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Everything posted by QueenCami

  1. can this post be removed? this is only here as a joke, and even if it weren't, it would be more efficient to have a thread about all singers.
  2. if she had an incredible performance, and Todd utterly flipped she would have gotten PV (like Kyla vs Pryor), but Todd is pretty consistent so I would argue that wouldn't happen in the first place and the results would be the same as we predicted before POs.
  3. Nick: Thunderstorm, Allegra, [Michael] Kelly: Megan, Micah, [Cedrice] John: CammWess, Zan, [Mandi C.] Blake: Todd, Toneisha, [Joanna] Predictions for PV, CS, [IS]. The winner of IS, will likely be Joanna. Megan and Micah can be switched, and I'm not sure who will win PV in John's team but otherwise I feel somewhat confident.
  4. 1. Thunderstorm (10) 2. Allegra (9.8) 3. Toneisha (9.5) 4. Zan (9.5) 5. Micah (9.2) 6. Megan (8.5) 7. CammWess (8.5) 8. Joanna (8.5) 9. Todd T. (8.2) 10. Joei (8) - 11. Cedrice (7) 12. Mandi C. (7) 13. Roderick (6.7) 14. Michael (6.5) - 15. Mandi T. (6) 16. Arei (5.5) 17. Mike (3)
  5. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Toneisha 4. Zan 5. Micah 6. Megan 7. CammWess 8. Joanna 9. Todd T. 10. Joei - 11. Cedrice 12. Mandi C. 13. Roderick 14. Michael - 15. Mandi T. 16. Arei 17. Mike the first set (which is surprisingly large) is the people I thought were good. the second set is both interesting and slightly pitchy, and also uninteresting and on-pitch the last set is off-pitch and boring
  6. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Toneisha 4. Zan 5. Micah 6. Megan 7. CammWess 8. Joanna 9. Todd T. 10. Joei - 11. Cedrice 12. Mandi C. 13. Roderick 14. Michael - 15. Mandi T. 16. Arei 17. Mike he was good but not very exciting I guess
  7. lol nick's attention grabbing thing with the shut up Blake thing was dumb and failed
  8. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Toneisha 4. Zan 5. Micah 6. Megan 7. CammWess 8. Joanna 9. Joei - 10. Cedrice 11. Mandi C. 12. Roderick 13. Michael - 14. Mandi T. 15. Arei 16. Mike honestly thought it was great, but not amazing
  9. RIP. at least then maybe toneisha will get CS over Joanna - but she better get WC winner. honestly if T9 goes as I hope (which likely won't happen), I won't even know what I want from the finale
  10. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Toneisha 4. Zan 5. Micah 6. Megan 7. CammWess 8. Joei - 9. Cedrice 10. Mandi C. 11. Roderick 12. Michael - 13. Mandi T. 14. Arei 15. Mike clearly I like this more than most others on idf. she barely gets into the first category (of interesting people). this was nice
  11. toneisha better get CS (and Blake will probably choose her), they're just setting joanna up for WC
  12. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Toneisha 4. Zan 5. Micah 6. Megan 7. CammWess - 8. Cedrice 10. Mandi C. 11. Roderick 12. Michael - 13. Mandi T. 14. Arei 15. Mike she seemed to run out of breath a little throughout the performance, but toneisha did well - not as good as diamonds tho
  13. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Micah 5. Megan 6. CammWess - 7. Cedrice 8. Mandi C. 9. Roderick 10. Michael - 11. Mandi T. 12. Arei 13. Mike although Cedrice was a little pitchy, she was interesting, and ill take that over boring. also, note that the first singer seems to be the TCO/person they're pushing for each team: Thunderstorm Artis Zan Fiskum Megan Danielle Toneisha Harris
  14. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Micah 5. Megan 6. CammWess - 7. Mandi C. 8. Roderick 9. Michael - 10. Mandi T. 11. Arei 12. Mike wow... how did this happen?
  15. I love how Micah just ignored the 30 different sets of clothes they sent him and wore something casual
  16. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Megan 5. CammWess 6. Mandi T. 7. Mandi C. 8. Roderick 9. Michael 10. Arei 11. Mike she falls into the ok, but a little boring (compared to before). her KO sounded a lot more energetic and powerful and im sad cause she could've done better
  17. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Megan 5. CammWess 6. Mandi C. 7. Roderick 8. Michael 9. Arei 10. Mike Maybe the reason I thought this was really good was because ive never heard the original, but not as good as her KO. not gonna lie, a lot of the PO performances have been underwhelming so this ranks pretty high.
  18. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. CammWess 5. Mandi C. 6. Roderick 7. Michael 8. Arei 9. Mike cammwess wasn't as impressive as he was in his knockout, but this was still good, and better than the bottom 5 so far (which were kinda underwhelming)
  19. mike was super pitchy, and although Mandi sounded nice, she wasn't anything impressive. also cammwess is better than mike and Mandi imo lmao
  20. 1. Thunderstorm 2. Allegra 3. Zan 4. Mandi C. 5. Roderick 6. Michael 7. Arei 8. Mike mandi c., roderick, and Michael all fall under the same category, they sound nice, but didn't do anything impressive. ALSO YES BLAKE CLOSING
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