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The Challenge: Battle for a New Champion


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Corey looked like an idiot. It's a guys day and he's coming after two girls in deliberation :wacko:. Clearly the Americans don't trust him as they unanimously voted him in. There's no reason not to jump ship and at least try to work with the international alliance. Proud of how Big T & Melissa stood up for themselves against him though.


Not too disappointed to lose Callum, though I would've much rather liked to see Emmanuel or Corey leave. That elimination was tailor made for Devin and he still barely won it lmao. I'm disappointed to see the Brit alliance lose another number, but I'm relieved Michele will hopefully no longer be looking like a fool on national tv thanks to this weirdo.


Horacio & Olivia kinda suck huh? Really shows what an underdog affect can do to a person. 7 episodes in and Olivia is like top three most boring next to like Colleen maybe? And Horacio has no interest in the political aspect of this show at all and if that's the case, I have no interest seeing him on my tv again.

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I really can't with Corey in this game. :dead: He's so messy and such a trainwreck of a player to watch here. Sometimes I do feel bad for him being in the bottom of his alliance but he does come off very untrustworthy so I get it and then can't feel so bad for him. He's just burning all of his bridges, lol. 

Ooooh and finally the no name option gets pulled. 😮 I had a feeling it would be that that would mean anyone that didn't win the daily would be at risk. LOL of course it happens with Devin and leave it to himto cause drama. :giggle: Poor Callum being unlucky with that. I was gonna surprised if he beat Devin in that elimination, as it was looking like he could have - in a challenge that benefits Devin. :haha: I'm okay with Callum going. I've always been wary of him from the shows I've seen him on. Curious to see how Michele plays without him though I think this will be a good thing for her going forward. She won't have that showmance distraction and won't be in a spot of being conflicted with her main alliance or her showmance. And I know Jay must have been loving that as he wouldn't have to target him on his own with getting Michele possibly upset there. :haha: 

Ah yeah I do get the comments on Horacio & Olivia this season. I was looking forward to them but haven't been loving them this much compared to last season. :( Olivia is alright but hasn't done much. I still like Horacio and no doubt he's a great competitor (and lol I find the Horacio/Big T dynamic really funny), but I wish he would stand up for himself more and make the tough calls. He has the power to do so this time around as he's more in a power position here. Though I get it as I would have a really hard time doing that/being in that position too if I were him. But I'm not on this show so I don't have to worry about that. :haha:

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Absolutely insane that Big T got voted into elimination 3/4 girls days. Y’all really that scared of Big T?! :kissbye: What a fantastic showing for my girl there. I’m glad we at least got 8 episodes from her and she proved she’s a competitor.


Hope Melissa can survive without her. We cannot lose her on the next girls day, I will sacrifice literally anyone else to keep Melissa in the game.

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4 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Absolutely insane that Big T got voted into elimination 3/4 girls days. Y’all really that scared of Big T?! :kissbye: What a fantastic showing for my girl there. I’m glad we at least got 8 episodes from her and she proved she’s a competitor.


Hope Melissa can survive without her. We cannot lose her on the next girls day, I will sacrifice literally anyone else to keep Melissa in the game.

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Watched the episode last night and some thoughts on it.


Aww I loved the scene with Big T talking with Kyle (and his baby). I kinda really miss Kyle on this show (for awhile he was doing too many seasons so I got tired of him) but I understand why he can't be there. But it's nice knowing that he would have been there for Big T & Melissa. ❤️ It's a prime example of who is in the cast and who would be frontrunners/underdogs, etc.

Ugh not surprised that the cast went for targeting Big T & Melissa again. It's gonna be like this until they both go, sadly. :closedeyes: I do get Melissa's upset reaction of being targeted but I didn't like the part of her throwing her drink at Ravyn. I was on Melissa's side until that moment, but overall, I still feel for her for her treatment here.


I liked the Morriah had thoughts and was wanting to go after Colleen but a shame it amounted to nothing. She seems like a strong competitor that's flying under the radar, so I kinda wish they would have targeted her rather than Big T/Melissa. I think Colleen only benefits from being in the S38 cast cause other than that, I don't think the Americans would care to work with her.

