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Everything posted by ButterflyEffect

  1. Absolutely, and I know that they know how to properly give a vaccine. But do you really think Trump is talking about mobilizing only the medical folks in the military? I get the feeling that he wants all hands on deck since this is going to be such a large undertaking. Are pharmacists in the United States allowed to give vaccinations? That alone can take a huge burden off the system.
  2. lmao, are the good 'ol boys going to march from distribution centres to health clinics to hand deliver the vaccines? Air courier can achieve the same thing. Never mind, I clicked the article and read it. No thank you. I get that Trump thinks that this will help speed along the process since the military is huge, but I'd rather not have someone who may or may not have barely passed high school attempting to give me either an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. It's not as trivial as it looks.
  3. You mean the Middle Class Health Benefits Repeal Act? Which made absolutely no mention of any sort of Coronavirus? Which was amended in March to remove all the previous stuff and essentially transform it into the CARES act? That has actual proof since it happened in the House? That you can easily find the House transcripts for? Like below? https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/2020/03/25/senate-section/article/S2059-1
  4. People from New York and New Jersey should be staying home and not traveling to Maine.
  5. ^ New Brunswick should be the envy of all other provinces (along with PEI of course). You two have done an incredible job.
  6. I'll be curious to see where things are 6-8 months once we're all back to work and things are starting to rebound. Right now the Liberals are polling in huge majority territory, but it could honestly be from the Conservatives coming off as tone deaf along with what seems to be an absolute disaster of a leadership race. If the economy is slow to re-start, or if unemployment stays high for an extended period of time, I can see the Liberal support absolutely collapsing, it's at an unsustainable high right now. Shoutouts to Doug Ford, by the way. Don't like the guy, who I think has made questionable decisions in the past. But he appears to have done a good job throughout the Ontario pandemic and actually comes off as someone who truly cares and wants to do good for the province.
  7. As opposed to yourself who has posted countless, useless Youtube videos? Don't get your "truth" from biased sources on god damn YOUTUBE of all things. You people who think you're so woke because you listen to "alternate, edgy opinions" make me sick. Why don't you just get it over with, vote Trump next election, and join the rebel far right who cries fake news over everything they don't like. Doesn't take much to look into things.....yet you've clearly not looked into anything much of worth The CDC link you posted states EXACTLY WHAT I said, by the way. So if you're trying to prove my point, thank you very much for doing so. You can easily use the Wayback Machine to look at old revisions of websites. There was NO DROP in the data. Two people compared two different totals on the CDC website and thought they stumbled across the next great Pizzagate since their lack of reading abilities kept them from comprehending the 1-2 week delay explanation right below the table itself. Take a look if you truly want to know. Two Wayback snapshots that are within 20 minutes of one another, showing two completely different data sets, on April 30th (with data from the 29th): https://web.archive.org/web/20200430055237/https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20200430053621/https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html Where's this huge drop??? It. Doesn't. Exist.
  8. Because it's not true. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/05/cdc-hasnt-reduced-covid-19-death-toll/ You sure you're not a right wing conspiracy theory nut? You certainly sound like one.
  9. Thought I'd revive the old Canadian politics thread from before the board was wiped clean. Thoughts on the tightening of gun laws? Thoughts on the governments handling of COVID-19? The opposition?
  10. My province is moving ahead with its plan to re-open, starting on May 11th. They will be implementing a 5-stage system which gradually further lifts restrictions. Looks like they will hold at each level for 28 days and monitor cases, and will revert back if things start getting out of hand again. We've been lucky though, there have only been 3 new cases in the past 2'ish weeks. After an initial major spike in cases last month we were able to successfully flatten the curve. The health authority does acknowledge that there will be a second wave. Not sure what the plan will be when it comes (likely in the fall months), but they are planning for this to be about a 2 year battle.
