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Who won the battle: S11?


Who won the battle: S11?  

17 members have voted

  1. 1. Jason Warrior vs Christian Cuevas - Hello

  2. 2. Ali Caldwell vs Courtnie Ramirez

  3. 3. Aaron Gibson vs Sa´Rayah

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1. Christian by a hair, but 51/49% even. 
2. Ali, by a landslide. Courtney was strained imo.

3. This was 100% dead even. Flawless. Voted for Aaron because I think Sarayah is gonna get more votes.

Edited by Jaffy
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Jason vs Christian

I loved Jason's vocal style even though I acknowledge it might have been too much for some people. Christian was good too but he didn't really start impressing me until his KO. Jason should've been in the T12, Blake shocked me picking Courtney who was easily the weakest of the 3 left imo.


Ali vs Courtnie

Great song choice, if anything a little more suited for Courtnie. Ali was the one who really slayed it though imo. Courtnie was good but a few of her vocal choices didn't quite work to my ears.


Aaron vs Sa'Rayah

Without a doubt Aaron was impressive, but he's a little bit of a one trick pony for me. Sa'Rayah took it hands down imo and the way she acted out the lyrics was just fabulous. Side note: I didn't know Take Care (Drake & Rihanna) was actually a sample/interpolation until this lol

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