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Favorite season of 2020


Favorite season of 2020  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your favorite season that aired on 2020?

    • Season 18
    • Season 19

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Yes, i know it's hard to compare these seasons since one had actually live shows and the other hadn't. And i know both of these seasons were not really that much liked here. But I would like to know, which was your favorite one and why? 


In my opinion, i liked Season 18 more. Yes, there were no live shows but that is not the contestants' fault. I think overall the cast in that season was more diverse, and i enjoyed everyone in the Top 9 to some extent, plus the group of finalists was more diverse as well. I can't say the same for Season 19, but maybe is just me not liking a group of contestants where half of the singers are country singers 🤮

Edited by Gustavo527
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Definitely Season 19. Having live shows makes a huge difference and actually gets you excited to see who will flop/succeed live. Season 19 also had studios, something that I missed from Season 18. Not to mention, a favorite of mine actually won Season 19, so it can’t get much better than that. :haha:

Edited by Bk1234
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Voted for S18. I usually love the live shows, but it ruined S19 for me because 90% of the cast couldn’t deliver good performances live. The results didn’t help either, and S19’s finale might have been the worst finale ever performance-wise.


S18 didn’t have live shows, but it had some great performances and a really varied Top 9, which made it way more enjoyable to watch. 

Edit: It always helps to have a snowflake. Thunderstorm and Zan are some of my favorite contestants in recent years, and I didn’t really have a snowflake on S19 (Love Payge and Sid, but being eliminated on the Playoffs hurt them)

Edited by Daillon
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