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Everything posted by Hsamid

  1. Why doesn't Philippines have The voice for adults anymore? It would definitely go viral online considering the singing reputation Philippines has. I still remember the reggae singer that was everywhere on TV compilations at one point.
  2. I think this is the most I've seen idol contestants talk about or refer to IDF. Contestants from the last few seasons never brought this site up at all lmao.
  3. Eh RLETTO and Nadege are roughly on the same level as contestants. Unless one vastly outperforms the other idrc which of the two goes home.
  4. Yeah Cait was probably the best vocalist alongside Holly that season. Hurt to lose her even if it was the right decision based purely on her POs.
  5. Let's see the performances first.. People were saying the same thing about Cait Martin until we heard her PO performance.
  6. Love how she "sang off key in my chorus" everytime. True dedication to the song
  7. I do think serenity's battle and KO were some of the weakest of their respective rounds and probably the whole season, I wouldn't have advanced her. But this was a really good performance. As good as her blind at least. Not sure what some of you are hearing, cause I personally didn't hear anything wrong vocally. I do get the feeling Serenity really connects to the song she sings so I appreciate that. I dont get that with everyone this season.
  8. Yeah, Grace W might be the most active contestant post show I can remember, at least when it comes to covers. She had 6 on her Instagram in March alone. Thats more than I get from multiple contestants in a year lol. And I get that a lot of contestants are busy with shows and such. But some of us don't live in the US, so I really appreciate Grace or any other contestant posting covers regularly.
  9. I get it. But In fairness, it's hard to replicate that same passion after the show when lots of contestants don't post often. (Covers, new music, etc). Most of my favourites from previous seasons post something every few months, some im lucky to get anything at all in a year, and even fewer that post anything music related with any regularity. Off the top of my head, only Grace West and Allegra Miles fall into that category for contestants I've checked in with recently. Even when they do, it's seldom at the rate where it's comparable to when they were on the show, performing weekly.
  10. So given the playoff contestant poll results.. ig it's fair to say S25 KOs suffered more from the PO pass? I probably should have made this after the Playoffs since both Manasseh and MK kinda flopped to end their run. Here's to hoping the same doesn't happen to Nadege and L. Rodgers.
  11. Yeah I think they were nearly tied? I'm pretty sure it was near the top for most people though. But yeah odd to see so few votes for Cait. But sometimes performances grow on you, or the opposite happens.
  12. You know, when I first listened to the contestants before the show aired, this performance caught my attention But it took me a while to realize when Asher auditioned that they were the same dude. He sounds way different in the video. Part of that is his use of headvoice which he's barely utilized on the show. But his tone is also much lighter here. Wonder if we'll see this side of his voice going forward (I hope we do), or maybe it just changed.
  13. I've lost a lot of interest after Roman and Jayna's elimination. At least when Quintavious and Odell were eliminated I still had them. not gonna say they gave great performances every time. But they were definitely the most exciting and talented vocalists imo. I still like most of the contestants remaining, and there's still McKenna who's been a favourite since the beginning. But she's a different type of singer. There isn't really anyone left that can make me throw my shoe vocally...
  14. Fair enough. I do really like those battles. But they don't really stand out to me. Maybe in time though. Some performances are growers.. To be fair, no one here shares a distance for male teen singers on this show quite like you do. definitely agree with Manasseh and Mary Kate though. Love their battles but they never came close to that level again
  15. I think S23 had the stronger top KO performances. For me, Asher and maybe Karen are the only one that really measures up to Holly and the Kala/Cait pairing. And I liked the Tasha/6 and Grace/Neil pairing more than most s25 KOs. But S25 on average had the better performances. Most eliminated KOs from s23 were not pretty.. while most of the s25 KOs were at least decent and a few really strong ones. With the exception of the Mafe/Gene pairing. As for the playoff pass contestants.. i thought the s23 contestants did much better in the battle rounds. Mannasseh, Mary and D.Smooth's battles are still some of my favourites from recent seasons. Bryan's is the only one I'd put on that level. But the auditions from the S25 PO pass contestants are also much better..With the exception of Ryley. So ig it's a tie for me here.
  16. Both were victims of the playoff pass and the quality of the KOs suffered as a result. But which KO round was better? S23 KO playlist (eliminated performances not shown) S25 KOs
  17. I feel like this season's performances have the lowest viewcount in TV history. Not a single performance this season has hit a million views on YouTube yet. Meanwhile last season had a few performances that hit a million within the first week or two.
  18. Tbh I'm just here for the writeups. You describe the strengths and weaknesses of each performance in a way I wish I could. Move aside Charlie Mason!
  19. She said it in quotations, and it was in the context of how she was raised. I don't see why Gene would be taken aback unless she actually had that opinion herself I also don't think the audience cares much. AI has been pretty rock friendly going way back.
  20. Speaking of Nathan. I like his first 2 performances more than these last 2. And as far as male soul singers on the show go, he doesn't stand out or interest me as much. He's still one of the best performers every round though.
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