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JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (Top Team Honorable Mentions Posted!)


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So during this pandemic, I have become somewhat obsessed with The Amazing Race. I have watched every single season, even season 8, and rewatched the seasons I already saw the first time they aired. So now I would like to some rankdowns for fun, or more lists since they are just based on me, myself, and I.


Now, since the current season is still airing, I decided to do a rankdown of my hottest guys from all the seasons. I will do the rankdown of my top teams after Season 32 is finished airing. If people find anything interesting or would like to comment, please join in, it will obviously be more fun for me!


I will start with the men that just missed the list tonight, but feel free to speculate or give your opinions on who should make the list! ❤️ 




TAR Hottest Hunks

1. Kris Klicka

2. Tyler Denk

3. Reichen Lehmkuhl

4. Canaan Smith

5. Tanner Kloven

6. Blair Townsend

7. James Branaman

8. Freddy Holliday

9. Jeff Strnad

10. Derek & Drew Riker

11. Joey "Fitness" Lasalla

12. Logan Bauer

13. Steve Langton

14. Matt Ladley

15. Ralph Kelley

16. Chuck Shankles

17. Josh Ahern

18. Trevor Wadleigh

19. Jaymes Vaughan

20. Ryan Danz

21. Cody Nickson

22. Chris Marchant

23. Zach King

24. Elliot & Andrew Weber

25. Marcus LaJuan Pollard

26. Tyler Hayes Adams

27. Ernie Halvorsen

28. Dave Brown

29. Brian Kleinschmidt

30. Rob Frisbee

31. Colin Guinn

32. Sam McMillen

33. Alex Rossi

34. Brennan Swain

35. Rob Diaz

36. Shamir Arenzo

37. Victor Jih

38. Connor Deimand-Yauman

39. Aaron Crumbaugh

40. Linz Boys

Honorable Mention: 

Jon Corso

Eric Sanchez

Jeremy Ryan

Russell Brown

Nathan Hagstrom

Tim Sweeney

Brendon Villegas

Cheyne Whitney

Nick Spangler

Cole LaBrant

James Davis




TAR Top Teams










































Honorable Mention: 

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Honorable Mention




JON CORSO | Season 4 | Second Place




Jon was such a tool, but somehow sexy for some reason. And his doing a roadblock in the nude will be forever etched in my mind because it was hot. I mean, the dude has got a sexy body.




ERIC SANCHEZ | Season 9, 11 | Second Place, Winner



Eric was also such a frat boy tool, but also very sexy even though he seemed like such a bonehead who only care about girls. Also, I always found the nipple rings very sexy and tantalizing.




NATHAN HAGSTROM | Season 12 | 4th Place




Nathan was very tall and handsome. He had very beautiful eyes and a pretty face. I think he was also a volleyball player and I do not remember him being too much of a douchebag so that's a plus!




NICK SPANGLER | Season 13 | Winner




Nick is quite handsome, and shockingly not gay. I remember him trying too hard to be the villain, but it was not super entertaining. Nick definitely has that boy next door look and charm, which lands him an honorable mention.




CHEYNE WHITNEY | Season 15 | Winner




Cheyne is really pretty. Like Nathan and Nick, he does not have a swole body, but his face is just beautiful, and those eyes are such a gorgeous blue that I had to give him an honorable mention as well.




BRENDON VILLEGAS | Season 20, 24 | Third Place, Third Place




Brendon has always been pretty sexy. He's a former swimmer so his body is obviously on point. He's definitely got that tall, dark, handsome look. TAR actually made me understand why Rachel gets annoyed with him sometimes, he can be really annoying. However, I also have to give him mega credit for dealing with Rachel, because she is pretty much always on the verge of a meltdown, which is very enjoyable for the viewers, but probably not so much for Brendon :giggle:




TIM SWEENEY | Season 23 | Second Place



Another guy with a pretty face and beautiful eyes. I actually realized that he looks like he could be Nathan's brother. Also, I found his relationship with Marie so hilarious. He did an amazing job dealing with her, as I first found her to be such a witch, but then she became extremely entertaining after awhile.




