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The Challenge: All-Stars (Premieres April 1)


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14 hours ago, QueenKalie said:

How did Arissa slay? She threw a tantrum and then quit. She provided no value to this season and that spot would have been better off spent on one of the alternates instead. What a waste of a spot she was.

She provided no value :dead: lmao she was the most entertaining person of the episode. It's a tv show. Arissa gave us drama. Beth was gonna kick her ass anyway.

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An elimination between Beth vs. Arissa and Beth isn't the one that quits? I did not see that coming. :dead: 


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@ Beth.


But omg wow at Arissa cursing everyone out like that. While that was outrageous, it was disappointing seeing Arissa quit like that. I wanted to see if she could prove herself. :( But at the same time, I am glad we didn't lose Beth.

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3 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

An elimination between Beth vs. Arissa and Beth isn't the one that quits? I did not see that coming. :dead: 


Growth Progress GIF by Insecure on HBO

@ Beth.


But omg wow at Arissa cursing everyone out like that. While that was outrageous, it was disappointing seeing Arissa quit like that. I wanted to see if she could prove herself. :( But at the same time, I am glad we didn't lose Beth.

When we heard the clip of TJ talking about a quitter my money was on Beth first Trishelle second. So I was wrong.

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On 4/22/2021 at 2:44 PM, Alex95 said:

It's wild to see Beth as a mother on this show :haha:. It was really cute to see that scene with her family though. I thought she was done for with all the screentime she was getting, so I'm so glad to see her stick around.

I thought this same exact thing. :dead:  I do like seeing this motherly side of Beth. I was thinking this episode was Beth's swan song with the many mentions of her family. I was expecting her to quit or lose the elimination all episode. But then Arissa changed all of that. :haha: 


1 minute ago, QueenKalie said:

When we heard the clip of TJ talking about a quitter my money was on Beth first Trishelle second. So I was wrong.

I would have made that same guess! :lmao: 

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Beth 😭. I was so sure we were losing her last episode though, so I'm glad we got a little more time with her (even though I thought she was going nowhere cuz it was supposed to be a guy's day :/). Happy Alton survived though, I wanna see more of him & Jisela against the world. I generally like Syrus more, but I thought it was weird how he was blaming Alton when he flopped at the puzzle. I kinda liked the twist, but also not because it f*cked Beth over.

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Syrus picking Alton is so dumb you have a bum ankle and you chose one of the strongest guys to go into an elimination with instead of a weaker guy like easy. Now grant it he probably loses anyways since he had a bad ankle but the dude clearly wasn't thinking straight. Certainly was an interesting twist I was wondering what the incentive for the women to do well in the challenge was and we saw it there since Kendal was safe. This will definitely shake things up and I like it. 

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Beth. :(:broken: 


Ugh so not pleased with that twist because it blindsided us in her going. :( But at least we got an extra  episode of her than what we were expecting. But at the same time, we were robbed of an extra episode of her. :( I’m sure I’ll like the twist in future episodes. Def curious how this will change things up.


I do like Syrus but I felt he took it too personally wanting to go on an elimination against Alton when he was messing up at the start of the main challenge. Like many other people were saying, it was better strategy-wise to go after Big Easy. Syrus would have had a better chance at beating Big Easy.


Sad to see Beth & Syrus go as I do really like their friendship. But not as sad with Syrus as he made a really bad call here.

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Kendal recapping the episode on twitter is great here's some things I learned. 


That describes her elimination round. 


Here's her talking about how she tried to talk Katie out of volunteering. 


Her after their big win. 


There was a lot more tweets follow her if you want in depth play by play of the episodes! 

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Thanks for providing all of those Kendal tweets regarding the elimination @QueenKalie. It’s really interesting learning it went on for 6 rounds when the show showed it as 3 rounds. Def some misleading editing there. :haha: 


Anywho it was another really good and enjoyable episode. It’s so interesting seeing this calm motherly side of Katie and it was nice of her to volunteer herself but I wish she hadn’t. I do get the reasoning but yeah… you should want to avoid elimination. :( I can totally get Kendal’s frustration there too. 


And Laterrian was growing on me more and more as the season went on. I appreciate how he wasn’t scared to go into the elimination with Katie. I was also interested in his and Aneesa’s storyline and how that would grow. Sad to see him & Katie both go. :( 


It was interesting seeing Mark & Kendall having to work together when he was trying to get rid of her but failed. :haha: I knew they would pull it off (and I was very surprised when they lost the ~first round) so congrats to them!


Although whaaattt at this twist at the end of next week’s episode clip with no Arena battles and everyone going to the final? A final with this many people? :dead: 

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Aww I felt bad for Kendal, I really thought she was a lock for the final. She had a hell of a season though. I hated seeing her vs. Jisela in the elimination because I think they have been the two stars amongst the women, which I didn't expect from either of them going into the season.


