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The Challenge: Double Agents


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Ooh wow I never did rankings but now that it’s a reasonable amount of people, I think I can do it. :dead: 


1. Leroy 

2. Darrell 

3. Kyle 

4. Cory 

5. CT 

6. Fessy 


- I’ve always been a big fan of Leroy’s and so happy he’s doing so well this year. Really hoping he can get that win.

- Always enjoyed and rooted for Darrell, and that’s no different.

- Kyle is fun and hilarious. His partnership with Kam made me root for him, so i feel bad for him with the CT situation. And lmaooo like Alex said, I like him being Kam’s b-woordddd….. which Kyle likes too. :giggle: I would gladly take that role if I did this show too, lmao.

- I’ve always really like and been a fan of Cory’s. Not his most standout dynamic season but him being the partner curse is hilarious. I still want him to do well and make the final but I’m rooting for other guys more.

- Gosh CT is sooo tricky to rank. I’ve really enjoyed him through most of the season. This week’s episode was a TERRIBLE look. So I have to put him down but can’t do last for what he brought most of the season, where i did really like him.

- Haven’t liked Fessy this season nearly as much as last season. Don’t dislike him but now I’m realizing i’m not as invested in him.


1. Kam 

2. Big T 

3. Amber B

4. Nany 

5. Anessa

6. Gabby

7. Kaycee 


- Killer Kam is a QUEEN. Facts are facts. I just love seeing her dominant the challenges and social game. :wub:

- Big T is so lovable and rootable. She’s fun, and such a great character. My heart broke for her this week. But yeah I find myself liking her more and more each season.

- I always loved Amber B and am so happy she’s competing well and proving herself. So glad she is getting her justice on this show. Love her partnership with Darrell too. Obviously not the biggest character or personality but I don’t care as i am a quieter personality myself and connect with those types.

- I obviously love Nany and Anessa as a whole and both are all-time favorites of mine, although this isn’t my favorite season on of theirs. I’m more invested in others, but of course I always love watching them and will always root for them.

- Gabby is cool. I like her more than I expected. But in her feud with Amber, I’ll always be #TeamAmber and against Gabby, so this is a default placement.

- Kaycee is fine. She’s a strong competitor and I do really like her partnership with Leroy.  I don’t dislike her but I’m more invested in the others. 

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This is a off topic, but I just want to say how much I appreciate you guys and our internet friendships. Even though I’ve been absolutely terrible at communication, and will go years without any action, I still lurk. The past decade, I’ve been heavy on family and my health (mental, spiritual, emotional and physical.) I lost my mom in September of 2018. It’s been a lot of learning and growing since as she did everything for me. In the Hawaiian culture, your ohana is the most important thing. You guys are my web ohana. Wally (the most likeable guy. So genuine and sweet. He never has anything bad to say about anyone ever and his posts have a complete and clear beginning, middle and end with so much expression, thought and information.)

Victoria (I’m sorry for not DMing you sooner. You’re such a beautiful soul. Whoever you end up with, if you choose to, will be so so lucky. Your love is full and so special.)

I appreciate you guys so much! Thank you all for the awesome memories I will forever and ever cherish.

Edited by ChronOfGnarnia
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6 hours ago, ChronOfGnarnia said:

This is a off topic, but I just want to say how much I appreciate you guys and our internet friendships. Even though I’ve been absolutely terrible at communication, and will go years without any action, I still lurk. The past decade, I’ve been heavy on family and my health (mental, spiritual, emotional and physical.) I lost my mom in September of 2018. It’s been a lot of learning and growing since as she did everything for me. In the Hawaiian culture, your ohana is the most important thing. You guys are my web ohana. Wally (the most likeable guy. So genuine and sweet. He never has anything bad to say about anyone ever and his posts have a complete and clear beginning, middle and end with so much expression, thought and information.)

Victoria (I’m sorry for not DMing you sooner. You’re such a beautiful soul. Whoever you end up with, if you choose to, will be so so lucky. Your love is full and so special.)

I appreciate you guys so much! Thank you all for the awesome memories I will forever and ever cherish.

