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Everything posted by #jeah

  1. Love Borneo! Excited to see your thoughts on it.
  2. Jamie is way too low imo but I definitely agree with your top 3, though I’d probably switch Todd and Peih-Gee’s placement. China is still my favorite season of all time just because of how fun it is from start to finish...other strong seasons seem to have some dull episodes here and there but China never lets off full throttle and that’s why I love it.
  3. When is the challenge due? I’m not sure I’ll have time to do it until later.
  4. Not sure if this is unpopular, but overall I kinda hated AS4. I think the casting wasn’t that great because the group of queens didn’t really gel all that well together. Like you had fun duos like Manila/Latrice, Monet/Monique, Gia/Farrah etc, but all together it was just like...:boring fan service? I honestly prefer AS3 over it.
  5. Season 9 Trinity >>>> AS4 Trinity. AS4 Trinity was predictable and unexciting to me
  6. Monique should have won AS4, I’m sure production was pissed they slept on her when the season aired and the fan support was so strong.
  7. Like when you didn’t rig the endgame to get Tatianna into the final vote like she deserved? I agree.
  8. The concept is cool but the execution is terribly cringey. Jena Malone forever tho
  9. I was SO impartial, what are you talking about?
  10. I actually watched it the first time this weekend ironically and kinda hated it lol
  11. Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Ugh, how do I even write 100 words about this. I really have no interest in the Transformers franchise. I think I've seen two? The very first one with Shia and Megan, and one with Mark Wahlberg. I don't remember which one it was. Could it be this one? I don't remember. The Last Knight was released in 2017 and stars Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel, Stanley Tucci, Anthony Hopkins, and Laura Haddock among others. Huge cast. Budget was anywhere between $217 and $260 million (side note, how he hell is your estimate off by potentially $43 million dollars? Like how do you possibly forget that you may have spent millions more dollars than you originally thought?) and grossed 605.4 million. It has a terrible RT rating at 15%. It's about robots that fight crime. Saving: Girl Most Likely, for Kristen Wiig only
  12. Refresh, write-up coming now
  13. save Girl Most Likely cut Transformers
  14. I was okay until you posted it and I watched it, and now I’m NOT OKAY
  15. She has an extremely lopsided KR edit, I love Michele a lot but neither her gameplay nor her personality was all that exciting in KR and yet she had one of the most prominent edits that season.
  16. Sorry, Andrelliott is such a new word my phone still autocorrects it to Elliott
  17. Chrissy is Chrissy and Elliott is the pizza in Cycle One.
  18. I couldn’t even finish Fiji. Maybe I’ll give it another shot!
  19. Haha well I'm the yang to your yin!
  20. The Tourist (2010) Oh good, this movie has Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp! I honestly just picked a random movie to cut because I have zero problems with these nominations (as well as every other round this cycle thus far, knock on wood). The Tourist is a 2010 romantic thriller movie that is a remake of the 2005 French film, Anthony Zimmer. It had a pretty high budget of $100 million but grossed close to $300 million so the studio wasn't crying about this one. Seems like critics were, though. It received a 20% aggregate rating on Rotten Tomatoes and was made fun of by the public and Hollywood alike (sounds like Ricky Gervais made fun of the movie during his Golden Globes presentation, no one is shocked). Oh yeah, and the movie is about a math teacher who takes a trip to Europe to deal with his broken heart, and becomes entangled with a mysterious stranger (Jolie) where things start to get dangerous. Exciting stuff. I will probably never watch this. Saving Garrett Hedlund
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