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Everything posted by Erestor

  1. Those Keesha gifs. perf I am happy that Janelle and Kaysar are safe but that probably means Keesha will be out first. Dang. I am just hoping that target will shift from her if she stays on the block after POV, but if she is against Kevin, I doubt she will survive. Ugh I knew right away that Cody’s HoH is going to be horrible. Glad to see Day and Janelle want to work together though, but I need Janelle to be woke about Dani as she wants her out. Love that a lot of people are on to Nicole F already, though.
  2. They are so woke. They have Cody’s plan all figured out even though he only talked about possible noms with Nicole F. Keesha and Janelle were considering playing in safety comp. I hope one of them wins and saves the other.
  3. 1. Keesha Smith - I mean, I still feel like it's a dream to see her again on TV. She's still gorgeous! BB10 is one of my favorite, if not my favorite seasons out of all I have watched, and Keesha was a huge part of that. So seeing her play again is like a dream come true. I really hope she can socialize and get a lot of allies in the game soon, because I feel like she's either going to be the first boot or make it pretty far, if she lays low after craziness hit the fan and everyone else starts coming at each other. Hopefully it's the latter because I really want her to go all the way. And I can't believe we missed her birthday this year, damn! 2. Da'Vonne Rogers - How can you not stan this Queen? She's serving realness and is such a great character. Her jury footages from BB18 are EVERYTHING. I love her for telling it like it is, for her sense of humour and for amazing gifs we're blessed with thanks to her. Absolute legend and I really hope she can go very far this time. 3. Janelle Pierzina - Another legendary Queen. And she looks more beautiful than ever! An amazing comp beast, and one of the best, if not the best, female players in BB history. What's not to love? Again, it feels surreal to have her back once again, especially being surrounded by all those other legendary women. I really hope she is not one of the first ones evicted because she can definitely slay again. 4. Dani Briones - I mean, this cast is fantastic so far. Dani is another one of my all-time favorite players, and I love that she likes to play strong and is not afraid of big moves. I was rooting against her in BB13 because I was team Rachel, however she was still one of my favorites of the season. Love her and Dom together, what a beautiful couple. Anyway, I'm very interested to see who she is going to work with, and I think she has potential to go really far. 5. Ian Terry - So adorably awkward. Nothing has changed since BB14. Ian is actually one of my favorite winners, he's very intelligent and I loved him on BB14. His goodbye message to Boogie was epic. I also remember him stanning Jessie Kowalski with me on BB15, and I think he actually follwed my fan account that I created for her. 6. Nicole Anthony - Oh sweet Nicole. Would I consider her one of the best players? Absolutely not. I am still shaking my head over her and Cliff evicting Tommy last year instead of Holly. However, she is just so endearing, she is a super fan, and you can tell she is so happy to be there. She's just so rootable, I don't know how can anyone dislike her. She's one of the BB alumni I follow on social media post-BB and I always enjoy her content. 7. Kevin Campbell - Love Kevin! He's so hilarious. I would say he is probably the best gay man representative they could have chosen to play this season. Loved his DRs when Lydia, Natalie and Chima were crying over Jessie's eviction. I'm really interested to see how he is gonna do this season. 8. Memphis Garrett - Once again, I loved BB10, and I loved trio of Dan/Memphis/Keesha. As Keesha fan, I understand why he had to evict her back then, but I hope they are on good terms now and can work together this season! He's good a great sense of humour and he already showed he is there to play by getting close to winning that first HoH. 9. Kaysar Ridha - He seems like a very sweet guy, and I loved his and Janelle reunion. Once again, I'm team oldschoolers all the way. 10. Bayleigh Dayton - Now here is someone I was definitely surprised to see on All-Stars, but so far I really liked her. Her season was boring af, but I think she has potential to do well this time around. You can tell that her and Day are going to be tight already, and I'm all for it. 11. Nicole Franzel - Oh Snacole. Big Meech calling her out in her eviction speech still gives me life. She wasn't wrong though. Nicole ain't gonna align with girls for too long, but I do think she is really good player. I can see her go far once again, because she is very sneaky! I remember when she pulled off keeping her and Cory safe from the block when Natalie was HoH, which was shocking to me back then. I think she's probably be going to be the villain for the fans this season, but let's hope she can bring some fun to it, too. 12. Enzo Palumbo - I genuinely like the dude and I think he is really fun, however once again he was pretty boring to watch on his season with the Brigade dominating everything and him just sitting pretty and doing nothing. Which is what I think he could be doing again, which is why he is not higher for now. 13. Cody Calafiore - The eye candy of the season. All I want from him are some shirtless gifs, that's it. He's a nice guy, and definitely the better half of Calafiore brothers, but I can see him going after my favs which automatically makes him place this low. But he's got a full week to prove he's got some brains. 14. David Alexander - I think he's a nice guy, however he didn't last long enough for me to ever get attached to him. 15. Christmas Abbott - Oh my gosh, her season is probably my least favorite BB season, ever. Such a vile cast. They were all such bullies to Jess and Cody, I can't even. And she also took a part in that. Which is why I can't forgive her that. But so far, she actually seems pretty likeable without Paul around her. Watch her being the underdog this season that surprises everyone and ends up being one of the favorites. I'm being open minded about her. 16. Tyler Crispen - Like I previously said, his season was boring af, and so was he. I actually liked Angela much more than him and if one of them were to come back, I wish it was her. But oh well. Anyway, I think he's probably the most boring player and I am the least attached to him. But it's not that I dislike him. I actually don't dislike anyone in this cast so far, so yay for that. I'm just happy that Paul and Josh are not here.
