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SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US10) (Round 8)


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12. Tiffany Maher & Ade Obayomi - "The Power Of Love" - (Contemporary by Mandy Moore)


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@Erestor - 3

@Zoey - 6

@*Wallace - 9

@taylorkat - 10

@FrogLenzen - 13

@kritaaay - 18

@.Rei - 18

@totes4totes - 20


Avg. Score = 12.13






This is a really stunning and gorgeous routine. Tiffany really stood out and took a major turn for the best with her dances in the Top 10 - this dance is an example of that. Tiffany is really so stunning and gorgeous with how she moves and dances here. ❤️Ade also does a great job and dances well here too. The emotional connection and chemistry they have here is beautiful too. They dance so well together but some of my favorite parts are where they do the same moves side by side with each other.




Remember when Caitlynn did a Mandy Moore piece and the judges lost their minds? Well this is what the judges thought Caitlynn’s was except for real. The lift sequences are really spectacular, thank you Ade








I can't believe you all chose this. I can't believe you made me rewatch this. I can't believe that 4 seasons after his original seasons choreographers can't think of anything more creative for Ade to do than "forklift."



11. Amelia Lowe & Will Thomas - "3326" - (Contemporary by Sonya Tayeh)


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Rei - 7

Patryk  - 7

Megan - 10

Kriti - 10

Wallace - 10

Derek - 14

Zoey - 18

Gigi - 19


Avg. Score = 11.88






Very good! Sonya was on fire this season!




I thought I was going to rank this higher. But I think upon rewatch I kept thinking that I wished this routine had been done by different dancer. Chehon and Eliana. Anybody but Will. I don't know. Amelia I think is actually very lovely in this but Will is basically just there.




I wasn't ever crazy about Amelia & Will (though I may have liked Will while the season was airing)? This is a hauntingly beautiful dance and their best dance as a couple and on their own separate runs. This is such a dark, twisted, creepy but also beautifully stunning dance. They danced this beautifully and performed it wonderfully too. I especially love all of the side by side dancing they do in this.




I always remember in Vegas Week Amelia had to dance for her life after the Sonya round and during Amelia’s solo Sonya whispered “I can’t wait to get my hands on her” and I was like, but Sonya, you just had your hands on her for the Vegas round and she almost got eliminated lmao. But in reality THIS piece is what Sonya meant. I would like to see a full 3.5 minutes version of this to the full song. 



10. Chehon Wespi-Tschopp & Allison Holker - "Leave" - (Contemporary by Stacey Tookie) 


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Kriti - 4

Megan - 7

Zoey - 10

Wallace - 12

Gigi - 13

Rei - 13

Patryk  - 13

Derek - 15


Avg. Score = 10.88






More generic a contemporary routine than Cyrus/Jaimie but this one features Chehon and he full on lifts Allison up over his head with one arm. They also like full on kiss at the end. And his shirt is open the entire time. No notes.




Well dang, I completely forgot all about this routine. I feel so bad about that... but oh well. This is a really beautifully and lovely dance from Chehon & Allison. They dance this beautifully together and separately. They showcase stunning lines and technique. I love the leaps that Chehon does and then how Allison jumps onto Chenon as he walks forward. Overall, this isn't a super memorable Contemporary dance but I do really enjoy and appreciate watching it now. Oh wow I forgot about the kiss at the end and I usually remember dances with kisses in them. :dead: This is one of Chehon's best dances.




I love the Once soundtrack, so I might be a little bias here.. this is good! Stacey almost never does wrong!




Incredible. So many good contemporary routines that this is somehow on the lower end of my list while still being amazing. 


(tie)8-9.  Chehon Wespi-Tschopp & Kathryn McCormick - "Eli, Eli" - (Contemporary by Tyce Diorio)


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Megan - 2

Kriti - 5

Derek - 6

Patryk  - 6

Gigi - 7

Wallace - 19

Zoey - 19

Rei - 20


Avg. Score = 10.50






For those of you who FORGOT, I freaking LOVE Chehon. I don't care that he couldn't do ballroom or hip-hop, he definitely deserved to win the season. No questions. Thank you. I think he's the most beautiful man to have been on this show. I think this routine is great. I am a TASTY OREO apologist and when he goes out and choreographs a contemporary routine they are often some of my favorite routines of the season and this is no exception. Kathryn is great in this, but it's a great showcase for Chehon as a partner and a dancer. His maturity shines through and I think that's the biggest reason why I loved Chehon. I won't be silenced.