Ugh that Kaycee drew Big T's name... and this being Big T's 3rd time in the elimination battle. :broken: I figured there wouldn't be a third time's a charm especially with how much of a beast competitor Kaycee is, so ugh. :/ I was definitely rooting for Big T as she's been slaying these eliminations this season. She's still the elimination queen of the season no matter what! :wub: How many other people can say they've won 2 eliminations, including beating a champion this season? :kissbye: The fact that she won one of the battles and took it to 3 rounds was truly impressive! I did love see Kaycee giving Big T her props and saying so many kind words about her after the elimination. And also her disappointed reaction of having to battle Big T too. 

The scene of Big T and Melissa hugging after Big T's elimination and Big T's final words was heartbreaking. :broken: She has what it takes to be a champion but sadly the cast was not her in favor. But she's such a class act, rootable person and I'm proud of how she's done - even with the odds against her.  ❤️

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I mean I loved Melissa and was very much rooting for her this season and in the elimination, but I never blame Ravyn one bit when she talks shit about Melissa or tries to get her out. Girl threw a drink in her face :dead:. Even Melissa admits she threw a drink in the wrong girl's face lmao.


Probably the worst episode of the season, but I do think there's some hope for the future. I feel like the game does open up a bit now that everyone has to turn on each other a bit. Everyone ganging up on Big T & Melissa was lame. I was hoping they could infiltrate the alliance, but clearly that didn't happen. So now I'm hopeful for the game moving forward. And I do still like a handful of people there. I'll be rooting for Moriah, Michele, Ravyn, Kyland, and James. Also Colleen, Nurys, and Berna a bit to a lesser extent. Everyone else can kick rocks. Especially Asaf and Emmanuel. It's still f*ck Corey and Jay, but I'm rooting against the other two guys first.

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I’m kinda glad Melissa got eliminated because the first nine episodes have been the Melissa show and some people haven’t had any airtime. Maybe now we’ll get to see someone else’s confessionals. I like Melissa but she isn’t that good for the Producer’s to dedicate a season to her.


01. Asaf - Quite possibly the most beautiful person on television.

02. Michele - She’s starting to annoy me with the way she’s always bam, bam, bam. I don’t know whether it’s because she’s so cutting and logical with everything so she comes across as a robot or I’ve finally had enough of her playing this game. However, she’s a huge social threat and I have to stan.

03. Ravyn - She got her revenge and did it was grace. I like how she’s playing and I think she’s pretty underrated.

04. Horacio - Love him.

05. Ed - We haven’t really got to see him play the game but I love his personality. 
06. Olivia - We haven’t seen much of her this season but she’s set herself up quite nicely.

07. Jay - I’ve always liked Jay, but he is a bit cocky for someone whose resume literally says “beat CT once and has ridden on that for several seasons.”

08. Moriah - What does she do to set herself up in the safety positions she’s in? Her storylines are usually showmances.

09. Nurys - I’m enjoying her.

10. Zara - I wish she’d do more because I know she’s capable.

11. Berna - I like that she’s unpredictable but she’s floating.

12. Colleen - See above.

13. James - I swear that all he’s said in every episode is “Melissa can’t leave because then I’m down a number.”
14. Corey - He’s just a snake.

15. Kyland - I liked him to start with but he makes out as if he’s a great player when he’s not shown us anything. 
16. Emanuel - I think he’s creepy.