Awww Jordan, this post really warmed and touched my heart. 😢 Thank you for this beautiful message and all of those kind words towards me. :hug: 


I do miss talking to you regularly, like we did wayy back in the earlier days of IDF. But gosh hearing about the last decade and what you've been through, I can totally understand why you haven't posted here as much. I didn't know about the passing of your mother and I am soo incredibly sorry to hear about that. 😢 Just know she loves and would be so proud of you. :hug: Even though you know that and don't need me to tell you that. I love the web ohana term you shared here and consider you and all the people i i talk to on IDF regularly as my web ohana too. Hope that's okay for me to say.


I am glad you have come back on here after all these years and posting your thoughts on The Challenge as much as you can though. They have been such great reads. :hug: 

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17 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

Fessy seemed interesting early on, when he was super messy as the Double Agent and when he backstabbed Nelson. But yeah, since he got his gold skull he's been boring as hell.

I can agree to this. :yes: LOL him being super messy was hilarious but also got me mad at him with his betrayal of Nelson & Cory but.... I also understood him too wanting to get his gold skull. :lmao: So many conflicting thoughts, lol.

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That episode was so boring :dead:. Before the episode even started, I knew it would be Nany vs. Gabby since Big T was a rogue agent and they were the only girls without skulls. Literally no one benefits from saying anyone else's names. I don't blame them all for not trying in the daily challenge cause what even is the point :dead:.


I am happy for Nany. I was lowkey enjoying Gabby more this season, but I was hardcore rooting for Nany at the elimination. It's been ages since she won an elimination, she should be a lock for the final now.


Hopefully this final stretch of episodes will be interesting. Cory & Big T gotta steal skulls now and I'm sure everyone will be hellbent on protecting their own. I could see Big T trying to go for Amber's. After Amber backstabbed their alliance and I think she's most likely for Big T to beat. I don't think Big T will be able to pull it off :( but no matter what happens I'm glad we got a full season of her. Cory should be going for Kyle. Leroy, Fessy, Darrell, and CT are beasts so Kyle is literally the only answer for him.

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Why do all the girls I like end up liking Fessy. 🤮 Obviously Fessy doesn't actually care about Gabby he was just using her because he was bored so I don't have to worry about that in the future but still.  But anyways I was hoping that Gabby was going to be able to pull it off and she started off so well winning that first point but she slowed down somehow and Nany got to the ring both times before her.  Gabby should have went against Amber M since I don't think Amber M could beat anyone in an elimination not even Casey Cooper lol but I am gonna blame that poor decision on Devin since he talked her out of it. 

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Nany won an elimination after….. goodness knows how long? I WAS CRYING tears of happiness, y’all! 😢 😢 😢❤️ 


But really, I’m so happy for Nany finally doing a great job in that elimination although she scared me at first. :haha: So excited for her to hopefully compete in the final. ❤️


Gabby proved herself to be a really good competitor and had a good first season. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of her in the future. I do like Gabby and like Fessy but not really a fan of their showmance, lol. 


I do agree with Alex’s predictions for the next battle. I do think Big T would go after Amber next. I do feel like Big T still has a good relationship with Amber despite Amber leaving hers/Gabby alliance. I always felt like Big T was that middle person that got along with them both despite Gabby & Amber not getting along. But i can also see people throwing Aneesa down there to get her eliminated as the guys don’t want to be partner with her. I don’t know if I can see Big T beating either Amber or Aneesa. Plus there’s that Cory curse so she’s probably as good as gone. I'll honestly will be sad to lose any of the girls as I love or really like all of them (but jjust like Kaycee, but she's grown on me with her partnership  with Leroy). And yeah it makes the most sense for Cory to go battle against Kyle. I like Cory more overall, but liked Kyle more this season. But when it comes down to it, I think i would still root for Cory to win. 

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Yikes poor Darrell. He did set himself up pretty bad though at the bottom of the Leroy, Kaycee, and Nany alliance. And he got REALLY unlucky with Kyle & Aneesa winning that challenge. I thought he should've flipped earlier, but never did. Darrell's still a beast, but his age is starting to show.


