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Everything posted by m1key

  1. Aliana is super inconsistent. Her upper range is clear but the lower notes are shaky and pitchy. Weird af.
  2. Probably, because its not even a performance episode. They arent gonna cancel the show based off of episodes that had bad ratings when there were no actual performances.
  3. According to Sophias instagram, she is going by Sophia James now in honor of her brother
  4. look on the bright side, atleast we are getting idol at all!
  5. TIER 1- Amazing 1. Sam Diaz 2. Cyniah Elise 3. Sophia Wackerman 4. Kimmy Gabriela TIER 2- Great 5. Dillon James 6. Arthur Gunn 7. Makayla Phillips 8. Julia Garagano 9. Francisco Martin TIER 3- Passable 10. Jonny West 11. Jovin Webb 12. DeWayne Crocker Jr. 13. Lauren Spencer Smith 14. Olivia Ximmines TIER 4- Not Good Enough 15. Franklin Boone 16. Louis Knight 17. Aliana Jester 18. Faith Becnel 19. Nick Merico Didnt Include Grace or Lauren because they arent confirmed.
  6. Makayla Phillips- Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande, Any Ariana Grande Song Cyniah Elise- And I Am Telling You by Jennifer Hudson, Any Aretha Song
  7. I mean they really have no other choice. Its just gonna be awkward if a singers singing an uptempo song and they arent allowed to move around much because their living space doesnt allow them to.
  8. Grace is more exciting and more of a pro than Lauren, although both deserve a spot in the Top 20 over Faith
  9. That was good and she deserves her Top 20 spot but I feel like that song wasnt risky enough.
  10. Cant wait to see Grace and Lauren become "Gren." Its so obvious that the twist and edit is pointing towards them becoming a duo.
  11. I think this could work, but the emotional aspect and performance aspect of the performances might be hard to create in an at home atmosphere.
  12. im hoping that if Idol comes back on April 26th, they dont rush through 4 weeks of live shows and do some wack format like 20-10-5-3.
  13. I feel like twist is that its a Top 21 instead of Top 20.
  14. So you are saying that you WANT scripted shows to take the place of Idol?????
  15. Mytake1, you have yet to add ANYTHING positive about this situation. Why are you even here if you are trying to ruin peoples hopes??
  16. Im not denying that the live shows are cancelled because it is extremely likely that they are. I just wish ABC or Idol itself would come out and say something about it.
  17. I wish Idol could clear something up about this on social media instead of avoiding it. Whether its an instagram post or a segment in the episode it would be nice for them to update us on the status of the show, instead if hearing about it from other sources.
  18. Arthur Gunn Louis Knight Francisco Martin Dillon James Sam Diaz Cyniah Elise Kimmy Gabriella Makayla Phillips Julia Garagano Sophia Wackerman or Lauren Mascitti
  19. Do u have a link to the article? I cant find it.
  20. yall are acting like u want it to be cancelled jeez. the pessimistic vibes here are toxiccc
  21. I wont believe this till an official producer or executive speaks out on this. Almost ALL of the Top 20 are STILL in LA.
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