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Ahh I saw a lot of new posts coming in this thread over the last few days, so I was worried what happened this week. I understand it all now. 🙈

Ugh I like Asaf and want him to do well this season after his first flop season but ugh I'm disappointed that he didn't have Melissa's back and had her go into the elimination anyway. :closedeyes: It's so boring seeing the same people targeted week after week. How does Ravyn get her way with Zara & Asaf having a 2-person advantage? :wacko: Though I'm not mad at Ravyn for targeting Melissa as it makes total sense but still. Although OMG Kyland calling out Asaf the way he did and they almost got into a fight. :dead: 

Colleen was interesting in the sense of trying to change the target with getting Moriah thrown in. The US alliance should have put Moriah in there as she does not seem loyal with them and seems to be growing more with James/Zara. I'm disappointed the majority didn't go through with this and went the easy way, despite many of them not wanting to vote the way they did. 😐 

Ugh, of course when Melissa's name gets pulled... she has to compete against the beast that is Tori, ugh. :dead: And it also being a water challenge, which Melissa said is her weakness...I just really feared for her with this. :( I figured there was no way she could win this elimination but she did well under the circumstances that were clearly against her.  It just sucks that she has had no one to have her back in this game. :broken: Well, she had Kyland & James but that wasn't enough. I just hope she can get more Brits on her side in a future season. 

I did really like Melissa/Kyland and they are by far the most rootable/likable showmance of the season. I love their thoughts/words for each other and their last scene at the end.  ❤️ Not sure if they will be or remain a true couple on the outside but I wish them the best there. But if not, I do hope they will have a true friendship! ❤️


Oh I've always been meh on Emanuel and never really got the negative feelings towards him... until this episode, where I do get it now. Glad I was never a fan lol.


I'm hoping things can become interesting and people can play a riskier game now that they can't target Big T and Melissa anymore.

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These champs constantly calling out Morriah is getting weird. I feel like Bananas had to have put them all up to it. Yet he’s too scared to show up and face her himself. Obviously Morriah is in the wrong, but Bananas is a serial cheater. So no, I do not have an ounce of sympathy for him.


Glad Kyland survived and he, Horacio, and Berna are starting to wake up to their position in the alliance. This episode definitely felt like a filler, but I feel like there’s so much tension brewing and I really hope it all blows up in a big way.

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Just watched the latest episode.


Aww it was great to see Darrell come in as the champ competitor. As much as I hated to root against him, for the purpose of this game, I had to root for Kyland. I was bummed his name was pulled and I was worried for him. But I'm glad he won that elimination. Now he's the only male competitior to win against a champ! :ohyeah: It's always so fun seeing the competitor the contestants want out make it through and still in the game. :giggle:

Yeah I agree that the Champs calling out Morriah stuff is weird. I wonder how this all came about in the first place.... and how Bananas would even know? I'm so confused on this. :dead: Also with Morriah, lol at her putting in much more work to save James than he did for himself. I'm wondering when this is all gonna hurt her own personal game because I feel it's coming sooner rather than later.

Ah I don't really know how to feel about Berna. Often times I feel bad for her with how she takes/handles things. But other times, she can just be a bit too much to watch and she can be kinda exhausting. Her position in the game is tough and I get her + her thoughts regarding Michele. I feel like Michele is intertwined in too many alliances, kinda like on The Challenge USA this past season, but yeah curious how she will play that out.

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Weird watching this live now that Survivor’s over lol. Two weeks in a row of no one going home is reminding me of the middle of last season when they did the two teams. I’m glad Kyland and Ravyn are still around though. Laurel was fun as always, lmao at her freaking out over the missing peg, classic Laurel :wub: . I don’t hold the loss too much against her with the audience clearly on Ravyn’s side.


Berna is definitely rising on my stan list. Her paranoia is fun to watch, the sequence of her cockblocking two different couples in the middle of the night is the biggest laugh I’ve had all season :dead: 


Horacio and Nurys is weird. I just don’t see how they mesh besides being ridiculously attractive. But I mean they’re still going strong so I guess there’s something there 🤷‍♂️. I feel like Olivia might be a little jealous 👀 


Still enjoying most of the women. Zara and Colleen are boring, but I feel like the dynamic between the other six is so messy. The men can all go outside of Kyland.

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Oooh Michele was really such an interesting person to watch this episode. :haha: I love how confident, dominant and how much of a  boss she is this season with all of her alliances with most of the cast this season (and I do mean this as a  compliment). But then she does a complete 180 with the thought of Laurel coming in as the chamion competitor... and then she's absolutely terrified. It amuses me how much of a different person she was in this episode because of that. :haha: Then Michele went back to her original ways once Laurel selected Ravyn's name and when she was out of Laurel's radar. :haha: Michele is so lucky for that because wow the possibility of Laurel beating her would have reallly changed this season's game (which I'm glad didn't happen).