Will be interesting to see CT & Big T back together. He better help my girl get her skull! I wish it was a girl's day because I really think she had a chance against Amber B will that challenge. I was excited to see her dominate another swimming challenge, it was a shame Cory was the reason they got dq'd.


Leroy & Kaycee winning is starting to feel more and more inevitable 👀. Ugh I really don't want to see Kaycee winning another reality show, but I'll be so devastated for Leroy if he loses this season. I'd love to see Kam or Nany get swapped into his team at the last second. It would be a lot more exciting to see him win with them than Kaycee.

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Ooh this episode was a whole mix of emotions for me. :haha:


OMG I was soo shook at Aneesa & Kyle winning the daily challenge, when their necks were on the line and they were going to face the elimination had they lost. Well done to them, although I was hoping they would lose so Kyle could go. I would prefer CT or Fessy to go, but I don’t see them going anywhere anytime soon so Kyle was my next option to go…. so oh well. :haha: But I am surprisingly liking them as a partnership so far.


It was such a conflicting feeling for me on Darrell vs. Cory in that elimination. Darrell is The Challenge BEAST and an amazing competitor, and Cory is the likable rootable underdog. I really like them both an was rooting for them both. Super sad to see Darrell go in this elimination though. :( But he’s a beast with an amazing track record, and really has nothing left to proof (unless maybe proving he can win a modern day The Challenge at an older age?) like most of the guys, who has yet to win a challenge season. So that made me more at peace with Cory winning, as he has much more to prove. And of course i was happy for him. But still sad for Darrell. :(


Amber’s reaction to losing Darrell made me sad to see. :( She was going to lose Darrell as a partner regardless if he won or not. But I did really like their partnership as a whole. ❤️ Curious who will be her next partner.


And LOLOL now CT regrets working with Kam and finds his way back to Big T. 🙂🙂🙂 Lol I dooo like CT (overall speaking) but him with his Kam and Big T treatment and going back to them makes me lol. And now Cory went to get Kam as his partner. Everyone wants Kam. :dead:


Ooh and I do agree with Alex, that while i am not tooo excited for a Kaycee win (she’s easily my least favorite woman left), I do really want this win for Leroy. Of course I would totally be here for him getting Kam or Nany as his partner, as I love those two and would love to see them win. But no denying what a strong competitor Kaycee is, so I can live with that.


Wow didn’t expect to have so many thoughts but here we go. :haha:

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I'M CRYING SHE DID IT!!!!!! I cannot believe Big T won an elimination :dead:. Well I mean it was the best possible elimination for her and Aneesa's worst possible elimination lol. BUT A WIN'S A WIN AND MY GIRL HAS HER GOLD SKULL. I cannot believe it's not time for the final. If she gets screwed right before the final I'm never watching this show again!


Poor Aneesa though. I really feel so bad for her. She's such a legend and it sucks so much she never got a win. I hope All-Stars treats her well because if she can't get it there, she'll just never get it.

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When I saw Alex change his av to Big T, I was thinking “oh goodness, she got eliminated in her elimination battle and left huh?” :( So I was watching the show preparing her to go. But color me surprised that she really crushed that elimination. She did such an amazing job with shocking everyone who underestimated her. I’m so proud of her for earning her skull. ❤️ So she proved she’s deserving of the final just like everyone else. And it shows how classy she is with her staying with C.T. when she easily could have done what he did.


But ugh nooo, Aneesa. :( This was once again such  a frustrating mix of emotions for me. While I’m so happy for Big T, I really wanted Aneesa to have her year of making the final. But of course history repeats itself and she just misses out once again. UGH, I just don’t know how many chances she has left in her. :broken: I was so sad seeing her struggle so bad in this challenge. But she left with grace & class. Her final speech of wanting to see a woman of color win and how that’s going to happen really warmed my heart. ❤️ I also love how Cory always believes in her as the majority of the guys trashes her pretty much. :/


And this episode has turned me against Fessy, lmao. 🙈 I really liked him a lot last season but not so much this season. I think i finally realized it.. He’s clearly a strong and great athlete. But he’s also a great individual player. He’s NOT a good partner player. He’s kinda really difficult to work with as a partner and not really that encouraging or works as a partner. So he comes off as selfish. I noticed this with him with Anessa and now with Nany, which frustrates me as I love them both. 


