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Everything posted by AngelaKD

  1. Elissa Felman at 19 Recordings is still pushing her pet project Francisco Martin, I see.
  2. 3 of the coaches—What are you singing? Kelly—I picked this Reba song for you!
  3. It’s getting better ratings than the Voice.
  4. Everyone knows it’s never about the contestants, but I still don’t care.
  5. They’ve turned the semi-final voting into an Instant Save, except 5/8 get saved? I remain confuzzled.
  6. This would be the Tuesday results show. The contestants would mostly be on Monday.
  7. I don’t know how accurate this is, because they definitely had CeeLo back as a guest coach after his scandal broke.
  8. Too left field, has a huge scandal hanging over her and has taken every possible opportunity to distance herself from the show!
  9. If the show ends up NYC based, would Gwen do it? Blake wouldn’t move, that’s why they had to wait.
  10. So one theatrical and one tv Disney song? That explains why Sofia Carson is mentoring, since she’s connected to the Descendants tv movie franchise.
  11. You know what? At this point, they might as well go full Voice AU, let the coaches pick their semi-finalist and have a small studio audience pick the winner. They’re killing the show regardless.
  12. Whoever was assigned to edit and update the voting rules for this shortened season done screwed up. The rules don’t make any sense.
  13. But the total votes per team will vary. It’s like apples and oranges. Why not make it the person who came closest to the winner?
  14. If it’s one vote per team, it would have to be a Top 4 or they have to pick the 5th finalist a different way.
  15. He said he knew of MaKenzie already.
  16. Holly—I Fall to Pieces by Patsy Cline D. Smooth— Gina—Breath (2AM) by Anna Nalick Ryley—In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel Sorrelle—Brave by Sarah Barellies Ray—People by Libianca NOIVAS— Grace—Sunny Came Home by Shawn Colvin
  17. She’s also charting on the Urban and Rhythmic genre charts, currently #36 and #32 respectively.
  18. I assume it has something to do with the intensity of his fans, lol.
  19. He turned down the coronation gig, so it’s all a bit awkward.
  20. Technically no one is closing because after all the performances, there will be at least one break and then the coaches pick their semi-finalists.
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