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Everything posted by QueenKalie

  1. Can't wait for my 72 noms :devil:
  2. I thought I noticed this but wasn't sure if I was going crazy or not!
  3. I loved Laci Kate Booth version of Stars on Idol if MB can replicate that she will have a moment for sure.
  4. Nicole & Travis can definitely gtfo out of that group.
  5. I ranked Sleeping Beauty 17th so 20 isn't too far off. I do agree with Steven about liking this type of animation more than what's popular now. In other words more Pixar movies please!
  6. If you think these cuts were bad just wait till its my turn to nominate
  7. If they wanted a country pop singer I think they would probably look more towards the Kelsea's and Marens of the world instead.
  8. Rob & Amber Okay everyone is well aware of who Rob & Amber are and I believe they really only have 1 fan and that person is no longer in this game so I don't think this will be a controversial cut at all. Rob & Amber met on Survivor and they fell in love and got married and had a bunch of kids. Rob has played Survivor a million times Amber has been twice and they both ran the Amazing Race twice. They were 2 time losers on the Amazing Race so unlike on Survivor neither of them came away with a win. They caused a lot of drama on both seasons which is no real surprise given Rob's personality. The way they lost in All Stars was iconic though. Rob couldn't find a letter and everyone passed him up. They eventually got into a sprint vs Charla and Mirna but they were too far behind them and they were eliminated from the race. Unfortunately we will be stuck seeing them on tv again but hopefully they don't last that long on the all winners season. Saving Freddy & Kendra.
  9. Save Freddy & Kendra cut Rob & Amber
  10. This always happens when their is a vote
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