JEREMY RYAN | Season 9 | Second Place




Eric's original partner makes the list! He looks kind of goofy and his teeth are not so great, but you can't deny that the body is super sexy UNF!




COLE LABRANT | Season 28 | Second Place



Cole is like a younger, even more swole Jeremy. His face is really goofy looking, but the body is undeniable. And those gold shorts and the bulge though...UNF!




JAMES DAVIS | Season 21 | Second Place




James is another goofy face with a super sexy body. It is definitely not surprising that he was a Chippendale. He really should just never wear a shirt.




RUSSELL BROWN | Season 4 | 10th Place



Russell is pretty much an unknown but I remember him being super handsome, so he gets an honorable mention. He left pretty early on his season and did not really do anything memorable, but he has a pretty face and I wish we saw more of his body.





I feel that the theme of all these honorable mentions was that these guys either had a really beautiful face or a really sexy body, which may be why they just missed the top 40. Also, tons of runner-up men in this group which I found interesting.

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  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (Hottest Hunks Honorable Mentions Posted!)





THE LINZ BOYS | Season 8 | Winner




The boys from the Linz family were complete doofuses, and Megan was really the only one who kept them from going off the rails. However, for some reason I found them cute in a small town, midwestern kind of way. They also had the advantage that there were three of them and they were all brothers, so power in numbers and sounds like a fantasy movie I may have seen once or twice :giggle:And someone had to represent from the one and only family season!





AARON CRUMBAUGH | Season 6 | 4th Place






Aaron is quite a handsome bloke, especially back in his modeling days. He looked good with a shaved head on the race. He was tall, dark, and handsome, just what everyone dreams of. Nowadays, Aaron is apparently a staple on The Food Network, and based on his pictures, he is not as thin as his modeling days as perhaps he now has more of an appreciation for food :giggle:He's still cute though but he definitely has a dad bod now. I am basing this list on what they looked like on the race.





CONNOR DIEMAND-YAUMAN | Season 17 | 9th Place




There was something about Connor that was super adorable. Nerds are sexy, and nerds with great voices are even sexier. Love that he's got Ivy League brains with a very cute face. Even though I can't stand Princeton.





VICTOR JIH | Season 14 | Winner




Victor is another adorable nerd, and one with quite a resume. He's a lawyer which is also quite sexy, and seems to be best friends with many reality stars. His alma maters include Stanford and Harvard which are quite impressive, although like Princeton, I can't stand Harvard even more. The brain is sexy though and Victor's smile lights up the room.





SHAMIR ARENZO | Season 29 | 8th Place




Shamir was pretty much one of the most embarrassing TAR racers ever. He was so annoying and you just really wanted to slap/punch him in the face. He complained all the time and was terrible at everything even though he thought he was good at everything, and you just felt super bad for his partner Sara. However, he is very easy on the eyes, and has a handsome face, adorable dimples, and humongous muscles that definitely bulge out of his arms. I wish he had more time on the race just so we would be able to see him without his shirt. We were deprived of that because he was a horrendous racer and he was eliminated early on. But at least he was hot UNF!

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  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (Hot Hunks 36-40 Posted!)
  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (31-35 Posted!)






ROB DIAZ | Season 10 | Second Place




Rob is quite the daddy for sure. His silver fox look definitely works for him and he is quite handsome. He needs more shirtless pictures. My taste has definitely evolved as I quite appreciate older men these days.





BRENNAN SWAIN | Season 1 | Winner





Unlike the season 2 winners who may be considered attractive, I actually really loved Rob and Brennan. They were lawyers, but they were not skeevy. They were good looking, but not cocky about it. I was rooting for them to win it in the end, and very happy they did as they were super likable and cute ❤️





ALEX ROSSI | Season 30 | 4th Place






Alex is very handsome and his race car background gives him an edge and makes him sexier. He was definitely the more handsome one of his partnership with Conor although Conor was not bad looking either and had a great body. I just love these all male teams with two sexy, young men on them. Anyways, I enjoy Alex with facial hair, I think he looks sexier and it makes him look more masculine as his body is pretty lean, which I also find sexy as well.





