv. It seemed sincere but Then her crazy antics with Katie made me think that she hasn't grown up so I dunno. 


Then we went on to challenge trivia so it was funny to see who watches the challenge and who doesn't. I was worried for my girl Kendal because I know she doesn't really watch the challenge. But Trishelle was the first one eliminated so I was like cool Kendal dodged that one. But then Kendal did something very odd that will need an explanation lol. But the result is she sat at the end never falling in lol. People will use this vote her in so she gets voted in fine.


Trishelle for some reason flips out that Derrick is the one to tell her Kendal got voted in and has a meltdown that it wasn't Katie. It's not shocking to see that Trishelle is still insane but it was funny to see lol. Trishelle and Katie's fight was mostly one side which was funny.



The challenge was a good one. Kendal is in such great shape that she was able to just dominate Trishelle here. The rope one is an endurance plus mental challenge. So it did play to Kendal's strengths so that's good. So hopefully the girls will be too afraid of her in the future and she doesn't have to keep going in. Great episode though I am so looking forward to more!



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I loved that scene between Trishelle & Aneesa and I was excited to see how much Trishelle grew. And then that mess with Katie happened :dead:. Obviously I was firmly #TeamKatie. Trishelle was doing the most for no reason, sorry Katie didn't tell her immediately who she was facing in elimination?? Katie's clearly grown up a lot more than Trishelle, as she's said, and is just in a different part of her life. It was so nice to see Katie in her element though, screaming like a psycho in the Challenge house :wub: :wub:.


Having said that, I was still rooting for Trishelle to win the elimination lol. I wanted to see the drama that would follow with her coming back into the house. I don't really see what Kendall's gonna bring, she seems very similar to Ace really out of her element. Kendall attempting to defend her challenge performance made me cringe so much :dead:


Aneesa is so in her element with these other old folk. She needs to stay here as a regular and stay off the main show :dead:. Glad to see her win the trivia challenge (considering she's probably competed on most of the seasons the questions came from lol).

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Yeah I did like seeing Trishelle making amends with Aneesa over her past comments. I’m hoping/thinking it was a genuine apology. But then lmaooo at the mess and drama she caused with Katie. :lmao: Who would have thought I would have been on Katie’s side in that argument. :lmao: Trishelle was tooo much at that. Katie certainly has grown up and is above the petty drama that Trishelle still seems apart of.


I was still sad to see Trishelle go. I was hoping she would stay as she is a big dynamic character and would certainly bring more crazy drama. Kendall did impress me with her performance here so well done to her getting that win there.


And agreed with Alex on being happy that she won this trivia challenge.  I really want to  see her do well here and make it to the end here so fingers crossed! ❤️ 

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Teck shocked me in that elimination 😮. I thought it was gonna be a blowout for Nehemiah, but he just won. I do like Nehemiah more in general, but that's because I got to know him better. If this was my first time meeting both of them, I probably would've been rooting for Teck in that elimination. I was still sad to see him go (though I loved Jemmye dragging him for volunteering, you know she's hating the skull twist on the regular show :wub: :wub:).


Another fun episode. Tough to follow last week's though with the amazing Trishelle & Katie storyline. I didn't expect see Ruthie in drama this season so that was a welcome surprise! Her coming for Aneesa was so random, but the two of them clearly don't see eye-to-eye so it's not like it was a shocking fallout.

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Just finished watching episode 3 and it was another fun episode! Maybe not as iconic as episode 2 but still good. Kendal being super messy with the life saver was great. She's got no clue what she's doing and it's so fun to watch. Ruthie doesn't seem like she has changed much and that fight was pretty random but I guess they just don't like each other. 

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LMAOO Beth had me cracking up with her comments on Jemmye. Calling her her long lost daughter and how she’ll protect mama and calling themselves Madonna & Britney had me cracking up. :dead: I look forward to seeing more of their bond here.


LOL the first part of melting ice challenge was all kinds of hilarious. :lmao:


Wow at how Teck straight up nominating himself. Lmao Jemmye hating that. :lmao: Also lmaoo at Kendal power tripping on her power saver and scaring everyone with it. :giggle: I was kinda hoping she would have used it on Teck (as I didn’t want either guy to go) and Big Easy  would go down there instead but oh well.


I’m happy for Nehemiah for winning. I’m sad for Teck losing though. :( He’s so fun. But Teck did put up a good fight and did much better against Nehemiah than I expected him to do, so there’s that at least.


Also wow the Ruthie popping off on Aneesa was crazy. It came out of nowhere here but I understand they had a bad past. I’m sad for her not having Teck anymore.

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Another fun episode. Arissa slayed :wub:. Loved seeing her flip out on everyone and quit :dead:. That's the fun kinda drama I've been missing from these recent seasons. I was devastated when it looked like it was gonna be a Beth vs. Katie elimination so I'm glad Mark saved Katie (queen of the social game :wub: :wub:)


It's wild to see Beth as a mother on this show :haha:. It was really cute to see that scene with her family though. I thought she was done for with all the screentime she was getting, so I'm so glad to see her stick around.

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3 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Another fun episode. Arissa slayed :wub:. Loved seeing her flip out on everyone and quit :dead:. That's the fun kinda drama I've been missing from these recent seasons. I was devastated when it looked like it was gonna be a Beth vs. Katie elimination so I'm glad Mark saved Katie (queen of the social game :wub: :wub:)


It's wild to see Beth as a mother on this show :haha:. It was really cute to see that scene with her family though. I thought she was done for with all the screentime she was getting, so I'm so glad to see her stick around.

How did Arissa slay? She threw a tantrum and then quit. She provided no value to this season and that spot would have been better off spent on one of the alternates instead. What a waste of a spot she was.

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Anyways the episode was alright nothing special really. Mark did the same thing Kendal did with the life saver. He got mad at her for that last episode so it was very hypocritical of him to host a meeting with all the girls. Anyways I'm fine with Katie and Beth sticking around as they bring a lot more to the table then Arissa did. She brought nothing to the show then she threw a tantrum and quit so it was no real loss to see her go.

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