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Survivor 2023 line-up: Who's taking part?


So there's not a thread for this, but this starts tonight and is on every Saturday and Sunday over the next few weeks. Sunday eps will become available in advance on iPlayer too.


Going to give it a shot, but a little nervous! I've never watched the original UK seasons from like 20 years ago - it's funny because I think the fact it was up against Big Brother which was a hit played a part in it not doing so great. And now Big Brother's kinda having its moment again and doing really well! So I'm hoping this really steps it up and continues a good run of UK reality TV we've had recently.

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Hmm, interesting first episode. There's potential there, admittedly maybe it's a part of being so accustomed to the US version but the editing was giving me whiplash at times. As much as Survivor US can go overboard at times, this was a little too quiet of a premiere for me and I kinda found myself waiting for things to pick up. But like I say, first of a new season and many seasons find their feet over time.


The person who got voted out was the one out of the ones on the chopping block that I hoped would go. Looking forward to episode 2.

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That was so old school lmao. I don't think the word "alliance" was even uttered once? No twists, no advantages. In some ways, it kind of was a breath of fresh air. Like I've got Survivor US already, don't need another version of that.


Having said that, obviously I hope things do pick up a bit. Like I appreciate the lack of meta-gaming, but I would like to see some version of gaming soon lol. I'm fine with Richard going. I wanna see more of Shai and Jess' rivalry lol.


And that cheap ass parchment already falling apart was :dead:

Edited by Alex95
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Episode 2 was stronger I thought! I was kinda enjoying the eliminated person but I feel like it was clear pretty early on that they wouldn’t be around for too long.


Looks like the idol’s getting introduced next week. I like that it’s not too in your face with twists etc yet. Agree with Alex - the old-school feel is kinda a welcome refresher after advantagegeddon on US.

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I had no idea this would be airing, but I watched the live premiere & the second episode as well. It seems it’s been almost 20 years since the last UK Survivor. 😮 


For someone who hasn’t followed most of the recent US seasons, I like that they keep it simple/ old school far. But I hope for some blindesides and twists as well!


Even though they have lost 3 challenges, I prefer Caletón tribe and I like most of the contestants there, especially Laurence, Nathan, Jess and Tinuke. La Nena tribe is very strong at challenges but some of those people got cocky very quickly - there’s also a clear divide within the tribe. From that tribe I like Christopher the most so far. Lowkey stanning Ashleigh as well for orchestrating Sab’s elimination while sitting out the immunity challenge. :giggle:

Edited by Erestor
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The second episode was better than the first. I enjoyed Sabrina, but it was pretty obvious early on she would be an early boot. Also the minority alliance clearly didn't have their shit together, splitting the vote between Ashleigh & Rachel :dead:. I think the dynamics on the blue tribe are more interesting than the orange tribe right now. But hopefully that could change.


These first two episodes felt like a lot of set-up. Now both tribes have gone to TC and hopefully things will continue to pick up next week!

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Something is gonna have to change real soon because I cannot watch a bunch of men debate which woman is the weakest to pick off each episode :yawn:. I'm glad Leilani got a second chance. She smashed that immunity challenge, calling her the weakest is a joke. Caleton is so boring, I can't think of a single interesting personality there. I kind of want to root for Shai cause I feel bad for him, but he's also not interesting as an underdog at all.


Le Nena is slightly more interesting. At least there's some drama and intrigue about whether or not the men will be overthrown. Pretty much everyone has talked shit about Lee and his misogynistic crap except like Pegleg, so I have more hope there. I'm really enjoying Ashleigh so I hope she can pull something off. I like the Ren & Doug duo too, as long as they help take Lee down. I'm worried about Christopher exposing Ren possibly having an idol and taking them out though.


While the slow gameplay could be an issue, I'd be okay with that if there were strong characters. BBUK is less of a gameplay show than BBUS because it's all about the characters. I can handle Survivor UK being similar if there were good characters here. But there just aren't so far. We're 1/4 of the way through the season, it just has to pick up steam by next week to hold my interest.

Edited by Alex95
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh I really hoped Jess would pull this Shai blindside off 😭 I pretty much dislike everyone left on the Caleton tribe except for Nathan now lol. 


But I do like the ex-Caletonians trio (Matty, Tinuke and Leilani) in the new La Nena tribe and I am rooting for them all the way ❤️ 


Not Leilani with „Jess is really good with balance, just saying” after Caleton just lost their immunity challenge :dead: :wub:

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Alright I'm giving this one more week. Tbh I blame Caleton mainly for this awful premerge. La Nena is a lot more interesting and Christopher & Lee's fight with Ashleigh & Hannah awkwardly standing there was the highlight of the show so far. As was Leilani calling out Caleton. But Caleton might just be the most boring tribe in Survivor history. While it made for a boring week, I'm glad more of them got picked off.


Now we're merging, everyone's going to TC each episode. If the show doesn't pick up now, then clearly it's just not for me and I'm out.

Edited by Alex95
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Ugh Ashleigh winning was like my last remaining hope for the season. The merge episode was actually good and I loved watching Christopher & Ashleigh take Lee down. I was hoping Christopher would take the bullet for the two of them because I feel like Ashleigh would've had more of a chance at longevity than Christopher does, but I can't be mad at him playing his idol, he'd have been an idiot not to. Tinuke for the win now. I'm still enjoying her & Leilani. And I am rooting for Christopher, even though he kind of annoys me, just to shut Lee's obnoxious ass up. My blood was boiling when he started speaking up when Ashleigh got eliminated. You've already been eliminated, boy shut up :kissbye:


Everyone else is soooooo boring. Pegleg, Doug, Nathan, Matthew, and Hannah are such wastes of casting picks. I'm kind of intrigued by Lawrence who has seemingly fallen UTR despite having been Shai's partner and also voted for Jess & Nathan. But it's probably just white privilege at play vs. everyone fuming about Shai 24/7 lol

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It’s picked up the last couple of episodes. I don’t think any of them really know how to work together or what the definition of alliance is. Tinuke was my winner pick so I guess it’s all up in the air again now.


01. Leilani

02. Nathan

03. Matty

04. Hannah

05. Laurence

06. Chris

07. Peg


I’ve liked Leilani from the first day. I’m hoping she can sneak her way in to the top three since they all seem to be sleeping on her. Nathan isn’t the most exciting but he’s had some good moments. Matty blows whichever direction the wind does. Hannah is invisible. Laurence is alright. Chris and Peg need to gtfo.

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Yeah that was a pretty surprising week, Doug & Tinuke were probably my top two winner predictions lol. I feel like they're all slowly learning how Survivor works which is kinda interesting. The gameplay is starting to pick up, but the cast is still just so bland I'm having trouble finding rooting interest outside of Leilani.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay so happy that Matty won :wub:


I have been rooting for him almost since the beginning. Obviously getting rid of Tinuke was a shady move, but it did end up with getting him to the end and win, so it just shows it was the right move for him. It was also smart to go to the final with Chris who was obviously hated by the jury. After he’s won his third immunity, I thought he may have a chance but Lee ate him alive at the FTC. :dead: 

Also would have been happy with Leilani winning, she played a great underdog game and was a total badass ❤️ 

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