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miss denise

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Everything posted by miss denise

  1. Oh! OMG I know Pop and Pop's Diner is a central location on the show. He looks very different though. Yes, that is for sure about the health care workers. Thank goodness for that! Oh my, I am so sorry you had to experience that, but thankfully you made it through and I hope are in good health. Thanks! It's hard to tell. There are a lot of hardcore Varchie shippers, as well as Barchie... but Bughead is the favorite ship. Lili (who plays Betty) and Cole were dating in real life for a long time, but I believe they broke up now. Not sure how that might affect things on the show. OMG. Cheryl did make a move on Archie early on, but I don't think that will happen again. I am ready to overtake them all. Yeah, that was one of the main things I looked for in an apartment. Aww yeah, understandable. Thank you, that's so kind. lol that's okay. I know I can. I hope I get carded until I'm 60! Haha it is. And LOL that age gap always amazes me. That's okay. Aww lol I was just kidding. I'm fine with you liking them the same. That's fine. I gave you so much to respond to.
  2. 15. David Archuleta - We Can Work It Out: Awww. I'm glad it's at least this high even though I would have it higher. I loved all of his performances for different reasons. I know he messed up some lyrics here, but I still enjoyed it. I like this style of song on his and the studio recording highlights his abilities much better. I never thought it was that bad. I'm glad it at least ranked in the top half. LOL at asking who are the two that submitted this. 14. Kris Allen - What's Going On: Not two of my submissions back to back. lol I actually thought this would be higher and am kind of surprised. This was a good performance and it was hard for me to submit as a "worst" one. I again loved all of his performances to some capacity and I guess prefer the songs of any others that might be considered weaker. I see your point about the lack of frustration feeling in it, although I personally love the acoustic arrangement. 13. Hollie Cavanagh - Flashdance...What A Feeling: I'm also a fan of Hollie, but did not like this performance and would rank it lower. I don't think her voice could ever really sound bad, but this didn't work for me. I guess it's a combination of the song and all you said about the awkwardness. 12. Ashley Hess - Sir Duke: I don't mind this performance and thought it was fine. I get that it wasn't really a "fighting" kind of performance and I believe they chose just one that would be either their victory song or the one to compete with? Either way, definitely would have gone with something else that would work better. She sang and performed it fine enough though, but it wasn't impactful for the situation. 11. Lauren Alaina - (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman: Not three of my submissions in one set. I'm being dramatic. I am very pleased with how high this ranks, especially since I know you're not a huge Lauren fan. I'm so glad she (and this performance) have grown on you. i thought her vocal was good, but I do appreciate you saying she could take it on better now. OMG the diaper comment. We know who was responsible....
  3. Yeah, that was a rude awakening. Thanks. My brother texted me some pictures the other night of him playing video games so I think he's found a work/life balance. Oh no, but at least you didn't have to miss any of the movie. I would hate that. Oh that's right, you did share about having kidney stones before. Ugh, so sorry. Thanks. I'll reply to this first part now without the spoiler tags. Yes, you are three for four so far. Oh, if you are able to share the website, that would be fun. Interesting response here! I think that love triangle is much more prominent in the comics (from what I've heard) than the show, although there have been hints of it. I'm not huge on Varchie and thought Betty's crush on him was cute at the beginning, so I might prefer them (although I also love them as best friends). Basically, Archie needs to be with a new character played by me. Love that. Yes, we are allowed to have animals! I would ideally want to have money saved up before adopting though to ensure I have enough to care for them. One of my friends thought I was weird for that. Oh, I hope so and let me know if you do! It is pretty common and lol at the 30 year olds playing teens. He is and yeah, I wouldn't have known. Although one of my favorites is how the core cast of girls from Pretty Little Liars have a 11 year age gap despite playing teens all the same age. It's a no judgement zone. At least from us. I love musicals! I'll keep my eyes open. NOOOOOOOO. But lol it's okay.
  4. It's gorgeous! She's so beautiful. I can't wait to see how much her daughter takes after her.
  5. Love this photo from the above article. And how have I never seen this?
  6. I'm glad you approve. And you should tell me now why you predicted a Swon brother.
  7. This was actually my first time seeing Danielle! I tuned in to the finale for Hunter. I watched her performances back later and became a fan of hers as well.
  8. She is probably my favorite alum from The Voice! I haven't watched a lot of the seasons, but saw all her performances and own her music. This is also fitting to post now.
  9. Actually, it may have been $13, but my mind went to $15 for some reason. My friend bought the tickets for a group of us, so I didn't know the cost until it was time to pay up. I never choose night time showings myself, so was in for a shock with that price. Yes! I heard good things about the vaccines. My brother is a nurse and keeps us in the loop on this. I sure hope so. LOL yes, that's why I mentioned not drinking toooo much. I tend to drink a lot of water in general so I have to restrain myself during movies. Excited to see it! Thanks so much. Yeah, I had soooo many lists from over the years. It breaks my heart thinking about it.
  10. I haven't posted a clue for my next one yet, but am very curious what this prediction is. Please share.
  11. In honor of the Numb anniversary, I'll share this throwback of when I saw him perform it. He shared his story about returning from his mission before singing it. I already loved the song, but loved it even more after hearing it live.
  12. I did a search and haven't been able to find one that fit your description. Any idea what season this was from?
  13. From yesterday. (the tweet, not the photo, in case anyone couldn't tell )
  14. I definitely want Seahorse to win, but am pulling for a Seahorse, Sun, and Crocodile final three! They are all fantastic. I could not agree more!
  15. OMG! Several changes I noticed tonight with the contestant being able to "snoop" on two voices rather than one, as well as the screaming booth (although they had both high pitched singing and whisper challenges before, so that didn't throw me off too much). I'm not sure if there was another one I forgot, but I don't like the prize money switch. Before it was all (100K) or nothing and now they either double their money or lose half? Strange. I guess this guarantees the contestant gets to leave with something, except... what if they get to the last round with no money? Doubling it would still be zero.
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