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Everything posted by Teraginn

  1. I LOOOOOOVE his cover of that song, it showcased his grit in the best light possible.
  2. I fully expect "Pastor" Todd do at least one worship song. Maybe at the Finale, if he gets there.
  3. I would love to hear him sing so many songs in different genres, but I wouldn't be surprised if Blake will influence him to do country crossover stuff like Chris Stapleton.
  4. The Voice FB page finally shared Todd's KO video, and the comments are unanimously agreeing with his win. There is also a LOT of comments comparing Todd to Kenny Rogers.....and that he should do a song from him soon.
  5. Sure. At least it's more even than having the contestants worry about how to accompany themselves.
  6. I hope this means that The Voice band will record backing tracks for all the contestants so that it will be an even playing field.
  7. He really does have a powerful voice. I hope that won't be an issue when he starts recording video for the live shows. He kept asking the stream viewers about the sound levels, which tells me he's mindful of how he's coming across on video, which is great. I think he should consider recording on the church like he did today, the acoustics are pretty good there.
  8. Just watched the leaked KO..... I think Allegra's song choice raised the expectations for her KO way too high. I think she did a good job giving the song her own flavor. And I really like it when she belts. She just needs help enunciating and cutting back on her runs. Jacob is fine, but Allegra won it for me.
  9. Here's Todd's song list from tonight's FB Live: The River (Garth Brooks) Whenever You Come Around (Vince Gill) (Everything I Do) I Do it For You (Bryan Adams) Arms of a Woman (Amos Lee) - this cover is GORGEOUS. He should sing it on the show. Abba I Belong To You (Jonathan David and Melissa Helser) Chain Breaker (Zach Williams) - if Todd is gonna sing a worship song for The Voice, he should sing this. It is perfect for his style and voice.
  10. Todd's singing live right now on FB!
  11. Todd Tilghman said several times in interviews that Kelly was his second choice for a coach.
  12. Male Soul/R&B 25-36 I voted Soul/R&B but for clarity's sake.... I meant I prefer voices that would be characterized as "soulful", which I have a very subjective take on. For instance..... I would categorize Joanna as having a "soulful" voice but not Allegra. I would categorize my snowflakes as being "soulful". As for age preference....I tend to prefer anyone above 25, unless their voice is just undeniable. Hunter Plake and Kameron Marlowe are my only two snowflakes that are under 25.
  13. I just remembered something. Isn't Thunderstorm from Hawaii? And isn't Allegra from the US Virgin Islands? If Kelly already had live recording issues inland, imagine the issues those two have to face on an island. Yeah, "live" shows are NOT going to be possible in that setup.
  14. Yay, thank you for joining! I was also surprised at the number of people in that group, especially since most of them came immediately after the blind audition. Mississippi showed up for one of their own.
  15. It would be 7AM in mine, but I probably need to set an alarm coz I am NOT a morning person.
  16. Get ready for another livestream concert this Friday night! If you're in the FB group, you get to send requests!
  17. Todd got a shoutout from both Travis Tritt and the songwriter behind his KO song!
  18. Post KO interview. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=651310288762676&id=2090621137924779
  19. Mark Franklin's interviews with Todd. https://idolchatteryd.com/todd-tilghman-talks-about-his-blind-audition-on-the-voice/ https://idolchatteryd.com/todd-tilghman-talks-about-his-voice-battle-round-experience/
  20. Forgot to mention that although you can't vote on who do you want to go through the live shows on the app, it did ask if you agree with the coach's decision. 91% of the people on the app agreed that Todd should have won the KO.
  21. Hey y'all. Sorry if I wasn't present here the past weeks. I just can't stand watching an entire episode of this show so I vowed to just catch up on YT once Jonny is in the Top 20. And boy what a journey it's been. So happy he made it this far! My favorite performance from him has to be his original Moment during Hollywood week, which I was so happy the show used for his Hawaii performance package. But really, I loved everything he did so far. Excited to see him on the next stage along with Francisco! I will say his biggest hurdle that he needs to overcome now is his stage presence, which comes off as aloof and detached. If he solves that, he'd be in good shape.
  22. For everyone's reference: 8:07 is where they started talking about The Voice.
  23. Self-indulgent..... I think that's a perfect way of describing Joanna as an artist. She is clearly talented and has an array of vocal tricks up her sleeves, but she insists on using them on songs that don't warrant them. Her game plan so far seems to be, "I'm gonna put my stamp on this song and hope for the best." And to be fair, that's all she could do at this point in the competition, since she keeps getting saddled with the wrong songs. I hope Blake has the sense to actually let her sing a jazz standard that fits her artistry, for once.
  24. I think Summer added everyone who asked to be added, so yay! Anyway, re-watching the livestream of Todd's KO, and two things stuck to me: 1) Todd's reaction when he saw James Taylor was so genuine and funny. He actually seemed excited to be working with him. 2.) Blake was visibly pleased and entertained when Todd sang. I feel like he's legitimately invested in Todd making it far on the show. Or maybe it's just gas. IDK. All I hope is he gets to sing songs that showcases him in the best light.
  25. Quoting myself from the spoiler thread.....
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