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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. They have meds for that. BTW, you can put me on ignore if the stats I post bother you that much.
  2. Man, you really need to get your anger issues under control.
  3. Really? https://www.instagram.com/p/7y8_1ZJmp8/?igshid=1co60ni6nbwzu
  4. 4th place: Rose 3rd place: Ricky 2nd place: Hoot! Winner: Katie Jake has a shot with the massive cumulative vote, though.
  5. I only said that, because you were eliminating black females to whittle it down to as small of a number as possible.
  6. Spensha is a country singer, though. Are you sure we should count her?
  7. They're all 30+. First time that's ever happened, I believe.
  8. Yeah, you were right. Facebook numbers aren't a good indicator. They don't mean anything. Oops!
  9. You're missing the one from S8 who has multiple Grammy noms. ETA: I just remembered her name. Koryn Hawthorne.
  10. No I didn't. I kept giving her a chance. Every week. But she kept sucking. Sorry!
  11. It's a long history of flopping for Team Gwen. Rose would have gotten PV on Blake's team.
  12. She's a boat anchor for her team. She's never had a PV. How many seasons is this for her now?
  13. She's built up an enormous following over the season. It didn't really matter what she did last night.
  14. Katie is probably winning y'all. Jake's only chance is the cumulative vote from the streaming bonuses.
  15. No mention of the streaming bonus again, which probably means Jake got it.
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