Sad to lose Nehemiah too. I can't say he was amazing this season, but I still love him in general. 0 for 2 against Big Easy, that's rough :haha:.


This Jisela and Aneesa storyline is crazy. Their friendship seemed really deep and real. This seems like such a minor thing to end a friendship over, but maybe they weren't as close as the show made it seem (or maybe there was more going on). On one hand, it seems like Jisela's acting ridiculous, but on the other hand I love the drama she brings :wub:


I really can't believe the final's already here. Double Agents was way too long and this was way too short :haha:. I still really hate that there's only one winner, I feel like KellyAnne's about to get screwed. My guess is Mark is gonna win, which feels like a lame and anticlimactic end to the season. Assuming a guy wins, I'm kinda rooting for Yes. I've just been enjoying him and I was impressed with how he saved himself this week. I wouldn't mind seeing Darrell win either though. I'd be happy to see any of the girls win because I think it'd be pretty impressive to see them pull that off since they're clearly the underdogs.

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Aww yeah I also felt really bad for Kendal in this latest episode. :( She worked hard and killed it on the first 2 eliminations she was apart of and I do think she deserved a spot in the finals. :( But I also really like Jisela so wasn’t wanting her to go…. but her being with Big Easy did kinda make me at ease for her to go if that were to happen. :haha:


Sad to see Nehemiah go.  Not really a fan of Big Easy but he did earn the win so I can’t complain at that.


I am happy to see Aneesa apart of the final. It’s been so long that I am happy she’s in it and didn’t have to be apart of the elimination for it.


And lol yeah the final coming up already is crazy…. and the cast is far too large for it. Also agree that Double Agents lasted too lon and this season lasted way too short too. It is a bummer there’s only one winner rather than a male and female winner which I would have preferred.

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I really liked the overall structure of the final for the most part I liked that they had a 2 day final and didn't take it easy on them. My only complaint is that they didn't have a male and a female winner instead opting for just 1 winner. This particular format for a final is completely fine but the men had a huge advantage especially on that last leg that you kinda just knew when you saw the last part that it was either going to be Yes or Darrell winning. They both did really well of course and Yes was a very deserving winner since he did kill it out there so I got no complaints about him winning I just feel bad for Jonna / KellyAnne they did so well but there was no way that they were gonna beat the guys in a race up that hill.  But anyways it was still a really good season and I hope they continue to do more of them in the future as there are people who were cast on this season that I would like to see again and then people who I would like to see replaced with "newer fresher faces". The people I was more invested in this season was more of the people that you don't see often and haven't seen in like a decade. No offense to the Darrell's Aneesa of the world but we see them regularly on the normal challenge I  want to see more of the people that we don't see often going forward. I also thought the people that you don't see much brought way more to the season then the regulars did.  The Kendal's, Latterian's, Yes's of the world I felt like brought way more to the show then the people who regularly get cast. 

Edited by QueenKalie
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Thoughts and rankings on the cast.

1. Kendal - She was obviously the star of the season and I really hope we get to see her again. She had only done 1 season of the challenge prior to this and she was always one of my favorites despite doing only 1 season since she was so awesome on the inferno and she was equally awesome on this season as well. I was really hoping that she would have made the final but she didn't and the way she went out sucked so hopefully we get more of her in the future.

2. KellyAnne - KellyAnne was the person I was rooting for to win the final even though I knew it wasn't likely to happen given the format. Her friendship with Kendal wasn't shown as much on the show but they are both great on social media and you can tell that they became really close from being on the show together. She did really good on the show and was probably the strongest female on the cast so I hope we get to see her again. 

3. Yes - He wasn't someone that I was very familiar with going into the season but I ended up becoming a fan of his. I was familiar with his name but I didn't remember much about him but he really killed it all season long and I would like to see him back again. 

4. Laterrian - Another person who's name I was familiar with but didn't remember much about who I think made a real impact on the season and who I wouldn't mind seeing back again.

5. Jonna- Jonna really surprised me in the final and throughout the season overall so I wouldn't mind seeing her again either.

6. Nehemiah - I like Nehemiah as well but it was super unfortunate how things ended up for him and Kendal but that wasn't his fault so I wouldn't mind seeing him again either.

7. Ruthie- It was nice to see Ruthie on the show again I enjoyed her on this season and I wouldn't mind seeing her again either.

8. Mark - While I am not a huge Mark Long fan I will give him credit for 2 things 1 he is the reason this show happened in the first place so thank you for that it was great. 2 his battle vs Laterrian in that elimination was pretty epic. So if he keeps coming back I wouldn't hate that.  

