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Everything posted by Erestor

  1. Cool! Should be fun to rewatch some of those routines, it’s been a while. What’s funny is that S5 is actually the first US season I have watched.
  2. Wally! I have not spoken to you in ages! How are you doing??
  3. I have no idea how this works, but I am just poppin' in to say hi as I can see some old friends! Good luck ranking all of those people
  4. Have they officially dropped the show for good? They have just finished first season of SYTYCD: Next generation in Poland (the kids version) and I thought that maybe they will revive the original show, too. Fingers crossed!
  5. I know it's been some time, but I have been just as shocked as everyone else to find out about Serge. May his pure soul rest in Peace. Jimmy and Lewis. I literally thought of both of you when I found out about this as I remember you both were such huge fans of him.
  6. First of all, hi everyone! I almost thought this forum has been deleted, but glad to see it is still here! (even if moved to archive). Oh my gawd, I forgot how I have ranked back then, it feels like ages Anyway, I can't say I am surprised Courtney was #1, I believe she was universally liked so nobody ranked her low it seems, I think she fell out of my top 20 actually. I kinda thought Lacey would be #1. All in all I got 6 out of 20 in the top 20 so I think that's pretty good. Thanks for posting it Megan!
  7. Ugh, now that both Janelle and Kaysar are out, this season might as well end. Kaysar's speech though I don't believe in Christmas change of heart tbh. She was vile on BB19, and I think if she wasn't in such a good position in the house, she would let the ugly side come out of her again. Prayer circle for Day and Bay to survive this week. As for Dani, I really enjoyed her on BB13 when she was the underdog and her feud with Rachel was hilarious, but this season, she is completely not my cup of tea.
  8. Ian is Enzo’s backdoor option if Kaysar wins veto. Either way this week is gonna suck
  9. Obviously another guy from the pre-show alliance wins. And of course he wants to target Kaysar who doesn’t have any solid alliances. This sucks. We can’t have nice things this season. Watch Da’Vonne and Bayleigh be the next boots. This season had so much potential.
  10. Lmao Actually I turn 30 next year. But only started taking driving lessons last year as I never needed a car before. thanks JC. Gonna have to get used to driving on those roads with higher speed limits first, lol
  11. This has been a crazy week for me but it’s also quite terrible, first I failed my driving test on my first attempt yesterday and now Janelle is leaving. What else can go wrong?
  12. Oh wow, that is really messed up. I never liked Nick, he always seemed problematic to me, just like Jack and Jackson. And Holly was slut shaming Kat on instagram as her defense to not reacting differently on the group chat... Ugh
  13. Lmao, oh how I wish they replaced Kevin with Michele. She might be cray cray but she was really underrated on her season. We just can't have nice things, can we? That was savage. I don't want Janelle or Kaysar to leave... It just kills any excitement about this season. And the same people from the same alliance keep winning comps. The power needs to shift like yesterday!
  14. Like I said, I can volunteer to be evicted from the draft if it means Nicole F goes out next. Love her so much. As well as her twitter alter ego. Love that Rachel and Jessica were both tweeting kind words about Janelle. Queens supporting Queens.
  15. 1. Janelle - An actual legend and Queen. All newbies please kindly take a bow. 2. Kaysar - Another legend. And he's such a sweetheart. This season doesn't deserve him and Janelle. 3. Da'vonne - I'm slowly accepting that Da'vonne is always going to be messy at this game. However, I hope that the best is yet to come. 4. Ian - I lowkey hope he can be the first two-times winner. 5. Bayleigh - She is growing on me. 6. Dani - Once she detaches herself from this annoying majority alliance, I will probably start rooting for her. 7. Nicole A - Her last week in the house has been really bad. But I still genuinely think she is a sweetheart and I felt bad for her when she was evicted. 8. Memphis - Thanks for not going after Jaysar the week he was HoH, I guess. But he's not likeable at all. 9. David - He's just there for me. 10. Enzo - Still confused by his vote against David. If he can go against his own alliance, I will support him. 11. Christmas - Bonus point for randomly saving Ian. Other than that, she reminds me why I couldn't stand her on BB19. 12. Tyler - Not a fan. 13. Kevin - What a waste of space. And to think they kept him over Queen Keesha, still blows my mind. 14. Nicole F - Whiny whiny, snitchy snitchy, ratty ratty, and we don't play like that. #TeamJanelle 15. Cody - Utterly boring and constantly keeps ruining this season.
  16. How did Janelle describe that type of gameplay? „snitchy snitchy ratty ratty”? Well, that’s how it looks like!
  17. Damn, I'm killing it with this draft! However, I can volunteer to self-evict from the draft if it means Nicole F magically goes out next. The sacrifices that I am willing to make. The only shocking thing about Nicole A's eviction was Enzo's vote, so confusing. What was that all about? Did he just do it to frame Jaysar? Watching Nicole A cry and admitting her mistake was heart-breaking, but Julie did let her have it. I don't blame Nicole too much though, because it was Kevin who got in her head. Now let's talk about that HoH... Janelle lost literally by one freaking point? I feel like that comp was made for her to win, and we could have a great underdog comeback story this week, but no... Of course another white Alpha male from giant alliance had to win it. This game is not even fun anymore. All rootable people are going one after another. I am too blaming Derrick. This pre-game alliance is so whack and boring. I'm praying for a miracle this week, but once again, expecting the worst outcome. Anyway, here's some weekly Britney recap to save the day.
  18. I haven’t been reading updates from the feeds all day and I am quickly catching up and I feel like every single conversation has Janelle’s name in it. Talk about obsessed. At this point the next week is looking like one of the worst weeks in BB history. Praying for a miracle that keeps Janelle and Kaysar safe!
  19. So, after all of this is over, because I might or might not have been able to catch that, who is not invited to Nicole’s F wedding again?
  20. This x1000000. Kevin is disappointing and fake.
  21. Janelle or Kaysar just have to win the next HoH or they are totally screwed. Watch it someone totally random like Black Friday win it and ruin everything.
  22. This season is going to end up so horribly I just feel it in my bones
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