SAM MCMILLEN | Season 15 | Second Place




One of the gay brothers! They were an adorable team, and super cute. Sam's eyes just drew me in, those amazing baby blues, and he had the more adorable face. He was just more my type than Dan. Although Dan was taller and had a sexier body for sure so they both had their sexy parts. So I am not sure which brother you would go for if you met them, probably would depend on your type. Or perhaps just have a threesome :giggle:






COLIN GUINN | Season 5, 31 | Second Place, Winner




Colin is definitely a sex bomb! His body is just UNF. And while I would not put him on the list for his original season because of his horrendous hair which was way too long, he definitely deserves to make this list after his look on the most recent season. I loved his shaved head look, it made him look so sexy and masculine UNF. You just want to say take me now! And I enjoy that he had more facial and body hair, love that look for him. I also think age made him sexier as I find him so much more attractive now than when he was younger.

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On 11/14/2020 at 12:37 PM, Alex95 said:

Brendon very robbed! And ugh Eric's a good shoutout as much as I hate him.


Yeah Brendon was in the running to be in the top 40, but then I decided I did not like his face that much :giggle:Eric also has a strange face, but his body is super sexy.


On 11/15/2020 at 11:55 AM, Alex95 said:

40. Linz - Only needed the one one the left tbh

39. Aaron - Yes x100. His personality also helps.

38. Connor - Yeah he's a cute nerd.

37. Victor - Meh

36. Shamir - Entertaining and hot king!


40. LOL yeah I don't know why I found the derp douchebag look appealing, they remind me of Alex and Chris, but for some reason I like them better

39. Yes, he's a model so he's pretty hot, lol I actually don't remember liking his personality that much but perhaps I am getting him mixed up with Freddy since they were both male models and I found both hot

38. yes

37. understandable

36. LOL makes sense that you would like him, he literally was so annoying, like twinnie levels of annoying but not as funny

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ROB FRISBEE | Season 1 | Winner






Rob is quite a cutie. I was definitely a fan of Rob and Brennan on the first season as they were up against some annoying teams in the final. They were good looking men and actually seemed like decent best friends who liked each other, so easily the most root worthy team of the first season.





BRIAN KLEINSCHMIDT | Season 15 | Third Place





Something about Brian was just super sexy to me. Maybe it was the southern accent or maybe it was the lean body, but I just found him super attractive even though he kind of reminds me of a chipmunk.





DAVE BROWN | Season 20 | Winner



Major Dave was always hot to me, although his pictures are not really flattering. Perhaps he just had this sexy masculine energy that always turned me on even though he was pretty douchey.





ERNIE HALVORSEN | Season 19 | Winner




Ernie was super adorable and his eyes were gorgeous. I could look into those deep pools of blue all day. He was also such a sweet guy and really is husband material. So glad he won with Cindy, they were so cute. Also he had a very sexy body and looked damn good in a speedo UNF.






TYLER HAYES ADAMS | Season 26 | Winner






Tyler was always pretty UNF. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Loved his curly dark hair and light eyes. Such a stud. He is one of the guys that is super athletic and good at everything, great body with just the right amount of muscle, and a beautiful smile full of amazing teeth. The type of guy everyone hates because he is so damn sexy without trying, but fall in love with because he's so yummy. Could do without his love for fishing, but definitely one of the guys that could be marriage material despite being very bro and fratty. Also loved that he shut down any romance with Laura because he was really only there to win.

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MARCUS LAJUAN POLLARD | Season 19 | Third Place





Marcus is quite a sexy man, definitely a tall drink of water. The fact that he used to play in the NFL and touch so many footballs just makes him more attractive.





ELLIOT & ANDREW WEBER | Season 20 | 9th Place







Oh man, these twins were gorgeous. I was rooting for them so hard and heartbroken when they got eliminated so early, they definitely had potential to go all the way. Honestly, they would be a lot higher if one of the twins did not have disgusting long hair during the race. Because these two are definitely my top and should have definitely made the top 10 easily. But long hair on a guy drops them quite a ways down. But looking at these pictures with the short hair and shaved head, UNF. Both looks stunning. And the shirtless pictures of one of the twins who modeled are perfection. I am not sure which one, but they both obviously look this good shirtless. Flawless UNF.





