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About Kaito

  • Birthday 12/26/2005

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    Taylor Swift

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  1. i heard he was severely injured to the brink of death after that house fire, but i hope that he is also doing well.
  2. that's my mother through and through
  3. why are you so aggressive then wouldn’t a “i don’t know this artist but i’m excited to check out his music see what he brings to the table” suffice?
  4. willing to bet good money that if you’re a kendrick fan then you would be cognizant of chance’s work // be hyped that he’s on the panel
  5. no you’re valid — i just think that this collective outrage and confusion over a hip-hop artist (who has had fantastic & acclaimed records in his discography) being a coach is reeking of the anti-rap bias that you pointed out, which obviously stems from broader societal & systemic issues. it’s 2022, you would’ve think that we would’ve had more rappers on this show. i think that this is a great step in regards to bringing in more artists & viewers to broaden the artistic representation that has been lacking in recent years
  6. “this panel is so strange!” “this season will be interesting!” “i’ve never heard of chance before therefore he’s a bad coaching choice!” like do y’all not see the racist passive aggressivity behind these statements lol
  7. some of these reactions towards chance being a coach are weird asf & lowk veering onto microaggression realm. how can y’all claim to be music fans and only listen to such a small subset of genres???
  8. not team b shoutout to my faves jazzy and monophy miss them wherever they are
  9. btw arianators HATE sasha, at least the twitter ones, so maybe team minivan's love for j&s is stronger than we thought
  10. all the same (the final track) is genuinely a fantastic shoegaze song i’m a bit obsessed
  11. it was good but i was craving some more fragility in her performance i fear
  12. love lana but she can never compare to addison's version i fear
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