9. Jemmye - Jemmye does give some good confessions I will give her credit for that.  She also is good at politicking and strategy but she's never really been a favorite of mine. I wouldn't mind seeing her back but I am not attached to her. 

10. Beth - Grown up Beth I found a lot more tolerable than younger Beth so while I wouldn't mind seeing her again I am also not dying to see her again either. 

11. Jisela - She did better than I was expecting her to and she did provide some drama to the show so overall she provided more than I was expecting from her so I can't complain about that good for her.

12. Teck - Teck was funny and he made me laugh a bunch in those first few episodes. He shouldn't have volunteered himself for elimination though.

13. Syrus - Syrus is somewhat entertaining I guess but also kinda forgettable as well so he is just kinda whatever for me. 

14. Trishelle - She probably some early season drama which was entertaining I suppose. I am not shocked that she hasn't really grown up but the show did lack drama at times so she filled that role for the brief time she was on the show. 

15. Alton - Alton is okay I don't mind him at all and we haven't seen him in awhile so I am not burned out with him so I was fine with him but just not wowed by him.

16. Katie - We hadn't seen Katie in awhile so I didn't mind seeing her again. Her fight with Trishelle was entertaining but that was mostly just because Trishelle is still crazy lol. She clearly has matured and was a little more boring then normal I think. She also refused to do some challenges and volunteered to go into eliminations so that was kinda ehh. 

15. Darrell - Darrell did really good on the challenge and he is certainly better suited to compete against this crop of people vs the younger cast. That being said Darrell has been on a ton of seasons especially lately and he's really not all that interesting of a character to see that frequently so I wouldn't mind it if we don't see him again for awhile.

16. Ace- Ace was out early and didn't really contribute much to the show because of that. 

17. Derrick - Derrick lasted the whole time until the finale where he and Jisela were purged out but he contributed absolutely nothing to the season despite lasting basically the whole time. 

18. Annesa - I am sorry Anessa fans but she really  needs to retire. She is a nice person but she is on so many seasons that her storyline is just played out and I would rather see most other girls besides her at this point. Her story this time was a little different in that usually she loses right before the final but this time around she made the final. She performed poorly and was the only one to run up that hill slower than Easy so it proved why no one wanted to be her partner in double agents. 

19. Arissa - She was completely pointless on the show the entire season and then she throws a fit when she ended up in elimination and she quit so we definitely don't need to see her again. 

19. Big Easy - Easily my least favorite cast member going into the show and he will remain that way. I think he's an unlikable person that keeps getting asked back for unknown reasons and he usually brings down who he is partnered with. I felt bad for all the girls in the final because they were forced to be partners with him once and they ended up in last or second to last because they were stuck with him. They definitely need to stop casting this dude. 


Anyone below Teck on my list I don't really care to see on future seasons and would rather see other people that we hadn't seen in awhile replace these people. Everyone is fine and I wouldn't mind seeing again but we also don't need all of those people back next season. I would like to see a nice mixture of maybe half "new" people and half returning people. 

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Woo King Yes winning! I was all for it because it was so unexpected as I thought Darrell had such an advantage with his experience. I would have LOVED for a Jonna/Kellyanne win as well because they're both great likable characters as well. Jonna was the surprise of the season along with Yes because I did not think much of her before the season, but she was really one of my favorites this season for sure.


Queen Beth is still my overall fave from the season though. ROBBED per usual!

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I was happy for Yes! He's not usually my type of contestant, but some reason I was really drawn to him. Jonna & KellyAnne were robbed though, they killed that final and got robbed by the stupid points system of the final leg. I thought the way the final worked was genius and extremely fair towards everyone until then.


Overall, I enjoyed the season though. It left me wanting more, it was so short. But I'm also happy with where it ended.

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2 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

I was happy for Yes! He's not usually my type of contestant, but some reason I was really drawn to him. Jonna & KellyAnne were robbed though, they killed that final and got robbed by the stupid points system of the final leg. I thought the way the final worked was genius and extremely fair towards everyone until then.


Overall, I enjoyed the season though. It left me wanting more, it was so short. But I'm also happy with where it ended.

Yup I agree with all of this. 

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I’m really happy for Yes pulling out the win as I thought he was a rootable underdog and I really liked hm throughout the season. Of course I’ve been a fan of Darrell’s for a long time so I was rooting for him and sad he couldn’t pull it out. But no denying he’s an amazing competitor.


KellyAnne started off not so good but did an impressive job catching up and being a contender as the final continued. I think she got 3 first place finishes before the last race? 😮 And I am so proud of how Jonna competed on this final. I’ve been a fan of hers since the Real World Cancun season and have liked her on her other The Challenge seasons. I’m glad she was able to make her first final here and do a great job! But I also agree with the others that this final should have been a male and female winner, always thought that all season long.

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