ZACH KING | Season 28 | 6th Place





Zach is the man you bring home to your parents. The one who is marriage material to anyone who meets him. He is handsome, adorable, and with an amazing personality to boot. Him and Rachel were just so cute together and he really is such a good looking stud. It is definitely no surprise he is so popular on social media. Also, such clever videos, so his intelligence and creativity is quite sexy as well.





CHRIS MARCHANT | Season 30 | 7th Place














Leave it to the gays to have an endless supply of gratuitous shirtless photos. And even better ones beyond shirtless :giggle:I will definitely say I quite enjoyed searching through Chris's endless supply of hot af photos and choosing my favorites. His body is just gorgeous and love the speedo pictures highlighting his many assets :giggle:Also I love a man with blond hair and blue eyes, and on top of that he is a musician! UNF so fricking sexy, I would love for him to play a piece for me, and then give me his piece :giggle:Also, I have seen these guys play in NYC and met them and they are definitely #WellStrung and very possibly well hung based on these curves UNF. Him and Trevor were obviously another team that my husband and I were rooting HARD for and devastated when they left relatively early. We really wanted them to contend until the end.





CODY NICKSON | Season 30 | Winner





Ugh Cody is such a douche and I was rooting hard against him and Messica, but I cannot deny that he is hot and I would do him in a heartbeat. Henry and Evan were robbed!

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  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (21-30 Posted!)

Ooh fell behind.


A fan of of the Alex, Sam, Ernie, Marcus, and Zach picks! Probably Cody too but ugh I hate him so much! And Brian's pretty cute but I don't think he would make my list of top hotties.


I've never found Chris hot, which I know is an unpopular opinion. He's got an amazing body, but it's too muscular for my liking lol. And I just don't think his face is that hot. I much preferred Trevor who I hope is higher.

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RYAN DANZ | Season 21 | 5th Place







I found Ryan to be quite a douche, especially in the beginning, so I actually sided with the twinnies rallying everyone against him and Abbie. However, Ryan was always extremely hot and I always wanted to do him even though he was a raging douchebag.





JAYMES VAUGHAN | Season 21 | Second Place














I always loved Jaymes because he was the nice, sweet guy, and I have been historically very partial to blond hair and blue eyes. The southern accent definitely also helped. I honestly had no idea he was gay though, and I love that he is dating Aaron Samuels ❤️ They are such an adorable couple. We always knew Aaron never belonged with Regina or Cady. So like Chris, Jaymes has a boatload of gratuitous shirtless photos for everyone's enjoyment. I love the gays, and I love the gay Chippendales even more :wub:





TREVOR WADLEIGH | Season 30 | 7th Place






Yay the other half of the #wellstrung team ❤️ Trevor is super handsome and definitely the better looking one of his team in my opinion. He definitely does not have the body that Chris has, but his face is really good looking. Also love his facial hair.





JOSH AHERN | Season 27 | 6th Place













Josh was unbelievably douchey and I was rooting against him and Tanner most of the time, even though I also hated Justin and Diana so I was rooting for them to take out Justin and Diana. I also had times where I rooted for them because they were hot, but their misuse of the express pass just made me mad. However, I can not deny that Josh was a sexy man and would be even hotter with a better haircut. I definitely did not enjoy his ridiculous hair on the race. Anyways, based on his instagram photos, he has a lot of hot friends and really loves to take shirtless photos. Which I definitely am not complaining about. Hottie with a body for sure, and I love his height because it makes his body look extra long and sexy. And his southern gentleman sex appeal does not hurt.






CHUCK SHANKLES | Season 4 | 5th Place






Chuck is probably pretty forgotten for most people. But when I looked back on all the men of the Amazing Race, I realized that I found him incredibly attractive for a relatively invisible man. He was part of a super religious virgin team which I found amusing, but I found him super handsome. He has an incredible jaw, and I loved his shaved head look on the race. He looked super sexy and manly. And the blue eyes are perfection and stunning. His face really stands out as super handsome and that smile could melt some polar ice caps. Beautiful man deserving of this high placement.