Chills. Crying. It blows my mind with the amount of restraint of Tyce Nigel and this show to not explicitly call this the “holocaust” routine until later, I think the finale maybe they admitted it. Usually they can’t help themselves lol. Obviously that’s what the piece was about, but it’s so much better to just let the art breathe and speak for itself. Like with Possibly Maybe this is just perfectly cast and the way they acted it took it over the top. 




Imma keep it most honest with y'all and say.... dang it I am so mad and disappointed that this routine couldn't have missed out making the Top 20. I'm so sorry.... but I just never really cared for or connected with this routine at all. It's no doubt well danced by both Chehon and Kathryn. But I just find this boring and it does not capture me in the slightest. Oh well, that's my big unpopular opinion which I know I will stand on alone (unless Rei agrees). It's nice, well danced but just doesn't stand out amongst all of these Contemporary dances.




I guess this is where my friendship with Megan ends. This is soooooooooo boring!!!! Tyce does either brilliant contemporary or extremely boring ones. It is a shame that this falls on the latter category. The combination between Kathryn, Chehon and Tyce should have been outstanding but this just put me to sleep.


Edited by .Rei
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  • .Rei changed the title to SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US9) (#12-#7 Posted)

You are all gonna be so mad when you read my disco write up and go “damn, that disco could have been actually good if Megan was on the production team” and then regret all your high placements for it!!!!!!   

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- Aww wish "The Power of Love" could have done better but at the same time, happy with this making it to #12 as I had a feeling this would be very polarizing on here.
- Good spots for "3326" and "Leave." Would have swapped the dances around but no complaints.
- Oooh, whoa, I wasn't expecting "Eli, Eli" to show up this set as I thought it would be higher but yayy no complaints about that. I don't disagree with Rei on this one. 

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Leave is a little generic but the two of them dance it VERY well and the song makes a lot of it, it became one of my favourites after this routine happened


also US9 is genuinely the season that made me ask the question of is the “best” dancer the one that absolutely slays their <leah miller voice> genre and flops at everything else, or are they just ok at what they trained at but give at least a semi decent showing in every other style? because we sure as hell had no one who was both in the final four, hell, maybe the entire top ten

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Me single-handedly pushing Unchained Melody from #20 to #16. :wub:

16 hours ago, FrogLenzen said:

I Will Always Love You is the boring Chehon contemporary of the season, not Eli!!!!!

My thoughts exactly.

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On 4/4/2024 at 10:53 PM, .Rei said:

doing salsa for around a year (which makes my delusional self thinks that I'm already an expert), has actually made me appreciate Matthew in this.. he actually was very solid and the bits of actual salsa dancing, he was very good with the the rhythm and salsa flair... the biggest problems with this routine were the terrible song, the lack of salsa content and the terrible outfit from Matthew

Ugh this. I remember watching a remix of it with a different song and it was so much better. Matthew’s outfit was still horrendous though


I had no idea so many people disliked the Disco :whut:

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On 4/5/2024 at 9:34 AM, FrogLenzen said:

I Will Always Love You is the boring Chehon contemporary of the season, not Eli!!!!!

a former poster here, Lee, changed the music to be the Dolly Parton version and I think I actually like it better. LOL. Let me see if I can find it.



Still the big sweeping grand choreography. But feels less predictable when you have it to Dolly instead of Whitney.

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17 hours ago, Erestor said:

I had no idea so many people disliked the Disco :whut:

Me neither. I see we still find out new things on this forum after all these years. :dead: 

  • Haha 1
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  • .Rei changed the title to SYTYCD Routines Mini-Rankdown (US9) (#12-#8 Posted)

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