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SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US10) (Winner Posted)


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8. Bree Wasylenko & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "OMG" - (Hip-Hop by Jae Blaze)


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@taylorkat - 3

@*Wallace - 4

@kritaaay - 5

@FrogLenzen - 10

@*Chris - 10

@totes4totes - 14

@Erestor - 15

@.Rei - 19


Avg. Score = 10.00






This "OMG" routine always stood out to me from Week 1. Bree & Edgar were a great partnership and this routine showcases this. Edgar was really smooth, cool and totally in his style here. Bree was quite a firecracker and surprised/impressed me with how she danced/performed here. They danced well side by side, together and had a lot of hot and steamy chemistry here. Just a smokin' hot and fun dance here! :bobo:




i love edgar beyond reason




Hot. It’s so weird that Canada has these awesome hiphop and sexy routines but they never generate votes. 




This is a good routine that's entirely helped because of Edgar being exceptional in it. I imagine if Bree had danced this with somebody else who is less good at hip-hop that she would have looked a bit more like the white girl in the club than she already kind of does. As it is, Edgar elevates the entire routine and even makes the song not look as corny as it could be.




Unlike Clarks, here is very noticeable that Edgar is was just miles away from Bree. I mean she wasn't terrible but she dragged down the routine a bit in my eyes. Edgar was absolutely incredible though!



(tie)6-7. Amanda Cleghorn & Jeff Mortensen - "Dancing" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie)


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Chris - 5

Megan - 6

Rei - 6

Patryk  - 6

Wallace - 9

Derek - 9

Kriti - 16

Gigi - 19


Avg. Score = 9.50






Wow I forgot how much I liked this routine! It's really good! I think this one the message mostly gets through (even if I wouldn't have guessed early onset Alzheimer's I would have guessed mental illness!). Jeff is a really good dancer and I think he's very underrated. As long as we don't talk hip-hop. Amanda is great! She's still one of my favorite dancers of all-time!




Both Amanda and Jeff were incredible in contemporary and the result was simply amazing. Such a stunning routine despite having to fight against the dumb chair and the fact that Dancing should never be used again for another routine. Still a flawless job!





This is a really gorgeous and stunning Contemporary routine. I always love and enjoy watching Amanda in Contemporary... she's just so flawless in this style. :wub: Jeff doesn't normally stand out to me, but he's great here and shines well here. I do like how they partner each other and how he supports her. There is so much gut wrenching and heartfelt emotion they perform here. 




Ugh stop it. They are so stunning together. Brave of Stacey to use this song tbh. But the movement is so extraordinary.




simply do not use the same song as another iconic routine, no one will remember yours



(tie)6-7. Amanda Cleghorn & Denys Drozdyuk - "I Love Salsa" - (Salsa by Gustavo Vargas) 


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Wallace - 3

Megan - 4

Kriti - 6

Gigi - 9

Rei - 12

Patryk  - 12

Chris - 13

Derek - 17


Avg. Score = 9.50







It was so great to see the power couple of Amanda & Denys return dancing together on the finale and at top form with this Salsa. Amanda & Denys dance wonderfully and have such great chemistry together. Their dancing of this Salsa is just SO good. Those lifts they do here are INSANE. As well as all of the Salsa tricks they do here. :omg: Loving all of their intricate and fast armorgraphy they do here. They have great rhythm and energy that matches each other so well together. This routine is just  SO fun and it makes me so happy seeing this. :wub:




This is SO GOOD in the rest of the routine that I'm not even going to dock points for the clunky three leg lift at the end of the routine. The first lift where Denys full on lifts Amanda over his head and he's still dancing is maybe the wildest coolest lift on this show. The rest of the choreography as you'd expect from Gustavo Vargas is stellar. This is a cool and fun and excellent routine.




objectively very very good




Amanda really schooled everyone this season just going between different genres and nailing all of them. Denys was incredible as expected. A great finish by an amazing partnership.




Why can’t we get good salsa in the US show? But I will say that in any country on the planet on any stage in the world we need to officially retire the salsa move where the man tries to catch the woman’s neck with his foot. It looks terrible even when done right.



5. Claudia Primeau & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "La Reina" - (Mambo by Gustavo Vargas)


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Rei - 2

Wallace - 2

Megan - 2

Kriti - 4

Patryk  - 9

Gigi - 14

Chris - 16

Derek - 18


Avg. Score = 8.38






this routine not being in everybody's Top 5, let alone in their top 10 is the definition of questionable choices. Claudia murdered this. Edgar murdered this!! TEN ACROSS THE BOARD!!! ugh what a robbery!




Oooh I always really loved this "La Reina" Mambo routine and it was always a dance that stood out to me of this season. Claudia was so hot, fierce and effortless in this dance. She absolutely slays this dance and this was her shining moment of the season. :wub: I will hear nothing else. But I was also SO proud of Edgar. He was really feeling the style and flavor of this dance. He did some great partnering work, had the Latin rhythm and really kept up with Claudia. They both looked like naturals dancing the Mambo for years. Oooh wow, I really loved that pot stirrer move and then how it transitioned to standing spins? :omg: Ooh and the lifts were a lot of fun and so impressive to watch too! This routine is sooo exciting and such a blast to watch!




I LOVE this routine. It's just such good choreography (Gustavo Vargas is EXCELLENT and maybe next to Jason Gilkison the best "ballroom" choreographer from the show). There's so much actual mambo instead of just set up for a complex series of tricks and lifts which makes the lifts more impressive and the spin sequence is so good. Claudia and Edgar are selling it. They dance it so well. Edgar's not as good as Claudia but the performance quality he brings to the routine more than makes up for it. I love love love this dance!




claudia and edgar were so good together




Claudia ate. Edgar is a master salesman


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  • .Rei changed the title to SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (CA3) (#8-#5 Posted)

Let's comment for once!