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  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (16-20 Posted!)






RALPH KELLEY | Season 20 | 4th Place






Ralph is quite a daddy. I am not a fan of his beard now, but back on the race, he was definitely daddy goals. His wrestler body was so UNF you just wanted him to take you and have his way with you. He is beefy and it is everything UNF. Also love his tats they really give him that edge and make him even manlier than he already is. His muscles are just exactly what you want in a man who can really give it to you. On top of that, he has a really good looking face. He is very handsome and his facial hair on the race was always on point. Yummy Ralph is perfect to kick off the top 15! Oh also loved his fake feud with Brendon just because Rachel and Vanessa legit hated each other so much. I was obvs #teambrenchel and found Vanessa ridiculously annoying, but Ralph was always pretty calm and I give him props for not being driven insane by Vanessa and her bossiness.





MATT LADLEY | Season 29 | 4th Place






I did not find Matt that hot when I watched his season the first time, but then on rewatch I found him super cute. His face is just too damn adorable and handsome. During the show, I loved when he had some facial hair, it made his baby face so manly and sexy. Also, he is an athlete so he has the cutest body, thank God for extreme sports. Yum.





STEVE LANGTON | Season 26 | 6th Place










Oh Steve, I mean, these pictures are self-explanatory. He is an Olympic athlete with the body carved out of Greek statues. He legit looks like he is made of marble, that body is possibly the sexiest on this entire list. Steve is the epitome of muscle and manliness and on top of that, he is so sweet and amazing. I legit loved him on the show and he seems like such an amazing partner to have in life. Which I would not expect from someone so hot, but it is such a breath of fresh air. He also has a handsome face but it is not the prettiest of this list, which is why he was not higher. If I was ranking on just pure bodies, Steve would definitely be top 5 and possibly #1.

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  • JC changed the title to JC's Amazing Race Rankdown (13-15 Posted!)

Lmao I don't even remember most of these random straight white guys from the recent seasons :dead:. The gays, Trevor and Jaymes, are the only ones who standout from the last two sets for me. Steve too but I literally don't remember that man ever being on the show!


Poor Chuck, I always think of him as Chuck the Werewolf thanks to Kelly & Jon :dead: 

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2 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Omg yes I just finished it like two hours ago! Muna is queen :wub: :wub: :wub:. And Brent's already being as messy as I expected lmao. I really like the whole cast actually so far.

Muna made me die when she squealed at Josh changing to JWest :lmao:


also Josh changing from Katie to JWest was pretty baller. Dying at JWest talking himself into elimination AGAIN and losing :giggle:


Brent playing sneaky and scared af is hilarious. I am ready for Katie to tear into him :wub:


All that being said I’m obvs #teamspencer because he’s yummy ❤️ 


I want to see Marcelo and Jacob go down because they’re too comfortable and too snakey at this game. We don’t need another Hunter winning. I would say that I really like all the females except Natalie since she doesn’t really have a personality yet. The boys are really messy as a whole lol.

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7 hours ago, JC said:

Muna made me die when she squealed at Josh changing to JWest :lmao:


also Josh changing from Katie to JWest was pretty baller. Dying at JWest talking himself into elimination AGAIN and losing :giggle:


Brent playing sneaky and scared af is hilarious. I am ready for Katie to tear into him :wub:


All that being said I’m obvs #teamspencer because he’s yummy ❤️ 


I want to see Marcelo and Jacob go down because they’re too comfortable and too snakey at this game. We don’t need another Hunter winning. I would say that I really like all the females except Natalie since she doesn’t really have a personality yet. The boys are really messy as a whole lol.

I wasn't a fan of them bringing JWest back so I was happy to see him go first. Though he always brings the drama, I would've rather had a newbie.


I'm not surprised you say that about Spencer :dead:. I think Jacob and Brendan are hotter tbh. But I kinda enjoyed Spencer as the "joke" contestant when everyone was rolling their eyes at his cringy Captain America speech :giggle:.


