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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. No direction, no chance. I suspected this about her after a while.
  2. We need another “robe” incident, or something along those lines, to make this season more interesting. “Robe” was the most entertaining thing to happen on this show in years. Maybe ever.
  3. We have to pretend we’ve never heard of them, that they would be learning new songs every week (some of them not ideal choices), and put through the grueling schedule. Only Kelly has proven she can do all of that and handle the intense pressure of competition with millions watching. Kelly would probably win almost every season as long as she wasn’t bussed. However, there’s always a chance she’d be knocked off by one of the teens. You never know who the audience will gravitate to. John would probably get Mero’d. Those two have a similar arrogance to them. They even look similar. Blake might make most finales, but he’s not the best vocalist. Hoot could sing him under the table, tbh. Blake has had a lot of country singers on his team over the years who are way better singers than him. There’s also a chance TPTB would bus Blake for TCO. Gwen would have a difficult time making it through the producer auditions to even get a BA. If she somehow turned a chair, she’d be instant fodder.
  4. Slightly different than mine, but I can’t really argue with any of it. It’s a crapshoot!
  5. I’ll concede that Chris is much better than Shane. I was only comparing their low social media numbers and mystery voters. If Shane gets the streaming bonus next week, it will be time to start worrying. :teehee:
  6. Actually, the video is fine on my phone at least. If this were a Voice battle, we would have had the same result as her battle with Mikele Buck.
  7. She’s performing at the National Christmas tree lighting. https://twitter.com/officialchevel/status/1...2600443904?s=21
  8. You can, but it’s a good thing you didn’t do it last week! In all seriousness, what if we have a Chris Kroeze situation here? He could squeak by for another week or two if he isn’t terrible.
  9. Actually, that’s not a risky play. You’re selling Jake high. If he wins, all that means is you left a little money on the table, but now you can take those profits and buy even more shares of Myracle on the cheap. :) What it really means is you’re not convinced Jake will win or finish in 2nd. I actually changed my Jake play from Buy to Hold.
  10. You seriously came up with that list from memory? Damn, that's impressive!
  11. pen·ny stock noun a common stock valued at less than one dollar, and therefore highly speculative. -- Sometimes you can make a lot of money on penny stocks, but Shane Q likely isn't one of those. If you disagree, go all in on Shane Q stock, and he ends up winning, you might be able to retire at a young age.
  12. Buy: If I think someone is on the rise, I'm buying more. For example, I'm buying more Joana stock, because I think she's undervalued, due to the poor song choice. There's definitely some risk there, because Gwen might give her another bad song next week. Hold: If I already own stock in a contestant who seems to be holding steady, I'm just going to hold onto it for now. For example, Ricky seems to be middling, and I can probably buy his stock at a reasonable price, but he needs to do more to stand out first. I'm definitely not selling, because he's consistent and he's on Blake's team. Sell: Self explanatory. Example...I'm cashing out of Marybeth stock while her value is high. Taking my profit and running as fast as I can. If she remains high on the ranking in future weeks, that's fine, because I already sold high. I'm selling all of my Shane Q stock in a fire sale. He's a penny stock.
  13. If Voice contestants were stocks.... 1. Hoot - The only country singer, stream bonus, sings well enough live. HOLD 2. Katie - She could easily win it all. Great personality, and clearly talented. The audience has taken to her. HOLD 3. Marybeth - She's in a precarious position. She might have peaked too soon, and may bite off more than she can chew with future song choices. SELL 4. Rose - I'm not convinced she can get into the finale via PV, but they will likely set her up to sing her way in. BUY 5. Ricky Duran - He doesn't seem to be catching on with the audience, but Team Blake has only been shut out of the finale once in 16 seasons. HOLD 6. Kat - I want her to do well, but I honestly don't think she's very good. However, she seems to have a decent amount of support, and she's Blake's bae. She'll have to step it up a lot to have a shot at the finale. HOLD 7. Hello Sunday - I didn't think they'd make it this far, but here we are. HOLD 8. Joana - I'm chalking up her appearance in the B3 to the terrible song choice. Her save performance was very good. BUY 9. Myracle - Another victim of a bad song choice, but I don't think she has as much upside as Joana SELL 10. Will - I think he's teetering on the edge of elimination SELL 11. Shane - I'm just gonna keep putting him on the bottom until he goes home. SELL
  14. Brynn is releasing a Christmas song on Monday. I followed the link she provided. It’s “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Gtq4mHarr/?ig...d=11kmratvndx8y
  15. Maybe a little bit, but she had every opportunity to get the public behind her as the only country singer on Blake’s team. She even had a good playoff song. I personally don’t think she has the chops to compete yet, but it’s not that big of a deal. Maren Morris couldn’t even make it on the show, after several attempts. The only thing she’s missing is a little more experience singing on live TV. Having said all of that, Gracee>>>Several remaining acts on the show.
  16. That was a Blake special double decker bus. It still pisses me off when I think about it. She deserved better than how she was treated overall.
  17. Rose has mediocre at best social media numbers, but I don’t know what to think about that these days.
  18. This is where I saw the EP mentioned. It’s already recorded. https://www.facebook.com/178949732662768/po...d=n&sfns=mo Regardless of what happens with the duo, she needs to stay connected with the Nashville songwriting scene. She was writing quality country songs at 15 years old, which is why Curb Records signed her.
  19. It depends on what you’re into. If you like traditional, storytelling country songs, this is top drawer. The vocals and production are also spot on. Now I’m excited about the EP!
  20. I had to restart this thread to post this. Morgan Frazier is now part of a duo called Roxan. This is their new single. I’ve listened to enough of her originals to conclude that Morgan wrote this. This is a very well written country storytelling song. They have an EP coming out soon. I’m still pissed about “Lips of an Angel.” rROhECS1n1A
  21. Morgan is now part of a duo called Roxan and they released this single last month. This is honestly my favorite song ever by a voice alum after 3 listens. She is an amazing songwriter. They have an EP coming out soon. I noticed from the credits on the video that she’s now Morgan Ray. She got married a while back. rROhECS1n1A
  22. I thought it might be a hometown situation. He’s from Sacramento, CA. That isn’t it. He had to he at least close to B3, right?
  23. Just an FYI..... You need commas after “did” and “correct.”
  24. Mercfan used to use Red, Yellow, Green. I’m just saying even if it wasn’t completely accurate, we can still get a pretty good idea of who’s resonating with the audience. At least we know Shane Q isn’t winning. There are no guarantees. Social media missed badly with Chris Kroeze all season. Everyone was convinced he was in 4th place. That one still has me stumped.
  25. Marybeth is in a good position, but she might have peaked too soon. Will she be able to match the emotion from last night’s performance? She’s also at risk of biting off more than she can chew with song choices.
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