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British Man

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Everything posted by British Man

  1. I certainly hope Ed Sheeran doesn't try and give and giving singing advice to Wendy. That would be like Marisa Corvo trying to give advice to Celine Dion
  2. The title pretty much says it all. From the past 5 seasons, I chose a performance in the Knockouts that caused the artist singing it to go home, and now they're all in a poll, for you to choose who you think was best. If you believe that there was one I didn't choose that was the best, choose 'Other', and state who you would've put.
  3. Okay, I have a feeling this one is definitely unpopular Beth Griffith Manley's Audition > Maelyn Jarmon's Audition
  4. I'm just praying that they only montage 'bad' performances. I'm also praying that if they do montage bad performances, they don't show the best part to make viewers feel like they're missing out on something much more.
  5. Her runs are really good. It's definitely a great audition, but it has the same issue as Katherine's, which is that someone else already did it better (imo).
  6. I'm gonna swoop in for the kill on unpopular opinions I like The Cunningham Sisters more than Girl Named Tom I think Girl Named Tom are better singers, but I have not warmed up to them at all yet.
  7. I'm sorry to be that person, but shouldn't this be 23a and 23b since they're the same?
  8. Samuel and Bella being the highest ranked non-4 chair turns
  9. 1. Samara - Casually tackling a Chaka Khan song, perfecting every note, and only getting 2 chairs. Smh Blake and Kelly 2. Holly - Incredibly pleasing to listen to. Some really incredible vocals there. I can't wait for what's to come from her. 3. Jeremy - Some lovely belts and falsetto here. Furthermore, the best versions of Country songs are song by non-country artists. 4. Hailey - Played it pretty safe, leading to a faultless performance that leaves you wanting more, in a good way, and a bad way. 5. Joy Reunion - I can't lie, this is a bop, and I'm surprised how many country artists I've liked this season. 6. Raquel - Her runs are amazing, but it did take until the chorus for it to get really good. 7. Keilah - Some vocal choices didn't turn out perfect, but this girl got vocals for days. 8. Carson - Uhhhh... at least he's cute?
  10. I've been looking at your scores for this week and last week, and, I must say, I really appreciate the fact that your scores have all been above 7 so far (you might've been doing this for a while, but I've noticed it now). Like, usually, a lot of people consider 7 as the 'average' score, and, anyone who gets a chair turn on the voice is definitely above average in terms of singing ability, and I like that that fact is being reflected by your scores. I truly mean no offence to anyone who scores differently.
  11. Bella is my favourite too. I literally watched it in awe. Then, I watched the show with my mother, and she said "I didn't think it was that good", so we definitely have contrasting opinions.
  12. 1. Bella DeNapoli 2. Wendy Moten 3. Holly Forbes 4. Samara Brown 5. Gymani
  13. Bella Denapoli - Damaged - 10 David Vogel - breathin - 6.5 Janora Brown - Angel of Mine - 7.75 Kaitlyn Velez - Please Don't Go - 7.0 The Cunningham Sisters - Never Alone - 8.5
  14. "How about we just make it a triple montage? That'll teach kids to choose to come here due to their life ruining disease" - Some producer
  15. I want to hear the conversation between the people deciding whether or not they should montage a Make a Wish kid.
  16. I only join 2 Fan Clubs each season. Last season was Gihanna and Carolina. Add me. I normally wait until knockouts to decide, but I can't NOT join after that audition.
  17. Raquel Trinidad - I Wish - 8.25 The Joy Reunion - Boondocks - 6.75 Hailey Mia - you broke me first - 9.0 Jeremy Rosado - Here Comes Goodbye - 9.0 Carson Peters - Tulsa Time - 7.0 Keliah Grace - Never Tear Us Apart - 7.5 Samara Brown - Sweet Thing - 9.75 Holly Forbes - Rocket Man - 9.75 This episode was so amazing. The only 'lackluster' ones were The Joy Reunion and Carson Peters.
  18. Does anyone here know the App Turn Percentages for Marco Salvador (back in Episode 1) and Keilah Grace? I've been keeping track of the percentages I see on the forums, but I can't seem to find these two, and I can't find 'The Voice' app on the app store because I live in Canada.
  19. I don't know about y'all, but I think that was such a good episode. There were so many talented artists.
  20. I actually think Lana's audition is my most watched audition so far lmao. That's why I put it at 4th on my Top 5 so far. But yeah, I found "Wildest Dreams" to be an interesting song choice, but I am really looking forward to it. Though, I'm not the best at predicting whether or not something will be good, since I assumed Zania would do well with Dangerous Woman I'm not the person who made that poll about whether or not Lana will make the finale, because, let's face it, she probably won't, but if she does well in her knockout, I'll actually be rooting for her to get the Coach Choice over Paris and LiBianca.
  21. I don't think the outrage will be the same this year though (at least I hope not). Like, Carson ended up making his performance worse to the point where the coaches felt as if they had to call it out, while there wasn't anything wrong with Ethan's performance, it's just Jordan was better. Like, everyone on YouTube loved Kelsie Watts, but when the knockouts happened, people recognized that there was something wrong with Kelsie's performance (and the coaches didn't even call Kelsie out on that), so they were fine with Madeline winning that knockout. Of course, I am not the best at predictions, but maybe this will be more like Kelsie vs Madeline compared to Ethan vs Jordan?
  22. Did they both not do so well? Like, if Lana did really well and deservingly beat Carson, there won't be much outrage, so it wouldn't make sense for The Voice to montage it. If they both didn't do too well and it could've gone either way (or if Carson did better), then there would be more outrage to losing Carson, so I feel like The Voice would montage that in order to avoid backlash. At least, I assume it would work that way.
  23. Just a friendly reminder, but I'd recommend not to update too often. Because, if you were to update every time a new singer was introduced then you'd have: One after Blind Audtion Ep. 3 One after Blind Audition Leak for Ep. 4 One after Blind Audition Ep. 4 One after Blind Audition leak for Ep. 5 One after Blind Audition Ep. 5 One after Blind Audition leak for Ep. 6 One after Blind Audition Ep. 6 That's 7 updates
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