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miss denise

Neurox Media Moderators
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Everything posted by miss denise

  1. #7 is a very good spot for Mulan. Of course I didn't rank her that high, but I believe she ranked 6th for me among the remaining characters. We're so close to top 5.
  2. I can't wait to hear them all. Thanks for sharing! Going to save this to watch later.
  3. I ordered the Target exclusive of her Christmas album and am patiently waiting for it to arrive.
  4. Love the write-ups @*Chris and @Solaris Carrie love.
  5. Carrie. Glad she made the Top 8, at least. Now this is a public average ranking that more closely aligns with me.
  6. Funny to see me and Dee rank Mary Poppins at the exact same spot after Megan's stats post yesterday showed him as my biggest ranking "enemy."
  7. I'm glad I got to follow along some, even though I wasn't playing. It was a fun rankdown to follow and you did a great job!
  8. Wow. I love her a lot and it was an easy choice to rank her that high. Yes. Oh okay.... and ugh yeah, at least my high ranking helped out that public vote some. I just finished reading the Samantha write-ups! That was great. I played all her performances back as I read your comments on them. I love so much. Great job with all your super detailed write-ups. I know you worked sooo hard and it shows. Ah wow, this is really surprising to me. I don't know why I don't remember it happening in that order, but I believe you.
  9. David. 9th isn't bad at all, but definitely not my preferred ranking for him. Oh well. Love Trent and Tamyra too and ranked them similarly. I was certainly not part of that, except to bring it higher.
  10. Reminder of which masks we'll meet this week.... Group B. Crocodile, Baby Alien, Whatchamacalit, Serpent, Seahorse, and Gremlin.
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