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Everything posted by seak05

  1. I checked out during the Marcos Ali battle, but I'm back now
  2. Yeah, remember everyone on this show is into music. I'd be pretty surprised if any of them really hadn't heard of her
  3. Sometimes they don't know who they are....but if they don't know who Reba is they're living under a rock
  4. While hanging out with Blake/Gwen in Oklahoma Carson and his family went to see Emily Rhyne at Ole Red Tishomingo. Interestingly she said she was never able to actually meet Carson while she was on the show. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=773998774209781&set=a.552075756402085
  5. I would say that keep in mind Cait’s playoff feedback from multiple coaches was that she was pitchy. The Blake comment might be foreshadowing It’s hard to judge the accuracy of the comment without hearing it actually live without the tuning though. I enjoyed both performances.
  6. Carson and family are spending Easter in OK with Blake/Gwen and family. It’s cute how close they all are
  7. While the voice is a competition, I watch the voice mostly because I enjoy the performances. One of the reasons I’ve enjoyed the one finalist a coach finals is because you tend to get a greater variety of performers. Yes it might take drama away from the end results, but I’ll make that trade for a better show Chance might not be choosing the most likely to win, but if it brings a greater variety to the performances, I’m here for it.
  8. Worlds colliding, Parajita will perform the national anthem for the Orioles opening day tomorrow
  9. I get what everyone is saying about NOIVAS being tco because of the leaks. But it feels like if they’d really wanted to give him momentum they’ve have edited his blind differently. Stripping out any mention of his brother, and all of that interaction with Blake - if it would have been included my guess is the numbers would’ve been higher.
  10. Are we sure about them getting 6 weeks of live shows? It would surprise me a bit if nbc held off on both their fall Tuesday and Wednesday show premieres until October
  11. yeah next week is a highlights episode because they hate us
  12. Oklahoma public schools are some of the worst in the country (because they spend no money, and require almost no time)
  13. Neill sounded really good, and Blake's comments were funny. I wish they showed his full performance
  14. This is a good song, I'm not sure it's a good song choice for JB. Rachel is killing it though
  15. Jordan and Regina is on a short list of best battles in the history of the show These two are actually doing a decent job....but yeah
  16. At this point we're all going to die from alcohol poisoning before the episode ends
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