Yeah I agree that Jacob and Marcelo are in the best position in the game. Luckily it's very easy to have a downfall in this game so it would be interesting to see if the tides turn against them. Hell it takes one person to be eliminated and then target one of them in a battle match and then you're out, no matter how good your position is.

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On 11/26/2020 at 12:06 PM, QueenKalie said:

I'd do this for equal representation for the women but I'm really lazy so ehh.


LOL You should, I would comment, I just don't care enough to do my list.


On 11/27/2020 at 10:57 AM, Alex95 said:

Ooh fell behind.


A fan of of the Alex, Sam, Ernie, Marcus, and Zach picks! Probably Cody too but ugh I hate him so much! And Brian's pretty cute but I don't think he would make my list of top hotties.


I've never found Chris hot, which I know is an unpopular opinion. He's got an amazing body, but it's too muscular for my liking lol. And I just don't think his face is that hot. I much preferred Trevor who I hope is higher.


I know I can't stand Cody too but he's super attractive even though you want to slap him in the face (along with Jessica), glad you like most of my picks though! Yeah I find Brian really attractive even though he's not a super conventional choice like most others.


I think Chris's body makes him hotter and his face pulls him down :giggle:Trevor was higher! ❤️ 


On 11/30/2020 at 9:50 AM, Alex95 said:

Lmao I don't even remember most of these random straight white guys from the recent seasons :dead:. The gays, Trevor and Jaymes, are the only ones who standout from the last two sets for me. Steve too but I literally don't remember that man ever being on the show!


Poor Chuck, I always think of him as Chuck the Werewolf thanks to Kelly & Jon :dead: 


LOL at you only remembering the gays. Omgod Steve caused like no drama so he was not super present in storylines, but I found him so hot because of his chill personality and like look at him.


Yeah Chuck is probably a surprising choice as most people probably do not remember him, but I find him super attractive and he has great eyes. LMAO I forgot that he was called a werewolf but I know him and Millie were outsiders and Kelly and Jon were kind of bullies, although I was kind of rooting for them because I found Millie annoying. 

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5 hours ago, Alex95 said:

I wasn't a fan of them bringing JWest back so I was happy to see him go first. Though he always brings the drama, I would've rather had a newbie.


I'm not surprised you say that about Spencer :dead:. I think Jacob and Brendan are hotter tbh. But I kinda enjoyed Spencer as the "joke" contestant when everyone was rolling their eyes at his cringy Captain America speech :giggle:.


Yeah I agree that Jacob and Marcelo are in the best position in the game. Luckily it's very easy to have a downfall in this game so it would be interesting to see if the tides turn against them. Hell it takes one person to be eliminated and then target one of them in a battle match and then you're out, no matter how good your position is.

Yeah same. I also find it hilarious that most of the house I recognize from watching the minis. I was hoping for an entirely new cast, but I guess the previous seasons were kind of like this where they brought cast members from previous minis and I just found them all fresh since I had never watched any minis before :giggle:But yeah it would have been fun to just have newbies with fresh faces.


I'm predictable in my men taste. I hate long hair so Brendan is automatically gross to me. Jacob's face is weird and unattractive to me. I hope Spencer picks it up and starts doing better because he's my only man candy this season.


Yeah I think we all know this game is unpredictable from watching, so it really does not matter if you are in power. There are no Derricks allowed in sequester thank the lord. And it seems like no one is afraid to take shots this season which will be perfection ❤️ 


Except Brent who is such a little betch :giggle:

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LOGAN BAUER | Season 29 | Third Place





Logan is one of my favorites. He is tall, dark, and handsome, and so UNF. He has a great body with a nice amount of body hair to stay sexy. I think him and Sara were by far the most attractive people on their season so no surprise that they got together. Logan was also so chill and Sara was so adorable and sweet, so I think it was a perfect match. Anyways, Logan ended up paired with London, which I thought was a strong couple, I think London may have had a crush on him at first, but that quickly went away probably because he connected with Sara. Beyond Logan's body and height, he also has a ridiculously good looking face. Again, his beard is on point and he looks good with the amount of facial hair he naturally produces. He also has a great smile and would turn heads in any room he walks into, so congrats to him on winning the genetic lottery.





