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Alyssa Witrado Send Off Appreciation Thread

Hamza Tufail

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was gonna open this like my note to Devix but who am I kidding, Alyssa. You’re reading this
First of all, thanks for popping in often! That’s definitely a first in all the seasons we’ve been doing this, at least to the extent y’all have been doing this time around.


Now as for the show, thanks for sharing your gift! Week after week we’ve been watching you get better and better and I’m super bummed to see you go. This season is STACKED and despite all the comments and everything, you made the top 13 and got to work with THE Gwen Stefani. We’ve seen your vocals get stronger and we’ve seen you grow and become more confident onstage. Hope you’re proud of all you’ve accomplished and I know that whatever music (I hope) you eventually put out will be top tier and I can’t wait to hear it!


Best of luck!

and uh, feel free to stick around if you don’t mind the vibe of the place :haha:


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ooh didn't know this thread was a thing!


helloooo Alyssa! your energy on stage has been amazing throughout the season; it's something i recall noting when i watched your (and reina's!) audition -- your seemed so joyful to be there. i feel like the same energy was there in your knockout as well. as i've mentioned before, your knockout was such a joyful performance.


and on the other hand, your battle was so stunningly sad in the best way possible! i thought your vocals there were soo pretty and eric was right to highlight the run on "misunderstood" -- that was super impressive! probably my favorite performance of yours. 


i also thought dreaming of you was great !! imo you shouldn't have been in the bottom 3 with that performance, but unfortunately, that's the way it went. 


i look forward to seeing what you choose to do now that you have more agency with what you do and now that you're not in such a high pressure environment -- i don't mean this specifically with reference to you b/c i'm not sure how it was for you, but i imagine that being on live tv with millions watching is really stressful for most people.

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