Ugh TJ not announcing its the final yet. :haha: He’s either fooling the cast and next time he sees them, he’ll announce its the final. Or we’re gonna lose one more guy and girl. Probably the latter. Ugh I really like all of the women and I don’t want to lose any of them. :broken: Well Kaycee would be ideal if I had to choose but that’s not gonna happen. But ugh I love all of Kam, Nany, Amber and Big T. :broken: For the guys, depending on how I feel I could be fine with losing C.T. or Fessy, which I also feel isn’t gonna happen either. :haha: I could be at peace with losing Kyle in that case. But I really don’t want to lose Leroy or Cory. 

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Aww I was sad to see Amber vs. Big T in the elimination as I really love their friendship and bond together. :(❤️ 


This elimination made me feel a mix of emotions once again. Super sad to see Big T lose the elimination and go. :( I always like her more and more each season, and I grew to really love her this season. ❤️ I’m proud of what she accomplished this season - exceeding her own and everyone’s expectations. Def hoping to see her in future seasons.


But I am very happy for Amber winning. She’s proving to be the Head Brawl Queen winning 2 of those eliminations. :wub: So yeah that is looking like her kind of challenge (so far), even though I know she was against two smaller girls there. I’m just so glad she’s proving herself as a strong competitor that she wasn’t able to show on Big Brother. For sure, the Rookie of the season for me. ❤️ Lol now I await seeing her hating Fessy as a partner and calling him selfish next week. :haha:


:dead: @ Nany choosing Kyle again and Kyle hating his life. :lmao: I get why Kyle is upset as he’s totally up for elimination if he doesn’t win next week’s challenge. C.T. being a rogue agent is scary though. But now with C.T. safe, I’m gonna have to root for Kyle to go next week.. #SorryKyle

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I was a couple episodes behind but I have finally caught up. Happy that Big T got her skull she had a great showing this season. With that being said Aneesa needs to retire from the main challenge seasons at least because she's never going to win especially against all these athletes. She has no endurance and can't even run for like 10 seconds so even if she did manage to make it to the final she would just finish in last place anyways.


Onto episode 2. Not surprised that Amber B beat Big T in that elimination because she does play Rugby and she is a lot faster than Big T is so she definitely had the advantage but I am glad that Big T put up a good fight at least. Nany is a moron for picking Kyle as her partner that is just incredibly stupid and makes me think she doesn't really care about winning. If that's the case she should probably retire as well. 

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I completely agree Nany made the wrong choice. However, I see her reasoning. She thought picking the strongest person was the right strategy when she chose Fessy and we saw what a mess that partnership was. Chemistry is important and she knows she has chemistry with Kyle as a partner, but she's untested with CT (and she saw what a mess CT & Kam were together). Having said that, CT has won two modern finals. Really should've been an easy choice.

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2 minutes ago, Alex95 said:

I completely agree Nany made the wrong choice. However, I see her reasoning. She thought picking the strongest person was the right strategy when she chose Fessy and we saw what a mess that partnership was. Chemistry is important and she knows she has chemistry with Kyle as a partner, but she's untested with CT (and she saw what a mess CT & Kam were together). Having said that, CT has won two modern finals. Really should've been an easy choice.

Yeah CT has won a couple of finals Kyle isn't a horrible athlete but he's no CT. I don't know what Nany & CT relationship is like but they definitely have known each other for awhile and don't appear to have any bad blood. It just seems like Nany only picked Kyle because he's more fun and that's just not a good reason when 500k is on the line in my opinion at least. 

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Oof I could not look at Kyle's finger that was so hard to watch 🙈. This is the most I've enjoyed Kyle since WOTW, it was a great season for him. I felt bad for him getting betrayed by Leroy & Kam, but I don't blame them for that move (but they obviously jumped the gun a bit making that deal to betray Cory, not realizing Fessy was gonna volunteer for elimination).


