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British Man

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Everything posted by British Man

  1. Honest to god, I thought Zania was better than Cam. I mean no disrespect to Cam, as his performance was amazing, I just had a tiny nitpick about the way he delivered "it's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new life". I think he didn't put enough power in the "it's a new day" part. Like, there are 3 parts, and they're supposed to get increasingly more powerful, but it seems like the first 2 parts had the same power. It's the tiniest little critique though, and it's probably just me. I still think his performance was vocally flawless, and I would've probably given it a 9.8 looking back on it instead of a 9.6. I post this very aware of how much I'm gonna be killed.
  2. Good lord this wasn't easy and I don't think y'all will agree with this. Knockouts #1 Corey Ward - 9.5 Ryleigh Modig - 8.8 Jordan Matthew Young - 7.7 Ethan Lively - 8.0 Ciana Pelekai - 7.0 Pia Renee - 9.7 Dana Monique - 9.6 Keegan Ferrell - 7.4 Victor Solomon - 9.0 Gean Garcia - 6.4 Andrew Marshall - 8.5 Pete Mroz - 8.5 Knockouts #2 Rachel Mac - 9.2 Zae Romeo - 9.4 Kenzie Wheeler - 8.6 Avery Roberson - 7.6 Rio Doyle - 6.8 Zania Alake - 10.0 Connor Christian - 4.8 Cam Anthony - 9.6 Anna Grace - 8.8 Gihanna Zoe - 9.7 Emma Caroline - 7.5 Devan Blake Jones - 6.1 Carolina Rial - 8.9 Savanna Woods - 9.3
  3. I'm sorry, but what does WNTS mean? The only WNTS I know is Washington National Tax Service, and I don't think that can be applied to The Voice.
  4. That's it. I'm becoming religious and moving countries.
  5. Oh wow it was difficult to choose between Kymberli Joye and MaKenzie Thomas, but Kymberli barely won for me. This season was good, but I was upset that Kymberli, SandyRedd, MaKenzie, Patrique, DeAndre, Natasia (she did flop in Playoffs) Zaxai, and RADHA went out earlier than I wanted them all to.
  6. Am I allowed to post my Knockout ratings?
  7. You're right about that. We need to view it as "our favourite won" or "our favourite lost" instead of "our favourite beat ___" or "our favourite got beat by __" Like, when Kimberly Nichole lost, people viewed it as "India Carney beat Kimberly", and then India got attacked by some of Kimberly's fans for something that wasn't even her fault. Focus on who you like, and not on who they beat or who beat them. We don't have to push other contestants down to raise ours up.
  8. Let me begin off by saying that I understand your point of view. The reason Gihanna is being hyped up so much is because of her ability to perform shown from her knockouts, not from her issues from the battles (or blind auditions, though I believe that she was pitchy at the start for a stylistic effect, but that's just me). Currently, we've seen that Gihanna CAN put on a performance that is worthy of the Public Vote, and therefore, we believe in her to do well. The thing is, I'm one of Gihanna's fans, and so are most of the people that are hyping her up. When we watch Gihanna's performances, we prioritize her rich tone, beautiful phrasing, lovely enunciation, and emotion, and we focus on those things, because when you focus on the bad, you let the bad things define the performance. When you say "Her BA was pitchy", you make it sound like the whole thing was bad, when there were some good moments (enough good moments to make Kelly and Nick turn their chair) Also, while the argument of "If you criticize them a lot, they'll be more determined" does make sense, it doesn't account for the fact that everyone reacts to negative feedback differently. Some people think "I will do better next time" while others think "I HAVE to do better next time", and when you believe you have to do better next time, you get nervous. Honestly, I don't know what point I'm trying to make here, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that Gihanna's fans (anyone's fan, really) are allowed to like her, even if she might not have been perfect.
  9. Excuse me for changing topic, but was I the only one slightly annoyed at how the judges didn't stand up for Anna's (Kelly did, but not the others) and Gihanna's knockout performances?
  10. Also Danish Monarch. She's definitely going to be Nick's PV, and if she isn't there's no way she isn't the coaches choice. Oh, and Cam too. He's safe.
  11. Team Kelly PV: Gihanna Zoe (obviously) CS: Corey Ward WC: Zae Romeo Team John PV: Zania Alake CS: Pia Renee WC: Ryleigh Modig (Carolina Rial if she won the 4-way) Team Nick PV: Dana Monique CS: Andrew Marshal WC: Eh who cares about the other two. Team Blake PV: Cam Anthony CS: Anna Grace WC: Pete Mroz WC Winner: Ryleigh/Carolina
  12. Yeah just clone her 9 times and we can have the best possible Top 9.
  13. I'm wondering, are most of us accepting that Savanna probably won the 4 way?
  14. Well, my memory might be foggy, but I do remember Victor talking about holding back during the Battles and Knockouts. If that is true, and he brings his A-Game when it comes to the Playoffs, he should outshine Pia and Zania. Personally, I like Zania and Pia more than him, but that's just me.
  15. She won't have to save Gihanna, because Gihanna will get the public vote.
  16. You know, I didn't think about that. Joanna Serenko and Anna Grace were both 4 chair turns who ended up on Blake's team in the knockouts (and both sung Billie Eilish at some point before the playoffs) Michael Williams and Andrew Marshal were both 1 chair turns that drastically improved from their blinds. If those two are in the running for the wildcard, it would be a bit similar to S18 I mean, I can't make any comparisons to Cedrice and Mandi though, and I doubt Anna will win over Zae, Savanna, or Gihanna, but I do get the comparison
  17. As Kenzie Wheeler once said, "Beer never broke my heart, but Gihanna not getting the public vote would"
  18. They better. She's definitely my favourite this season, and she's been that way since the blinds ("she used to be mine" is in my top 10 in terms of songs). I guess she just has so much good competition. The only way she's going through to the top 9 is if she gets the wildcard, or if by some miraculous occurence, she gets the PV, as Kelly would no doubt choose Corey or Kenzie (and probably Zae and Savanna) over her. I'm hopeful, but I'm not confident. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, as cliché as that sounds.
  19. If I were to go on a show like that and I messed up badly during a certain part, I'd probably want my performance to be montaged, to at least give the illusion that it was good. I'm not condoning montages, but I think they make a little sense for when the contestants mess up. Montaging Kelsie's battle though (there are others but that one sticks out for me) is definitely wrong though, because I heard that one was amazing.
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