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Everything posted by ButterflyEffect

  1. As for the lead up to the general election, I will re-iterate my thoughts. Biden is crushing Trump in the polls right now, but the election isn't today so that doesn't matter. Four months is a long time, and literally anything can happen between now and then. If nothing catastrophic happens within this time period I do expect the election to be fairly close, with the usual swing states being the final deciding factor in who wins.
  2. As yes, the police have shown so much respect towards protesters, onlookers, and the media the last month but this is what you have a problem with? LOL.
  3. Pretty much exactly what's happening. Not just in the USA either, right-ring robots from pretty much every country are all screaming the same thing. "You told us these many people would die and look, only THESE MANY people died. We clearly over-reacted!" while being too ignorant to realize that our actions had positive impact on deaths and infections. Had things not shut down in mid-late March we'd be in a much different situation right now. If you look at the total of closed cases globally, 9% of infections resulted in death. In the USA 11%, in Canada 12%, and in Italy 16%. Those numbers aren't anything to laugh about.
  4. My province is officially COVID-free as of today. First time in about 3 months.
  5. They're already stepping back a bit from that statement: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/who-covid-19-asymptomatic-spread-1.5604353 Asymptomatic spread is going to account for a lot less infections. You're not going to spread the virus nearly as much if you're not sneezing or coughing. One sneeze an hour would likely still be classified as asymptomatic, as example, and while that one sneeze is more than capable of spreading the virus, but you're more likely to get the virus from someone who's clearly sick and sneezing/coughing every minute. FWIW the huge cluster of cases which hit our province started with an asymptomatic/pre-symptomatic carrier.
  6. Then of course you have the police out in the streets trying to murder protesters.
  7. I was very certain that Trump would run away with the election. Obviously there's still a lot of time left between now and the actual election, and if the economy rebounds and the civil unrest dissipates then you're likely to see a much closer race. However, there is no doubt in my mind that if the election were held today that it would be a landslide victory for Joe Biden and the Democrats. The thing is the election isn't today. When it's go-time and both Biden and Trump get out of the gate you better hope that Biden has some sort of plan and some sort of image for his America. Elections can't be won on a campaign of "I'm not Trump".
  8. I am not pro "defund the police", but there needs to be major police reform. Right now all it really takes to become a police officer is to graduate high school (not a big accomplishment), be physically fit, and pass an exam where they pretty much ask you questions that even a dumbass knows not to answer honestly if you disagree with what you know to be the true answer. Then you're patting these people on the back and call them heroes. You know there are people who enter the police force for the wrong reasons, and there's nothing really stopping them from becoming an officer. And then everyone feeds their egos by glorifying them for likely doing absolutely nothing heroic. The same goes with the army as well, but the problem there is honestly 100 times worse. There are good officers, I've known some of them personally. I've also known bad officers. This isn't an America-specific problem either. My issue right now, as if you can't tell by my post history in this thread over the past week or so, is that a number of police officers are clearly abusing their power and attacking anyone in their path. I think I'm even more bothered that there are people who don't seem to care. Burn down a building rioting? OUTRAGE. Police assaulting innocent individuals or media reporters? Who cares. If those people are fine living in a police state, by all means enjoy it, but America has criticized other nations countless times in history for much less.
  9. Looks like another case of attempted murder that won't be investigated. I love that in the report on the protests the police said one person tripped and injured themselves. "Tripped". Makes you wonder how much the police have lied about before this past week that they've gotten away with because there was no video proof. Lock these pigs up.
  10. Check out this f*cking scum pig. Placed on administrative duty until everything blows over, then they'll be back on the street again. Pathetic.
  11. I'm not even going to try with you anymore since the paper that was retracted had nothing to do with HIV and that's easily verifiable since there's a paper trail a f*cking mile long regarding that whole incident dated to well before Judy became a crazy nutjob. Remember that OJ Simpson also claimed he was innocent.
  12. Nice little clip of either the police committing an act of attempted murder against a protester from Grand Rapids.
  13. Rex Murphy is the worst thing to come out of Newfoundland. From my experience people who buy into the no racism in Canada thing are indeed white rural folks who live in predominantly white areas. They are also the people most likely to be racist (to some varying degrees of severity) without being self-aware of it, or being aware of what others are saying. Where I grew up people would never even think about speaking ill of a Black person since they know it's socially unacceptable to do so, but the vitrol spewed at Middle Easterns or Southeast Asians is unreal, and the people saying it don't even realize how racist it is.
  14. Regarding some of the arrests made... https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/officials-blame-outsiders-for-violence-in-minnesota-but-contradict-each-other-on-who-is-responsible/2020/05/30/d722e9d6-a2b1-11ea-b5c9-570a91917d8d_story.html Excuse the poor formatting, IDF doesn't wish to co-operate with plain text pasting right now. Most of those arrested were from the twin cities, however I have no doubt that a lot of the chaos is from out-of-towners who just haven't been arrested yet. Painting the looters on one side of the political spectrum seems to be a bad take as it's clearly obvious here that both the extreme left AND extreme right are taking advantage of the situation. Of course, Trump will only call out one of those extremes.
  15. I don't condone the actions of the people who have taken advantage of this situation to loot and pillage. I do hold the policing agencies to a high standard as their job is to police and protect. Instead I see them taking their anger out on those who don't deserve it. Journalists and people on their front steps or driving home in their cars should not be their targets. Instead it looks like they're living out their weird violent fantasies. And what can the victims do? If an officer rips you from your car and hits you with a taser what are you to do? If you try and defend yourself you'll end up with a bullet in the head.
  16. Nice of the police to let the white folks go but assault the two black folks behind them. Also pretty sure this is a crime. Welcome to Americastan.
  17. I don't cast all police officers with the same brush. But the past few days have shown us how many scum pigs there really are in the force. For those officers who are out there, overstepping boundaries and inciting more violence, this is like Christmas morning for them. Stuff they've always wanted to do but have never had the chance. Pretty good compilation of police/national guard overstepping their boundaries (with video evidence). So you can only imagine how much more of this is going on with no cameras present. https://reddit.com/r/news/comments/gu10qz/law_enforcement_fires_paint_projectile_at/fsg17l5/
  18. As yes, land of the free. EDIT: lmao f*ck the police/national guard/whoever the f*ck is doing this shit. Disgusting
  19. Woah what, the new IDF has an ignore list? This is critical information. There's a certain crazy conspiracy theorist I'd love to never see posts from again.
  20. Nah, I think I'm good thanks. The USA has had a domestic terrorism issue for a very long time before these past few days. People just didn't want to admit it. People still won't admit it.
  21. I love that this of all things is what starts making people scream "domestic terrorism", as if the numerous mass shootings that have plagued the USA over the past 10+ years have not been described as such. Pathetic.
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