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Everything posted by Misirlou

  1. They didn't, but he and Xavier are Kelly's only pairing next week, and they are not gonna leave her with nothing for a 2hr episode.
  2. Her style is not my cup of tea but for the most part it was a very good vocal.
  3. Her lower register is a bit lackluster, but she shines when she goes high.
  4. She did good. That's about it for me. Gorgeous ending though.
  5. Alright, 2nd night of KOs. Last night was so good. Lets see how this one stacks up.
  6. Also, its definitely interesting to see how many contestants seem to be outdone in battles yet get chosen. And they deliver a spectacular KO that makes you think "I thought they lost their battles but I would have missed on listening this had they gone home" Not referring to an especific contestant this season, just realized that this constantly happens for me.
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVgm8RUNadX/ Ironic that they put this now since Blake will be practically missing in action tonight.
  8. This would be a great finale, but out of these I can actually see 2 really being here (GNT and Wendy). Holly could probably be there too but not fully convinced yet. I would love it for Samuel to be here but he has a tough mountain to climb.
  9. That being said, Holly is surprisingly low in the poll. Joshua is actually beating her. I actually preferred him to her last night. Not sure if unpopular or not given the praise he got last night too.
  10. Oh, then yeah, I get what you mean. I knew Wendy's was gonna be well recieved, and while GNT was my favorite last night, I didnt expect it to be IDF's as well.
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