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Everything posted by Erestor

  1. Let the person who is behind this account enter the house.
  2. Favorite parts of the episode: Day and Bay discussion about BLM (so beautiful I wanted to cry) and Memphis's pissed off face when Boxing Day saved Ian. PERFECTO Kevin's DRs made me miss Keesha even more than I already do. You can say he's trying hard to be funny but the fakeness is real.
  3. I can already see her goodbye message to Nicole F: "Nobody gets between me and my sister! Go back whining to your man!" I literally knew Nicole F would become the villain of the season and she does not disappoint, lol.
  4. Ugh I hate to see Nicole A cry. People that I like keep leaving. I really wish Rachel could be here There would definitely have been a lot of drama between her and Nicole F.
  5. Nicole A back to being terrible at reading the house. Just like when she evicted Tommy over Holly. At this point she can go, if that’s who she wants to target.
  6. Memphis won power of veto. Nicole F seems nervous, any chance she might go up?
  7. That is a very lame draw. I don't even know who to root for? I would say Nicole A, however I am afraid that everyone is going to push for a Janelle backdoor..
  8. Can we just have Britney enter the house after the next eviction, please?
  9. Wally! Well obviously it's not looking like a winner's circle right now. But we will make it through! How have you been?
  10. Ugh this is why Kevin should have went. Nicole A wanted to work with Janelle and Kaysar and he is turning her against them. I hope she survives this week, but I can easily see her go if noms does not change. This whole pre-game What Would Derrick And Dan Do? alliance needs to go down soon. I feel like Dani is in the best spot in the house right now. No one is coming after her. She’s definitely my favorite out of her alliance, but I don’t want others to be picked off one by one.
  11. Someone is really scared of the Queen. And he probably hasn’t even watched her season so he doesn’t know what she is capable of. Memphis is trying to keep it cool and lying about Ian not even being his target this week... please, last week he mentioned a few times that he would love to get him out.
  12. Nicole A’s tweet, now that is a good taste. So not surprised that another „bro” wants to take out an easy target who is a girl. honestly Memphis is making me prefer Josh was there instead, and I really can’t stand Josh.
  13. YAS this thread So how many seasons have you guys watched? I have seen US10-21 +OTT (plus CAN 1-6). I do want to catch up on some earlier seasons, though, which ones do you recommend?
  14. I think it was just a matter of nobody wanting to be the first to play, and since Janelle and Kaysar had the balls to do it, and actually won, they wanted to be cool like them too. Ugh, why those girls trust Nicole F so much? Christmas listed her as one of the people she trusts. Dani wants to go to final four with her (and Cody and Enzo)... THE CHOICES. Girl, bye
  15. Try using Hola add-on on your browser. Works for me to watch full episodes from CBS website in the UK, but I haven't tried with All Access.
  16. So Cody and Memphis both got their initial targets saved in safety suite? I LOVE THIS SONG And Nicole F might have gotten herself in trouble with current HOH? This is Keesha's revenge y'all. Who knew this season would be a Christmas redemption? It makes no sense for her to save Ian, but bless her for doing that. Memphis must be pissed.
  17. Those Janelle gifs. Julie, girl, you better not be giving me false hope...
  18. TWINS Oh, how I wish Britney was on this season.
  19. Yeah I figured it was not her, because she's too sweet for that, but it's still hilarious.
  20. Damn, I really suck at this draft if she goes.
  21. 1. Queen Keesha 2. Janelle - She is the Star of this show, everyone else can keep swaying in background. 3. Kaysar - Yep, moved up a lot in my rankings. Love him and Janelle together. 4. Da'vonne - Disappointed me this week but I still have hope. 5. Ian - So far he's laying low, still rooting for him. 6. Nicole A - She's the more likeable Nicole. 7. Dani - She's more likeable when not around Nicole F. 8. Bayleigh - I like her well enough. 9. Kevin - I like him, but I really wish it was him who left yesterday. 10. Christmas - Never thought I would warm up to Christmas during this summer. 11. Taylor Trevor Tyler - He's just there for me. 12. David - I really want to give him a chance, but then he proves he has no clue what game he is playing. 13. Enzo - Reminded me why he was so boring to watch on BB12. Well, nothing's changed. 14. Memphis - What a disappointment. I was really excited to see him back, but now all I can compare him to are poor ratings of his restaurants exposed on twitter! 15. Nicole F - It only took her a week to remind me why I could never fully root for her on BB18. She's whiny, catty and fully of janelleousy jealousy. You can go honey, you can go. 16. Cody - Please educate yourself on past seasons before trying to win the next HOH. Which hopefully won't happen again. Keesha's eviction will be avenged. #knowthat
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