  4. I knew Cody was gonna go after Kaysar and Keesha. And his lame reasoning is that he does not even know them. Like, seriously? You're on All-Stars. Nicole F proving best what she is known for, which is destroying female alliances and ratting them out to another male. She's already plotting to make a side female alliance and tell Cody everything. Surprise surprise. Or not. But you gotta give her that, she's good at this game. I actually think she played a really good game on BB18 and she is sitting pretty now, having connections with a lot of people in the house already. Bonus points for her for keeping Keesha's name out of Cody's mouth. But yeah I can already feel that this week is gonna get really ugly. All-Stars, baby. I need Keesha to stop being so awkward around everyone and start talking game/making some alliances. And especially talk to HoH. Or else she might in fact be the first boot.
  5. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and saw bits of the show on live stream (it was like 4am for me, lol). Super excited that the show has finally started and that cast has been confirmed. I think this is an overall a very strong cast, there's no one that I really dislike, just some people I'm indifferent on. To think we could have the likes of Paul, Kaycee, Josh in the mix makes me thankful for this cast. I'm pumped to see some of my all time favorite players come back, and rooting for team oldschool over new schoolers. As for the live premiere, I think it was pretty awkward. You could tell that some of those people from newer seasons had no idea who people like Kaysar or Keesha were, which is disappointing. Of course Cody would win the first HoH. Out of all people to win the first week, he would be one of my last choices, because I am pretty sure he is going to target my favorites. But oh well. At least I got the first pick in the draft. My favorite part of the show was Da'Vonne meeting Keesha.
  6. It's premiere day! So excited! I'm dying at some tweets about Nicole F. For example, someone pointed out that it will be Dani's first season playing without Dick, to which someone replied "same goes for Nicole F!" Anyway, I am wondering on what terms Nicole and Da'Vonne are, and if she is going to go after Day again. Probably yes From what I saw, she seems to be friendly with Janelle, so I think she will definitely try to get in her good graces. Actually I think Janelle, even though obviously being a huge target, might be the Queen B, because there are a lot of people on the cast who really like her. For some reason I can see Janelle going after Tyler (just like she wanted Frankie out), and I would not complain about it, lol. I can also see Nicole A and Ian having a nerdy final two deal. And lastly, I am hoping for a powerful female alliance this season, because it looks like there will be no showmances that could ruin it, so it might actually work out! *fingers crossed*
  7. Is this real life? I can’t hold my excitement. Now I need Keesha, Day, Dani and Janelle to form a power alliance.
  8. The new house looks amazing. Very cool desings! People speculate that former BB Alumni featured on the walls are the ones that are not on the season - which could mean that Amber and Kaycee are out? Gosh I want to know the cast already.
  9. Hello! Love me some JC reduxes! I will try to follow as much as I can! I am not really faimilar with people on the cast, but oh my gosh, the first post reminded me how Eli Lieb was robbed.
  10. Not gonna lie, you did help out a little with posting pictures of half naked men all over IDF. And yeah that's absolutely right! Aww, thanks JC. It sucks so bad that we've lost like, everything from IDF. But I will check it out for sho! Ooh and yeah, happy Birthday to Keesha! The Anybody want a cake? moment is one of the best lines in BB history, as Libra would say, PERIOD.
