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IDF's Contestant Ranking Scores


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I was the OP of the "Rank The Top 17" thread and that was secretly a competition to see which contestant would get the most points. I didn't count the 4-way KO people because it isn't confirmed who won yet.


Point system is Rank 16 = 1 point, Rank 15 = 2 points and so on... 


The number in parentheses is how many people picked them as their favorite.



1. Thunderstorm Artis - 275 pts (4)

2. Toneisha Harris - 260 pts (1)

3. Joanna Serenko - 253 pts (3)


4. Zan Fiskum - 242 pts (4)

5. Allegra Miles - 231 pts (3)

6. Todd Tilghman - 215 pts (3)

7. Megan Danielle - 207 pts 

8. Cedrice - 206 pts (1)


T9. CammWess - 182 pts (1)

T9. Joei Fulco - 182 pts 

11. Micah Iverson - 181 pts (1)

12. Arei Moon - 160 pts (1)


13. Mandi Thomas - 138 pts 

T14. Mandi Castillo - 110 pts

T14. Roderick Chambers - 110 pts


16. Mike Jerel - 39 pts



These results aren't really surprising, but I expected Joanna to be higher than Toneisha at least. I was also surprised not a single person chose Megan as #1. Other than that, the others make sense.


Also, RIP Mike, almost unanimously the worst contestant in the Top 16.


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Surprised at Megan being 7th, I thought she was more popular here. Expected Todd to be lower, because he´s the type of contestant that  IDF hates (Snowflake killer on Team Blake), but I see he´s quite respected. Toneisha definitely got a lot more fans since her KO, I remember her being unfavorably compared to other divas on the show at the beginning.


Yikes at Mike, but his downfall has been quite evident. After his blind I thought he could make the finale. Now I´m pretty convinced he won´t make it past the playoffs.



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26 minutes ago, Archanium said:

Wow Toneisha got 2nd, thought she was polarizing in here.


She's actually one of the most consistently high on the lists. I've seen a couple place Joanna/Tstorm really low but no one placed Toneisha at a low spot.

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