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Power Rank the Playoff Teams


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Just taking from the spoiling thread, I'll go a bit into depth. Only voting power and no CS possibilities included.


Team Blake:

1. Wendy

2. Peedy

3. Paris

4. Lana

5. LiBianca


Overall I think Blake has a weaker team than usual, no typical country artists and just got rid of Carson. He can still make Top 2, but Wendy is likely his best shot. Paris and Lana had great KOs, but I don't think they are quite as deadly as the Top 2. Peedy can still make it far, but he has a limit and is relying on being a younger version of a classic singer. Like said before, that could run out of novelty factor and Minivan could get bored and hop on someone else(likely Wendy)

LiBianca is doomed if and when she advances with Blake's CS, likely get Cali Wilson'ed(see S17)


Team John:

1. Samuel

2. David

3. Joshua

4. Jerishka

5. Shadale


All good vocalists and a couple of unique artists. Samuel and David seem to be latching onto Minivan despite being Alternative singers(we have to stan) They keep it up, Minivan will reward them nicely. Joshua will prob compete for the WC, just stick with ballads and he can at least sing a couple more times. Jerishka and Shadale need the CS, RIP to the other one.


Team Ariana:

1. Holly

2. Bella

3. Jim & Sasha

4. Ryleigh

5. Raquel


Ariana isn't doing so hot, Holly is her sword to win this and make Finale. Bella has a great voice, but I don't see Minivan connecting with her as much as Holly. She can make Semis though. Other three need to rely on her CS. 


Team Kelly:

1. Hailey

2. GNT

3. Jeremy

4. Katie

5. Gymani


Kelly is the hardest to grasp, because I'm taking a risk by inserting Hailey on the top even if there's no full evidence for her to make Finale. I think she can and even surpass GNT, but she has to remain her cool and keep on improving. Jeremy is in the middle of the pack on reception, but he is still above Kelly's two members. Katie is above Gymani, because right now Minivan isn't caring much to her, but Katie is getting positive feedback overall. Jeremy or Gymani with the CS, Jeremy would have more staying power.

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Team Kelly:


GNT > Hailey > Jeremy > Gymani > Katie


GNT are obvious frontrunners. Hailey has obvious Minivan appeal but she needs to deliver. The rest are fighting for coach save imo.


Team Legend:


Samuel > David > Joshua > Jershika > Shadale


Samuel and David just have to do good and I bet Minivan's giving them the PV's. Unless Joshua sings something goofy again, I think he has a chance for the second PV. Jershika and Shadale are competing for the save.


Team Ariana:


Holly > Bella > Jim & Sasha > Ryleigh > Raquel


Holly is a PV, Raquel is instantly eliminated, the rest is a crapshoot. Although, Ryleigh always had pretty good FB stats in all rounds so maybe I'm underestimating her.


Team Blake


Wendy > Peedy > LiBianca > Lana > Paris


There's no way Wendy isn't making it through. Peedy has enough appeal to get the PV but he's been so one-note and I doubt he remains Blake's top dog the entirety of lives. I think those two have the PV on lock and the rest are basically ranked on who I think is likeliest to get the save.

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1. GNT

2. Hailey Mia

3. Gymani

4. Katie Rae

5. Jeremy Rosado



1. Samuel Harness

2. Shadale

3. Jershika Maple

4. David Vogel

5. Joshua Vacanti



1. Holly Forbes

2. Bella DiNapoli

3. Raquel Trinidad

4. Ryleigh Plank

5. Jim & Sasha Allen



1. Peedy Chavis

2. Wendy Moten

3. LiBianca

4. Lana Scott

5. Paris Winningham

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