Speaking of Ravyn, aww I do feel bad that Ravyn's name was selected to go to the elimination. I was hoping for Moriah to get her way and it be Berna instead but no luck. Once again, I didn't like to root against Laurel in the elimination, but Ravyn has been strong and really proving herself so I was rooting for her to win this elimination. I was glad she pulled out the win. :wub: Yeah maybe she lucked out in the elimination battle as it wasn't some brawl or something where they had to make physical contact with each other.

Ahh I do find myself liking Nurys & Horacio. Maybe because I like them both individually but I liked the slow progress of their relationship. It comes off more genuine to me. Though I also get them being total opposites too but that could work, maybe? :haha: And most importantly, finally a relationship not involving a third person in the mix, lol. Nurys comments of being unlucky and having a tough time in love really made me feel for her. :broken: So I would like things to work out for them. Although I also get the girls' concern about Horacio and his gameplay as he does have different game intentions than the girls do. But then the same thing with Moriah too.

Lol with Kyland and Ravyn winning these last two eliminations (which I'm happy about!), it seems like we're gonna be at 16 challengers for so long with not getting rid of any people. This makes it feel like this season is really gonna drag. :dead: I'm ready for the ones I don't care for to go. :haha:

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On 12/15/2023 at 7:16 AM, Zoey said:

13. James - I swear that all he’s said in every episode is “Melissa can’t leave because then I’m down a number.”

I meant to comment on this particular comment awhile ago but this comment really cracks me up because it does seem like it's the only thing James' says. :haha:   Now he says this exact same thing about Zara. :dead:


On 12/27/2023 at 6:44 PM, Alex95 said:

I keep forgetting The Challenge has a season full of ICONS just sitting there unseen. They better give us AS4 the second this season ends.

Lmao wasn't AS4 like filmed about a year ago now? :dead: I wonder why it feels like they always skip that season? :haha: 

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Big T has to do a f*cking pole wrestle against professional football player Kaycee while they bring back Cara Maria after all these years to give her a puzzle?! :dead:. I really need someone's ass to go home asap, I can't keep watching all these NEL episodes.


I feel like I keep saying the same thing over and over again. This really is on the verge of getting really good. But it's all stalled right now. I find the dynamic between the ROD girls to be really dramatic and fascinating. But nothing is being done about it as long as no eliminations are happening.

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Lol leave it to Cara Maria to make her long awaited return and cause chaos. :wub: :dead: It was a crazy and fun moment seeing her choose Michele. Michele is doing a great job dominating the game but I feel like she's been too safe and hasn't really been challenged yet. So I'm glad this happened and happy she proved herself. Wow just thinking of how much the house dynamics would have changed if Michele got eliminated would have really been something else. 😮


Hopefully on the next guy's day, someone like a C.T. comes in and pulls Jay for the elimination so that Jay can prove himself + to see if he can beat C.T. again. :giggle: 


Although lmao yeah it's getting really ridiculous that the challengers keep winning these eliminations and we haven't had an elimination in so long. I'm ready for someone to get eliminated soon. :dead: I also feel like a lot of drama is really bubbling up and I'm ready for it to explode and for people to really come at each other. :haha:

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The Internet seems to be suggesting that Aneesa is the one who told Nurys brother something about Olivia. I'm not sure what it was still or if it's true or not but it's so random in and I can't wait to see how it plays out. :dead:

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Lol yeah, I'm also curious on what this Olivia drama is all about and what it all consists of. It really did seem to come out of nowhere. :dead: Then with her edit this latest episode does make it all sound true, lol.

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6 minutes ago, *Wallace said:

Lol yeah, I'm also curious on what this Olivia drama is all about and what it all consists of. It really did seem to come out of nowhere. :dead: Then with her edit this latest episode does make it all sound true, lol.

I don't know how much I would trust the challenge edit to give you true information. :dead:

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