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Everything posted by colemanftw

  1. 9. Chavon Rodgers - strained, messy, bad arrangment, mumbly, nope. sorry 8. Carolina Alonso - diction wasn't all the way there and she built up way too soon, cool tone though 7. Lana Scott - interesting tone and choices but lacked power and presence was off 6. Paris Winningham - solid but generic, even the 'exciting' parts were way too predictable to me 5. Jim and Sasha - very soothing and solid throughout, just lacked the magic and tightness GNT had 4. Hailey Green - yes, tone! Great song choice, wish we got more power and some belts weren't great 3. Joshua Vacanti - clarity, power, range! Liked his tone, too. I wish had sang literally anything else, the song is too theatrical for me, also wish he showed more restraint in the beginning 2. Gymani - enjoyed this much more on the second listen, even ended up liking her gymnastics 1. Samuel Harness - snowflake, best audition this season so far, no complaints whatsoever
  2. These ratings officially prove there won't be a change in the voting demographic.
  3. What happened with Wendy's audition on Facebook? Is it a repost? It's way behind in likes, views and shares.
  4. I liked the beginning, pretty tone, she kinda lost me halfway through those gymnastics but I could see her thriving with Kelly.
  5. Some folks on Facebook don't think it's fair Wendy is competing. It's not the majority but not a negligible amount.
  6. Girl Named Tom - Helplessly Hoping - 9 Katie Rae - The Bones - 3 Peedy Chavis - Heartbreak Hotel - 7 Jonathan Mouton - Leave The Door Open - 8.5 Katherine Ann Mohler - We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off - 7 Jack Rogan - House of The Rising Sun - 6 Kinsey Rose - Cowboy Take Me Away - 6.5 Vaughn Mugol - The A Team - 5 Wendy Moten - We Can Work It Out - 9.5
  7. 9. Katie Rae - i didn't like it at all. Wrong song choice, felt off, didn't like the big notes, tone is unpleasant to me, sorry. 8. Vaughn Mogul - few nice moments but overall very unmemorable 7. Jack Rogan - while interesting and fresh, rough moments and felt disconnected 6. KInsey Rose - decent, some rough moments, didn't like the higher parts, doesn't stand out 5. Katherine Ann Mohler - nice tone, connected, the higher parts need more finesse and didn't stand out/blow me away 4. Peedy Chavis - nice warm, deep tone and has presence but felt gimmicky 3. Jonathan Mouton - smooth, great tone, liked it a lot. Not a capital M moment but still great. 2. GNT - very tight, impressive. Potential snowflake alert. 1. Wendy Moten - wow. There are people who can belt the entire performance but she is one of the few that should. Not necessarily my style and the song choice could've been better but definitely show-stopping.
  8. B-. It felt very much like a Monday of the second or third week with a lot of good auditions and one clearly outstanding to close it out.
  9. If they had to wait for this performance to recognize Kelly's talent, they know nothing about vocals.
  10. Yeah, I remember them calling Ariana the best, most versatile singer when it was announced she'd be a coach.
  11. I was shocked by this, too. The most popular comments praise Kelly and some even directly talk about her superior vocals in comparison to Ariana. While obvious, I don't think it's necessary. Both are incredible vocalists.
  12. They should've just let it stay there. This way, a random Ariana fan account will pick up their views.
  13. Yeah, I said a minimum of 7. If there were indeed more, I'd expect 3 four chair turns on the premiere.
  14. Even if they put artists like Jeremy, TJR and Jack that Ariana didn't turn for, they still need at least a four chair turn. With minimum of seven four chair turns, we'll have most likely two on the premiere. And if Ariana really didn't get any, we'll see her defeated twice already on Monday night. I'd lean to acts like Carson or GNT that are obvious matches to other coaches so it won't be that big of an upset. On the other hand, they'll also showcase a block. If John blocked Ariana, that'd perfectly line up with story they're setting. If not, they'll probably just air Holly because eventually goes to Team Ariana, anyway.
  15. You agreeing with me and Audra? On the same day, too? All hell's about to break loose.
  16. On a more serious note, I think Vaugh did well. The song isn't very demanding vocally, still he had few solid moments. His tone is very smooth but also kinda generic. I don't think he stands out. I can see why Ariana dropped him so soon. This leak further proves the point that the entire premiere will be hyping up Ariana. They probably fill it up with people she didn't turn for and the three chair turns that picked her.
  17. Brooke KILLED it. I think she did run out of air at the very end but luckily the band was so loud, I don't think it was very noticeable and none of the judges mentioned it. The arrangement was CRAZY, she was either belting, running or singing very fast the entire time, I'm very impressed. Perhaps, I wouldn't listen to it on repeat but she did what she needed for the setting. I hope she wins it all.
  18. Hm, they leaked John's artists for four season in a row so I don't think they care about that. Also, leaking an artist that eventually chooses them doesn't do anything to hype them up pre-season. Only a handful of people know the contestant chose them. Kelly and John don't need much hype anymore anyway. People have opinions on them and one promo won't change it but it's just something they do every season for each coach so it's odd they still haven't done it.
  19. We don't know whose audition is the one where Blake 'pushes' the chair back, right?
  20. Another Ariana video, rip John and Kelly this season, I guess. It's all about Blake vs Ariana
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