20. Claudia Primeau & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "Impossible" - (Lyrical Jazz by Sean Cheesman) - I forgot that this routine existed but it was actually a pleasant surprise on a re-watch! I also forgot how hot Edgar was. And those terrible Leah intros :dead:

19. Nathalie Heath & Jonathan Arsenault - "Teenage Dream" - (Jazz by Blake McGrath) - Umm sorry y'all but this shoulda been in top 10, easily. :kissbye: Anywho it's a nice, light-hearted dance and they were so cute together :wub:

18. Danielle Gardner & Sebastian Mersch - "No Good Deed" - (Theatre by Sean Cheesman) - That was their best routine as a couple for sure. I like this type of dark, witchy musical theatre. It definitely stood out amongst all of the bland, Disease Contemporary routines that season.

17. Amanda Cleghorn & Sebastian Mersch - "Hyperballad" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie) - I am surprised this is so low. That was was quite gorgeous and frankly one of Amanda's best showings in this style

16. Amanda Cleghorn & Denys Drozdyuk - "Perfect" - (Contemporary by Sabrina Matthews) - This, on the other hand, was quite generic due to a very meh choreo.
15. Charlene Hart & Jeff Mortensen - "That's Where The Happy People Go" - (Hustle by Maria Torres) - This was okay. It started off strong but then lost the exciting factor halfway through. I would much prefer their Contemporary in this place.
14. Amanda Cleghorn & Mackenzie Green - "Drumming Circle" - (African Jazz by Sean Cheesman) - I actually really liked this! It was strong, acrobatic, abstract, and exciting.
11-13. Janick Arseneau & Shavar Blackwood - "Lil Freak" - (Hip-Hop by Luther Brown) - I wasn't a fan of this partnership. Should have been a steamy dance, but there was zero chemistry between them except for like one moment. They were just both dancing solo next to each other.
11-13. Amanda Cleghorn - "Moan" - (Jazz) - Amazing, unique, slayage, etc.
11-13. Amanda Cleghorn & Denys Drozdyuk - "Grand Guginol" - (Tango by Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin) - I don't know, it seemed disconnected and sloppy at times? I much prefer their Salsa to this.

10. Bree Wasylenko & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "Clarks" - (Dancehall by Jae Blaze) - Edgar's so hot :wub: Oh and Bree was also there, lol. But yeah objectively speaking there was a lot less actual Dancehall content in this compared to some other Canadian Dancehall routines
9. Top 12 - "Will I?" - (Contemporary by Mia Michaels) - This was great. Nathalie and Mackenzie slayed. But definitely far from my favourite Mia routine.
8. Bree Wasylenko & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "OMG" - (Hip-Hop by Jae Blaze)- Really good. I just realized I meant to rank this above their Dancehall but for some reason I didn't :dead: Edgar was fantastic, but Bree actually held her own, too.
6-7. Amanda Cleghorn & Jeff Mortensen - "Dancing" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie) - I try to ignore the concept when I watch this. Because it's a genuinely a stunning routine. That lift @ 1:20 was so effortless ❤️ Amanda's on and off with her Contemp routines but that was probably her best, and Jeff's best danced routine, too.
6-7. Amanda Cleghorn & Denys Drozdyuk - "I Love Salsa" - (Salsa by Gustavo Vargas) - This is my favourite Amanda/Denys routine. Very good.
5. Claudia Primeau & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "La Reina" - (Mambo by Gustavo Vargas) - That was definitely their standout as a couple. :yes: Hot and exciting. The only minus is Edgar not being shirtless tbh


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Your Top 4:




Nathalie Heath & Mackenzie Green - "After Afterall" - (Contemporary by Blake McGrath) - Watch Here



Amanda Cleghorn & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "Find Your Love" - (Hip-Hop by Luther Brown) - Watch Here



Janick Arseneau & Mackenzie Green - "Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See" - (Hip-Hop by Luther Brown) - Watch Here



Janick Arseneau & Jeff Mortensen - "Veins" - (Jazz-Fusion by Sean Cheesman) - Watch Here


Edited by .Rei
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2 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

I can live with this Top 4. but Patryk needs jesus if one of these is his #19


18 hours ago, .Rei said:


5. Claudia Primeau & Edgar Gilbert-Reyes - "La Reina" - (Mambo by Gustavo Vargas)


Derek - 18



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- Happy with "OMG" making the Top 8 but would have loved seeing it make it even higher.
- Good and fair spot for "Dancing" to make it to 7th/6th. A gorgeous routine from Amanda & Jeff. LOL I had a feeling so many people would mention the song choice due to another iconic SYTYCD routine that used this song. :dead: 
- Ugh so no Amanda/Denys routine makes it to the Top 4? True robbery, tbh. :/  Lol but really, I'm happy that their Salsa made it this high at 7th/6th, though again... I wish it could have made it even higher than this. Love Megans' and Rei's comments on this.
- Ughh whatt now "La Reina" doesn't make the Top 4? I AM FUMING Y'ALL. :/ Again, very pleased this made it to #5 but it deserved Top 4, for sure. Rei preaching nothing but truth in his comments! And also slay Rei & Megan again for their rankings and comments!

It's a good Top 4, but not reallly my very favorite. Nothing in my Top 4 makes the actual Top 4, boo. 😢 I do love 3 of these routines so I'll be pleased with any of those winning. Just hoping my #13 doesn't win (though I wouldn't be surprised if it does).

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There have been a lot of perfectly acceptable bland dancers on this show and Mackenzie is the king of them all. In a season with Denys somehow Mackenzie is the most boring dancer because at least Denys brought excitement to his performances. Mackenzie is there. In every routine, there he is.

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