  11. Yeah, pretty much the same, it ruined all my plans this year, lol. But I'm good, I live in London now, and I kind of came out of closet here, so we're playing for the same team now. I miss your reduxes!! So many memories.
  12. Hi there JC! Long time no see! How have you been? Hope things are well!
  13. I wish she was on. I am interested in taking a part in the draft too!
  14. Yay! I forgot about this too, lol. But it would be cool to see the rest of the rankdown. Good luck with that!!
  15. OMG Keesha. Now that is a name I was hoping would show up. Please let the rumour be true! She's way overdue for another appearance on BB. Love the fact she is trending on twitter, too! Lmao. But yeah so true. I would take pretty much anybody over Christmas Tree.
  16. Oh yeah, I got those shows mixed up. Sorry! On another note, Paul A. tweeted saying he won’t be on. Edit: Damn I really can’t get used to new IDF, it’s too confusing for me. But as this news has already been posted, I can just say that I am happy Paul is not on. If there is no Josh or Christmas that would be great, too.
  17. This pre-season drama is pure gold. Even though I don’t believe in Nicole F rumour, it’s hilarious that Derrick tweeted he is not happy with her which leads to possible fan wars on twitter. And Elissa hating on Nicole since The Challenge is hilarious, too. I wish she and Helen were on this season. I also saw a video of Kaycee making fun of having to wear a mask and now there is a rumour that she got Covid-19 and had to withdraw. Anyway, can’t wait for cast release, hopefully today!
  18. Hi everyone! I was going to give a pass on BB, but I cannot miss the All-Stars season. Can't wait for the cast release, but I'm hoping/rooting for Janelle, Daniele and Mamma Day. Really hope Paul is not on as he is probably my least favorite player ever, lol. I can't stand Josh or Christmas, either, if only Jess was not pregnant I think she would've been a lock instead of them.
  19. Hi Megan, what a beautiful post about Naya. Beautifully said. She's had a large impact on many people and she was the true star of Glee. I never thought I could miss someone who I have never met, but after watching the whole show, it feels like she was really someone close to me. We're all in this together in this and I hope we can cope with our grief somehow. Sending virutal hugs!
  20. She did! I'm so happy for her. And on a side note, I replied to her instagram story congratulating her and telling her how beautiful she looked, and even though she is not following me, she remembered me from a couple of years ago when I was running her fan page on twitter and said that my support meant and still means everything to her. And she said she still has the tinkerbell charm that I've sent to her fan mail way back when she was on SYTYCD.
  21. I found out about this earlier this year, still heartbroken over his tragic death. The world has lost an amazing artist. Rest in Pace, Danny.
  22. I know I'm pretty late, but I am still in disbelief over loss of Naya. Ever since I found out that she's been missing, I've been praying that somehow she could survive it, but I was also expecting the worst, which unfotunately turned out to be true Her death really hit me hard as her potrayal of Santana on Glee has had a lot of impact on myself and the whole show as well as on the LBTQ community. She's been an amazing actress, singer, artist and most importantly, a mother who sacrificed her life to her son. This still makes me teary-eyed and I have been thinking about her every day since the day they gave us this horrible news. Still feels like a very bad dream to me and I know it will take a long time before I could accept it. I'm just hoping she is now in a better place with Cory, who I am pretty positive helped to find her on his death's 7th anniversary. Rest in Pace Naya, you were and always be loved by many, and you won't be forgotten. My heart goes out to her beautiful boy, her family, her friends along other Glee cast member as well as all of her fans. But in the words of Naya herself, under one of her last posts on Instagram: no matter the year, circumstance, or strifes everyday you're alive is a blessing. make the most of today and every day you are given. tomorrow is not promised. To celebrate the memory of Naya, I'm gonna post some of my favorite performances from Glee:
  23. Rise of Skywalker was such a disappointment. The Emperator has been so overdone and I really much enjoyed the thesis of Rey being a nobody. But oh well. At least there's The Mandalorian to make up for this! One of the best series I have watched as of late. But, unpopular opinion, I loved the Prequels.
  24. Welcome back from the dead. I'm glad IDF still lives on despite all difficuluties it had lately. I was just hoping it would not disappear for good. Sucks that we lost the archive with old post though.. R.I.P so many memories. But glad to see you guys are still here. As for the list, I'm 9/20 out of those posted so far. Especially glad to see Amy, both Lindsays and Natascha. Lindsay A. had probably one of the biggest jumps on my list because she's so good now.
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