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Everything posted by AliXRose

  1. Wendy No finalist If there’s a top 5, maybe Samuel but I’m not even sure tbh, I think both Blake and Kelly will have 2 finalists and Ariana 1.
  2. Jershika vs. Paris Jershika Katie
  3. Now that we know the comeback artist won’t impact the PV and CS, nor even the one getting to sing for the WC spot, I’m surprised Kelly picked Aaron.
  4. It all depends on the Coach Saves, if my snowflakes get the axe then I’ll need some really good drama to keep me invested Enjoy them being outlasted by the comeback kid
  5. No but seriously she's making me enjoy songs I've never liked before, she's SOO good !
  6. Lmaooo I’m dying right now picturing her chilling with a cocktail and being unbothered af
  7. Interesting thumbnail ... I guess the interns shouldn't be fired after all
  8. Omg get over it ... He didn't want to make the finale, period.
  9. I was SOOO ready to enjoy this waffle party but now I'm getting nervous about those males
  10. Samara and it’s not even close. If it’s the app Hailey wins, if on Twitter Vaughn will. Both Hailey and Vaughn would have a shot at the WC, nothing less nothing more imo.
  11. Maybe the winner will just have a chance to compete against the WC artists for the 13th spot ?
  12. Gymani's KO was great. People act like she went full on screamer mode from A to Z but she only went crazy on the second chorus.
  13. It comes down to either she gets the Tish treatment, or the Kymberli treatment. Hopefully the latter.
  14. Why is Vaughn Ariana's comeback artist when Katherine made the knockouts and fairly won the battle against him by the way ?
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