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Everything posted by AliXRose

  1. But still didn’t care to make Zania a three chair ... jk she was a four chair
  2. They reminded me of Injoy's daughter and Marina Chello's son, they're so adorable Back on topic, I have a feeling that Zania's battle will be on the second episode and she might be the leak. Fingers crossed
  3. I liked the idea of cross battles But it's still a shame that they flopped that hard
  4. I was watching her audition for the hundredth time and can we talk about how cute and supportive her family and children are ? They literaly warmed my heart
  5. Yeah he definitely had no business going to John's team, even though Nick would've dumped him too (I mean he even droped Zae but who knows)
  6. Do you guys think Ryleigh made the best decision going to team Legend ? What would her odds have been on team Nick ?
  7. Well, a save is the least he could do after he gave them that song ...
  8. Well that whole situation is messed up, it's crazy how one bad decision can screw up a lot of things
  9. I didn't see it from that pov, it's true Gean went earlier but still didn't got the steal
  10. Lmao this is literaly everyone trying to chose a favorite, this team is good
  11. Honestly I was surprised watching the promo, I mean she's not at Kelly's level (no one is lmao) but she's fire too so it could've been way worse. Imagine if they brought up Kane Brown as a replacement, holy sh*t just the thought of that ...
  12. I think it was me lmao well they could still bring Kermit the frog as a mentor for top 9 contestants
  13. Mark Hood vs. Celeste - Ain't No Mountain High Enough She eventually got the comeback spot but her not moving forward was a crime
  14. I'm just thinking, it would've been great if Kelsea was actually her battle advisor in the first place, it would've seemed less out of the blue
  15. I actually think Kelly would've chosen Ryleigh too She spoke very highly of her after her BA
  16. Episode 5 getting the recognition it deserves I though the blinds overall were good
  17. Based on BA, Cam but the rest of them might grow on me.
  18. That was hard ! I voted Anna Grace but I love Ryleigh, Gihanna, Savanna, Corey and Halley
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