Amber B was pathetic in that challenge. So far her only daily win was Darrell winning trivia. Yeah she won two hall brawl's but they were against the two smallest girls in the house. She really couldn't do one easy math problem?? Honestly, what's the point of her. I still feel bad about what happened to her in BB16, but she's not contributing at all to the show. Congrats to her making the final I suppose.


I do wonder if Leroy should've taken the risk and thrown himself into elimination to keep Kaycee. I think any of the girls (besides Amber B) could possibly win though so I don't blame him for taking the sure ticket to the finals. Leroy & Nany running the final together is really beautiful considering their journey together and I really hope they pull off this win. I'd be happy with Cory & Kam winning too. I just really don't want to see Fessy & Kaycee win.

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11 hours ago, Alex95 said:

Oof I could not look at Kyle's finger that was so hard to watch 🙈. This is the most I've enjoyed Kyle since WOTW, it was a great season for him. I felt bad for him getting betrayed by Leroy & Kam, but I don't blame them for that move (but they obviously jumped the gun a bit making that deal to betray Cory, not realizing Fessy was gonna volunteer for elimination).


Amber B was pathetic in that challenge. So far her only daily win was Darrell winning trivia. Yeah she won two hall brawl's but they were against the two smallest girls in the house. She really couldn't do one easy math problem?? Honestly, what's the point of her. I still feel bad about what happened to her in BB16, but she's not contributing at all to the show. Congrats to her making the final I suppose.


I do wonder if Leroy should've taken the risk and thrown himself into elimination to keep Kaycee. I think any of the girls (besides Amber B) could possibly win though so I don't blame him for taking the sure ticket to the finals. Leroy & Nany running the final together is really beautiful considering their journey together and I really hope they pull off this win. I'd be happy with Cory & Kam winning too. I just really don't want to see Fessy & Kaycee win.

yeah, I’ll be fine with anyone winning but Fessy. 

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On 4/4/2021 at 8:45 PM, Alex95 said:

I completely agree Nany made the wrong choice. However, I see her reasoning. She thought picking the strongest person was the right strategy when she chose Fessy and we saw what a mess that partnership was. Chemistry is important and she knows she has chemistry with Kyle as a partner, but she's untested with CT (and she saw what a mess CT & Kam were together). Having said that, CT has won two modern finals. Really should've been an easy choice.

Agree with all of these points you are making here. :yes: 

On 4/8/2021 at 1:43 PM, Alex95 said:

Oof I could not look at Kyle's finger that was so hard to watch 🙈. This is the most I've enjoyed Kyle since WOTW, it was a great season for him. I felt bad for him getting betrayed by Leroy & Kam, but I don't blame them for that move (but they obviously jumped the gun a bit making that deal to betray Cory, not realizing Fessy was gonna volunteer for elimination).


Amber B was pathetic in that challenge. So far her only daily win was Darrell winning trivia. Yeah she won two hall brawl's but they were against the two smallest girls in the house. She really couldn't do one easy math problem?? Honestly, what's the point of her. I still feel bad about what happened to her in BB16, but she's not contributing at all to the show. Congrats to her making the final I suppose.


I do wonder if Leroy should've taken the risk and thrown himself into elimination to keep Kaycee. I think any of the girls (besides Amber B) could possibly win though so I don't blame him for taking the sure ticket to the finals. Leroy & Nany running the final together is really beautiful considering their journey together and I really hope they pull off this win. I'd be happy with Cory & Kam winning too. I just really don't want to see Fessy & Kaycee win.

Gahh yeah the Kyle finger situation was so heartbreaking to watch. Also agree with you on this being Kyle's best season in quite awhile. He was so fun. :yes: Gah yeah I wish Leroy and Kam hadn't made that deal - but I am glad they broke it as I would have felt even worse  for Cory to be blindsided.


Agree with everything you said on this last paragraph too regarding all the teams.

On 4/9/2021 at 1:42 AM, ChronOfGnarnia said:

yeah, I’ll be fine with anyone winning but Fessy. 

Agree with you on all of this.

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