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DWTS S30: IDF Post-Season Survey


DWTS S30: IDF Post-Season Survey  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Grade the season overall!

    • A (Excellent, iconic, amazing)
    • B (Great, very good, consistent)
    • C (Solid, average, passable)
    • D (Meh, weaker, not the best)
    • F (Bad, not enjoyable, a flop)
  2. 2. Which couple was your PERSONAL favorite to watch on S30?

    • Iman & Daniella
    • JoJo & Jenna
    • Cody & Cheryl
    • Amanda & Alan
    • Suni & Sasha
    • Melora & Artem
    • Jimmie & Emma
    • Olivia & Val
    • The Miz & Witney
    • Kenya & Brandon
    • Melanie C & Gleb
    • Matt & Lindsay
    • Brian & Sharna
    • Christine & Pasha
    • Martin & Britt
  3. 3. Which couple was the most robbed on S30?

    • JoJo & Jenna
    • Cody & Cheryl
    • Amanda & Alan
    • Suni & Sasha
    • Melora & Artem
    • Jimmie & Emma
    • Olivia & Val
    • The Miz & Witney
    • Kenya & Brandon
    • Melanie C & Gleb
    • Matt & Lindsay
    • Brian & Sharna
    • Christine & Pasha
    • Martin & Britt

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Gave the season a B. In comparison to past recent seasons I thought it was pretty decent - good cast, lots of memorable performances from a variety of couples. What's holding it back is still the fact that the packages lack any depth and the constant theme nights lead to the same VTs every week. That being said... great selection of theme nights. If we're gonna stick to that, I'm glad it's to honour the music of greats like Janet and Britney.


JoJo gets my vote for favourite, just an excellent casting choice. A trailblazer, had a great partnership with Jenna, and gave us several memorable routines.


Most robbed was tough. Elimination order could have been better but I don't think it was terrible. While on-paper I feel like Mel C is the obvious answer... based on Gleb's pretty safe choreo I just wasn't as outraged as I feel like I should have been, by the elimination. :( I'm gonna give it to Melora just as I think she really improved over time to be one of the consistently stronger dancers and would have liked to have seen her in the final. Plus I felt like she kinda got dealt a rough hand in the semi-finals and then on top of that, those instant eliminations where the couples just kinda get rushed off stage is always hard to watch.

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easy B season for me. i think some of the dances easily land in the top ~100 of all time and we got some real personality gems (jojo, melora, kenya) and growth arcs (suni, iman) on top of some *shockingly* good theme nights! i still think the show is far too overproduced, but i don't see that changing, so i'll bite my tongue lol.


suni was my personal favorite in terms of storyline, her progression was great and i think her last 2 dances were genuinely perfect (i am side-eyeing ALL of you who disagree. that foxtrot was f*cking AMAZING). my pick for most robbed is actually christine 😮 i think she had great potential and i was super into her for whatever reason, her going out second was an absolute travesty! also i think pasha's sexy

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I definitely do agree that the overproduction of the season, in terms of packages and the vibe overall, is what weighed it down most. Since it is probably staying that way, I am going to try and ironically stan it like I do with Tyra's hosting abilities and Carrie Ann's judging skills LOL. 


On the positive side of things, I do agree that this season's cast was amazing and it was probably my personal favorite group of celebs since S24/S25. I loved how many dynamic personalities and memorable performances we were given, ESPECIALLY from the women! My personal favorites were Amanda and JoJo, but I honestly really did enjoy watching Olivia Jade. For a non-dancer, she always brought her fullest energy, was super committed to her partnership with Val (to the point where it provoked affair rumors lmao), and she seemed like a natural at performing on the stage. I know that will probably be unpopular, but I stand by it! I also loved rooting for Kenya, Melora, and Suni. 


Overall, this season felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the phoned in/pandemic ruined Season 29, the mediocre Season 28, the tragic/robbery filled Season 27, and the rushed Season 26. 





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Also going with a B. My DWTS fandom has faded over the years, but this is the most I've liked a season since S25. Bring back the unrehearsed packages, shakeup the judging panel & pro lineup, and we could really be hitting peak DWTS again in the future. The celebrity picks were actually really strong this year, the elimination order was solid, and idk if this is popular or unpopular but I love the B2 going to the judges. Also in a perfect world results shows would come back instead of rushed voting and eliminations during the show, but DWTS isn't popular enough to warrant two episodes a week so that won't happen.


JoJo gets number one for me. I felt really passionate about JoJo and Melora, but JoJo was the complete package. Both ladies are probably all-time favorite contestants of mine though.


I went with Mel for most robbed. Tbh I would make a few switches in the elimination order here and there but all things considered, I don't disagree with much. I went with Mel because I think she still could've hit her peak and she was the only B2 judges choice I actively disagreed with.

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