JOEY "FITNESS" LASALLA | Season 20 | 7th Place



Joey "Fitness" definitely comes off as a Jersey Shore dude who is super intense with his extra name. However, he came off as super sweet and adorable on his season. His partner was actually the extra one. Now, Joey is this high because he has a super handsome face that also is very cute at the same time. It's like a hot baby face which is a very hard balance to strike genetically. Moving on to his body, he is pretty much perfection and could probably enter a bodybuilding competition because he has abs upon abs. However, it is not too much as I still find his body super super sexy. And I love his tats. The abs and tats together just make you go UNF and take me now ❤️





DEREK & DREW RIKER | Season 3 | 4th Place









The OG hot twins ❤️ They paved the way for Elliot and Andrew. I was looking through their insta, and they are still as sexy as ever. Definitely some hot daddies now. They were super hot twunks back in the days of Abercrombie UNF. I wonder if I had Abercrombie bags with their abs. Anyways, it is no surprise that these super hot twins were models as they had very handsome faces with gorgeous jawlines. On top of that, their bodies were perfect, with the perfect abs and slim beach bodies. They were definitely the ideal for anyone to achieve towards and truly won the genetic lottery. The fact that there were two of them just made it better. I want twins, so I hope my husband and I have twins just like them ❤️ I also love that they are photographers now and still have amazing photographs of themselves. Honestly, they are still hot enough to model, I do not understand how at their age, they still have bodies that look like that and faces that have stayed just as handsome as they were 20 years ago. I am dying with jealous admiration, and also grateful for this timeless eye candy :wub:

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JEFF STRNAD | Season 4 | Third Place



I always found Jeff and his teammate super sexy. They were like sexy beach daddies. Unfortunately, he is from one of the older seasons so not much social media, but he definitely had a super sexy body from the promo pictures of Season 4. And he is just a super handsome guy with a manly face. UNF. You just want to rip his clothes off and let him have his way with you.





FREDDY HOLLIDAY | Season 6 | Winner





Freddy is another old school hottie with daddy vibes now. He was a model on his season of The Amazing Race and he was super pretty, young, and beautiful at the time. His partner was his gorgeous model fiance at the time (now wife), so they were like the picture perfect couple running the race. However, they were definitely not the strongest team, so they actually won in an almost Flo & Zach fashion. Freddy was super hot although he was quite entitled since he was so good looking, and his wife was a super brat who made many non-PC comments, so I was not exactly rooting for them since they were quite an unlikable, villainous team, but I can not deny that Freddy was super attractive. Now, they are also from the older seasons so I can not find many pictures of Freddy when he was young and beautiful, but I can find current pictures where is obviously much older, but still very beautiful. And since I am older now, I can appreciate his obvious daddy silver fox status.





JAMES BRANAMAN | Season 10 | Winner





James is another old school winner from a hot model team, but his team is obviously better because his partner was another young hot male model. They were a ridiculously attractive pair with Abercrombie vibes all over them so I was all for it. They are quite an obvious team to win, but I was not mad about it, although I did enjoy the underdog teams from their season. I always felt that Tyler and James were secret lovers, but were just too closeted to admit it. They certainly looked like the perfect couple, and I definitely stan these gay model queens ❤️ Anyways, James has a sexy body fitting for a model and a very handsome face, now with a healthy amount of facial hair that makes him look even sexier. He looks good both clean shaven and bearded, so he can do whatever he wants. It also looks like he is friends with Aras and his brother, which is quite lovely since Aras is also a handsome Survivor lad. They also make a cute couple :wub:

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:dead: @ Joey Fitness. I see his look at like every bar at the Jersey Shore when I'm down there lmao.


Logan and Wonder Twins in the same update hurt :broken:.


Meh @ Jeff. Yesssss @ Freddy (especially when he wore those glasses). I like both Tyler & James well enough, but weirdly they got overshadowed a bit in TAR 10 for me (I'd put Peter, Godwin, and maaaaaybe Rob over either of them even though they're the models).

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