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Everything posted by ButterflyEffect

  1. I'm more surprised by the fact that Bernie Bros are surprised. The writing has been on the wall since just after Super Tuesday.
  2. Yeah. Our province projected into the future what will likely happen. Given our current trajectory, they predict that the peak number of infections will happen in November. After our initial major spike in cases we've done a pretty good job at keeping new infections at a linear rate, thankfully not exponential. So hospitals are currently well prepared, but this does mean that we're going to prolong the entire process.
  3. What do I see at 0:33? Bill Gates? Seriously. You got to let this go. It's not a good look for yourself.
  4. I know that Trump is fearful for his re-election bid right now. He sees the economy in front of him, he sees people out of work, and he thinks that it will reflect badly on him. I think he is severely underestimating the average persons ability to assess the situation and understand that this may be out of everyone's control. I would hope that what Americans want now is a leader (and opposition Democrats) who will put egos and partisan politics aside, listen to experts who have a good idea of what's happening, and make those difficult yet strong decisions to protect the lives of their citizens. I still think that if he were to stand a strong hand, proactive approach along with ensuring Americans that you'll come out of this stronger than ever that he could gain a lot of support. Downplaying the situation or trying to rush people back to work will have the opposite effect. Yeah, I think even up to early March we may have been very ill-informed about the nuances of Covid (and to be honest we're still learning on the fly). Also trying to figure out if the number of infections in China were due to both the population density and sub-standard health care system was a bit of a mystery.
  5. ^ By 4pm yesterday the NY cases were at 30,765 for the 28th, an increase of 4068 cases, the second largest one day increase since 24th/25th. It would not appear that the rate of growth is slowing.
  6. My province now has the 2nd highest per capita number of infections in the country, despite taking prompt and strong measures to try and contain it. All the measures in the world are only as good as the people adhering to them, and it would appear that people here aren't taking it serious enough to listen to them.
  7. Well fine then, shoutouts to Manitoba and New Brunswick
  8. Shoutouts to Nebraska and West Virginia in the United States, and Manitoba and New Brunswick in Canada. Nunavut in northern Canada has no cases, however it's an extremely desolate place. About 35,000 people spread across a massive, mostly arctic landmass. Not many travelers coming to or from there. They may get through this with no cases.
  9. So the USA is considering putting armed military members on our border? Are y'all going full East Germany on us, making sure Americans don't try and leave the country?
  10. $2 trillion dollars, dang. Now that 'aint messing around. Hopefully that can help ease the blow.
  11. Remember when Trump said "the fifteen [cases], within a couple of days, is going to be down close to zero". LOL. 66,000+ cases is pretty close to zero. The USA should have known it was f*cked the moment he said that. In the face of something like this, never downplay the severity or the possible impact. It's like looking down at a gaping shotgun wound through your heart and using your last breathe to say "it's just a small wound". Use the time to put the bravado away and prepare of what could potentially come.
  12. Via: https://twitter.com/CdnElectWatch Updated every morning with the previous days data. If you want to see how things are progressing on a per-capita basis.
  13. Ebola has a high mortality rate but is much less communicable. You're most likely to get it while being in contact with bodily fluids of an infected person (blood, saliva, urine) which its such a risk for health care professionals. As well, ebola is only contagious when the infected person is showing symptoms, which can drastically reduce the virus' spread. Compared to H1N1 which could spread through water droplets (sneezing, coughing) and could survive for a brief period of time on external surfaces (door knobs), however people were usually only contagious for up to one day before showing symptoms. SARS-Cov-2 is a double whammy: it's can be transmitted through the same water droplets, however it can survive lengthy periods on surfaces, and individuals are contagious for almost the entire asymptomatic incubation period after infection, which can be as long as 14 days (though more commonly 2-6 days). That last point is what makes COVID-19 such a challenge. How many people would you come in contact with within that period? How many people do they come in contact with? Case in point: one asymptomatic individual where I live visited a funeral home for a wake. They're now directly or indirectly responsible for 44 cases in the city.
  14. Trump has certainly not handled this situation well, but the lockdowns would be there with someone else in charge. They might even be more wide spread. And well......not touching that H1N1 comment. We're talking about a much more communicable disease with a way higher mortality rate.
  15. Thankfully I'm not out of work, and will likely be going back to work as an "essential researcher" shortly. My pay is also likely to increase substantially. So I guess I'm the opposite of most people. A hiring freeze I imagine may last a year or so. A lot of small to medium sized companies, if they survive, will be essentially building from the bottom back up. I think even with hiring freezes there may be a lot of people who are temporarily unemployed that will not be brought back once things return to normal. This is very much turning into a likely major, global recession situation.
  16. Of course it's a very selfish reaction, but him taking a hard stand and trying to actually protect the health of his countries citizens could help him come re-election time. Maybe he should look north of the border. Our country has essentially shut down, our economy has ground to a hault. And guess what? There is overwhelming praise and support for the government, across all partisan lines. Opening the country back up and forcing people certainly isn't going to flatten the curve. South Korea got it right, why cant the USA? Or is the third world health care system incapable of handling this situation? The testing situation was already poor enough, can you at least try and work at containment? If you try and it doesn't work then you can say you tried. If you don't try and it obviously doesn't work then I feel no sympathy for your country. Alternatively the government could actually try and help people and business which are being negatively impacted by this disaster. Instead I think your president is telling people to buy fish tank cleaner.
  17. What the f**k is Donald Trump thinking.
  18. My job is guaranteed, as is my pay. Same with my significant others, so we will be able to weather the storm with no issues. However I know that there are a lot of people who aren't as fortunate as us.
  19. I think more than "some" will lose their jobs. There have already been massive layoffs in a lot of sectors, and they're only going to keep happening the longer this plays out. There are also hourly workers who aren't getting paid anything since they're working no hours right now, which is honestly just as bad if not worse than a flat out layoff since then you're stuck in limbo where you can't claim EI. As well, self-employed people aren't entitled to or qualify for EI benefits, so that's another major problem. Should you be punished because you're self employed? Whether you like it or not, everyone needs help right now. The economy has ground to a halt, and it won't get any better if when we come out of this people have no buying power or are in mass insolvency due to situations out of their own control. I don't like senseless government spending, especially during good times, but this is a very bad time right now and is exactly when the government should be helping people. If you help stop the bleeding now the economy as a whole will be better set to recover once this passes.
  20. Canada-US border is closing. I suspect JT didn't do it yesterday out of fear that the orange man would get mad over it, but this appears to be a joint decision between the two heads of state.
  21. As much as it pains me to have to somewhat agree with DiFan, I do. America isn't Europe. That's not to say that what works in Europe can't work in the USA, it absolutely can and would. However it would take a large shift in mentality among moderate voters across all party lines, and that's just something I can't see happening right now. As time passes and millennial and Gen Z voters grow in numbers sure, but there are too many middle-aged Americans who are okay with the status quo. Nothing Bernie is proposing is Earth shattering, and is the norm in a lot of countries which have significantly higher quality of life than the USA, but America is often stuck in the "our way is the best way" mentality, and that's not going anywhere anytime soon.
  22. App truth is just Pizzagate for the left.
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