  11. Bingo. It shouldn't come to no surprise that places like New York and the surrounding NYC metro area have been hit real hard, people are essentially on top of one another there. Even outside is a higher risk; in most places the risk for transmission from person to person while outside is minimal, but in densely populated areas you're still practically rubbing shoulders with people while walking down the street or taking the subway. Compare that to say Minnesota where Audra is from. Minneapolis is a large city, but nothing compared to NYC.
  12. Yeah, this basically comes down to "it's Trumps to lose" not "it's Biden's to win".
  13. Who did it better, 'Murrica or the Taliban?
  14. Just read a great article outlining 2016 polling, and how history could repeat itself in 2020. National polls weren't wrong, and some of the eastern swing state polls were within the margin of error, but Wisconsin and to a lesser extent Michigan were wrong. That changes a lot. Ultimately, it came down to any projection site giving Clinton a 90% chance of victory were misinterpreting polling data, and badly. Here's the Article https://www.macleans.ca/politics/washington/338canada-the-odds-are-against-trump-but-theyre-not-as-bad-as-you-might-think/?fbclid=IwAR2gFH77UVFllTKTY_SR32SYy38ICmrzLu5UT_FE39q49QxMYoIw4B3Ait0
  15. A few grocery store employees ended up getting sick here. What they did was closed the store for about 2 days and did a deep sanitation on everything, and then re-opened. Sick employees had to stay home, all other employees were monitored. No big deal though if one store closed for a few days, there are probably 10-20 grocery stores in the city, so no one would go hungry.
  16. Anyone taking the advise of the high IQ President and trying to inject bleach or other household cleaners into their veins? How about swallowing?
  17. Even though I'm Canadian.... 1. I don't have a lot of options here. I was born during the final months of Reagan, and was too young for George Bush Sr. I was a child throughout Bill Clinton's presidency, but was too young to really understand or care about politics. That would leave George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump. The easy answer there is Barack Obama. He's wasn't a bumbling idiot. 2. I grew up in a fairly Liberal household which has shifted slightly more conservative throughout the years. My parents are easily influenced by the Russian bots on social media that have been shitposting about Justin Trudeau being useless in the last one and a half years. I myself started out as a fairly conservative leaning person who has drifted closer to the centre line now. I am neither super liberal or super conservative, and share ideology with both sides of the spectrum.
  18. I think they will be very, very unhappy. I doubt they quit, since they've taken an oath to help people, but man. Opening so soon after the peak is a good way to get a rebound in cases.
  19. I think your bullshit detectors aren't working very well. His use of chelation therapy to treat cancer tells me a few things about him: 1. He clearly doesn't understand the concept of what cancer is, or how cancer progresses in the body. If he did, he would know that chelation therapy would never work 2. He doesn't care about his patients if he would suggest to them chelation therapy over any actual treatment that could potentially save their lives
  20. An osteopath (aka. fake doctor) is one of the top 50 doctors in America? Yeesh, maybe your medical field is a lot worse than I thought.
  21. Consistent message yes, but moderates within the Democratic party didn't care for him. If you can't win there, you won't win in a general. Potential moderate swing voters would likely vote status quo than for someone like Bernie. America aint ready, and likely won't be for another 10+ years. I think pollsters are over-estimating Biden's advantage here, and it's likely due to polling bias. I wish I could find the tweet I was reading earlier regarding it, but the take away from it was that state polls which were over-representing one race (I can't remember which) were leaning overwhelmingly Biden, but polls which had a healthier, more realistic racial demographic breakdown were a lot tighter. I don't realistically see an easy way to victory for Biden. He essentially needs to win 3 out of 4 of Penn, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona and not lose places like Virginia or Nevada. Florida and Ohio would be nice, but I just don't see it happening. Republicans have a much easier path to victory in a close election: just dont lose too much of what you got in 2016. People do like the status quo....
  22. I guess it's relative elect-ability. Biden stood a better chance than Sanders, but both options were weak at best.
  23. You can't abort fetuses, but heck yes lets abort Grandma! /s
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