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Best prelive performance from each contestant.


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What is the best  performance from each contestant?


I'm focusing mainly on the top 16, but you can include any contestant with more than one performance as well.


Here's mine for the top 16.


Kim - Can't stand the rain

Morgan - What the World needs now

Kique - Hey ya

Parijita Bastola - Jealous

Bodie - as long as you love me

Omar  - into the unknown

Alyssa  - happier than ever

Devix - Electric feel.

Brayden - this town.

Kate - Anyone

Bryce - Goodbye time

Justin - No more drama

Kevin - isn't She lovely

Sasha - make it rain

Eric - Paparazzi

Rowan - fingers crossed.


KO: 5

BA: 4

Battles: 7


Basically in line with how I feel about each prelive round too. Battles had the best performances by far.

For me, Kim and Morgan are the only ones that have been consistently around the same level throughout the prelives. Everyone else has had a clear up, down or inconsistent trajectory in terms of performance quality.




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Alyssa - Happier Than Ever

Bodie - As Long As You Love Me

Brayden - This Town

Bryce - Goodbye Time

Devix - Electric Feel

Eric - Ex's And Oh's

Justin - No More Drama

Kate - Anyone

Kevin - Isn't She Lovely

Kim - Best Part

Kique - Hey Ya

Morgan - What The World Needs Now

Omar - Into The Unknown

Parijita - Jealous

Rowan - Fingers Crossed

Sasha - Electric Feel


Blinds: 5

Battles: 7

KOs: 4


Knockouts usually has the highest number for me, don't know what happened this season.

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Parijita, Kevin and Bryce: Their blind auditions. 


Kique, Kate, Sasha and Brayden: their KOs. 


Everybody else: Their battle.


The battles were unexpectedly the strongest pre-lives round with a good measure. I loved seeing a lot of people stepping it up.

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Alyssa - Happier Than Ever

Bodie - You Found Me

Brayden - Mercy

Bryce - Goodbye Time

Devix - Electric Feel

Eric - Ex's And Oh's

Justin - No More Drama

Kate - Anyone

Kevin - This Woman's Work

Kim - I Can't Stand the Rain

Kique - Hey Ya

Morgan - What The World Needs Now

Omar - Seperate Ways

Parijita - Jealous

Rowan - Fingers Crossed

Sasha - Electric Feel


4 Blinds

5 Battles

7 Knockouts

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