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Everything posted by Someone648

  1. Rising/Stable at the top 1. Nathan Chester - Right now it kind of seems like it's his race to lose? 2. Asher HaVon - Very pleased with the public reception to the last performance. 3. Madison Curbelo - Should continue to have a stable level of support with her consistently great performances 4. Karen Waldrup - Hasn't stumbled yet Falling: 5. Bryan Olesen - Somewhat exposed this week, but he can still regain this momentum 6. Josh Sanders - Can easily rise back up, but he needs something that'll set him apart. His numbers aren't that great for a country male. 7. Maddi Jane - Pulled enough support, but honestly I think only a pimp spot and TEOTH-level performance could possibly take her to the finale 8. Serenity Arce - The luck stops here. She can't pull support from others. 9. Tae Lewis - Instant save recipient; not much better than all of those above him. Would be hard to get to the finale.
  2. Makes things a bit trickier, but not impossible. Reba's just not going back home to Oklahoma for as long as she may want to...
  3. This is honestly such a wild stat that I had to look back and make sure.
  4. So we get hometown dedications next week... did they say anything about trios? Because Karen/Josh/Tae, Serenity/Madison/Maddi, and Asher/Nathan/Bryan are all right there...
  5. DonΒ΄t Let The Sun Go Down On Me: Jeff Jenkins vs Casey Desmond (s1), Mycle Wastman (s3), Shane Simon (s4), Sisaundra Lewis (s6), Damien with Adam Levine (s7), Jack Cassidy (s12), Jershika Maple (s21), L. Rodgers Smooth Operator: Oliv Blu (s16), Nadedge Slow Burn: Emma Caroline (s20), David Vogel (s21), Zoe Levert The Church on Cumberland Road: Red Marlow (s13), Tae Lewis
  6. Nadège winning would be the most iconic thing to happen in 25 seasons though
  7. Chance is really likable. I love Chance. I don't like Coach Chance.
  8. Logic says this is going to Tae for having the most consistent vocal Reality says it'll probably still be Zoe and it'll be so funny
  9. She couldn't pull off Noah Kahan last night, so I'm not sure what miracle she could pull off now
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