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Everything posted by rockerannah

  1. I liked Cassidy too.
  2. I must have missed why everyone hates him.
  3. Something weird I realized. I usually look at the cast info when they post it. I just look at their pics, age, and job and pick a person to win. I actually picked Gabler just from his photo and did the same with Kenzie. I ended up liking both of them.
  4. Is everyone loving Bodie's song "RIP"? I do!
  5. I agree. I love Dan and Shay's songs but if Tae was going to do one, I think there were better options. He still sounded amazing.
  6. Oh no. Don't wish "Fancy Like" on my boy Tae.
  7. 1. Tae Lewis 2. Bryan Olesen 3. Nathan Chester 4. Madison Curbelo 5. Karen Waldrup 6. Josh Sanders 7. Maddi Jane 8. Asher Havon 9. Serenity Arce
  8. Could you make one of Tae Lewis for me?
  9. I supposed that's an opinion and we are all allowed to have different ones, luckily. I thought he sounded great, and even if he was tired, he played the part well because the performance felt genuine and alive and not forced.
  10. Jack Triston Emmy Abi Will
  11. Leah Marlene got 3rd place her seasons but her "finale/coronation song" Flowers was written by her.
  12. Apparently this is a late season opinion but I thought Emmy was great last week and this week, and people on the Youtube comments are ripping her to shreds.
  13. With the exception of Jack, I feel like everyone else forgot this was a competition.
  14. I really wish they hadn't used the Bell early on because Beets and Gumball both deserved to be in the final. My finals ranking: 1. Gumball 2. Poodlemoth 3. Goldfirsh 4. Clock
  15. So sad about my Beet boys. I wanted them to win the whole thing. They're so freaking good and sound amazing together!
  16. I am surprised after THAT performance, Jackie got eliminated. She was amazing.
  17. More people need to realize the talent and beauty that is Jack Blocker.
  18. Just catching up on last night's episode. This was the first time I liked Kaibrienne. Thought she did great and now she's gone.
  19. 1. Jack Blocker 2. McKenna Breinholt 3. Triston Harper 4. Emmy Russell 5. Julia Gannon 6. Abi Carter 7. Will Moseley
  20. Just Sam sounded like Whitney. They sounded amazing!! and looked incredible!
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