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Everything posted by AliXRose

  1. * Gyth Rigdon, Dexter Roberts and Andrew Sevener have entered the chat *
  2. The most disgusting thing I've seen on national television. And the fact the vote wasn't even close between the 2 of them makes it worse.
  3. Omg this parallel dimension is so wonderful, this is where I want to live !
  4. Well she's a 4-chair she can chose whoever she wants, but yeah probably Kelly the queen has taste
  5. Best leak so far ! I wonder who she gonna pick as her coach
  6. "The Best of the blinds" will basically be a whole hour of her performing
  7. Lmao there was so many unexpected things going on that night, Kelly basically saved Cami right before so I was immune to any other meltdown
  8. I wouldn't be so sure, he probably sang that crap to Gean and Ryleigh
  9. Now that I think about it, maybe Bailey Rae had a shot at the middle 3
  10. Yes her BA was definitely overrated, the song didn't suit her at all
  11. I'm gonna swoop in the drama with my unpopular opinion : Payge was a bit overrated, I really wanted to like her but other than her battle and to a lesser extent her KO, it didn't do it much for me. However some though she was finale material so
  12. That's what you call a total SLAYAGE ! I need this, the world needs this
  13. Fair enough. But actually the vocal cords about to crack, I think it's more her tone that sounds like that, very Mary J. Blige (and the second part was fantastic imo ) As for Kyndal, I though she had a rough night while Myracle's song choice was spot on. Also, I think we all underestimated the connection between Gwen and Myracle due to her KO being montaged but even from those 20 seconds you could tell she really loved her
  14. PV : 1. Carter 2. Jim 3. Ian Middle 3 : 4. DeSz 5. Ben 6. Cami Bottom 3 : 7. John 8. Bailey 9. Tamara (I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have placed higher than that) IS : I think they would've performed in this order, and DeSz would've gotten the pimp spot. I can see Ben winning even if she had more votes than him the previous night Cami - 23 % Ben - 41% DeSz - 36%
  15. Yeah but we actually though the same about both HS and Shane and they outlasted so many people but I agree she was really underrated so top 13 would’ve been her ceiling
  16. Lmao no offense but you’re pushing this way too far No way he deserved to win the IS, Myracle was robbed. I was actually really shocked he didn’t end up in the bottom 3 after the Top 13 night
  17. I already said it a couple times but come on, she bussed herself and didn't want to win so we all need to stop being mad and move on. And that's coming from someone who was rooting for her. Same goes to Noah Mac's fans
  18. Absolutely, plus his pairings made no sense to me. He could've taken the 3 of them to the KO plus Raine and Jose if he really wanted to and then drop the ones who apparently flopped
  19. I wish she was stolen by Blake, then stolen back by Nick she could've easily made his top 2. Actually what bothers me is the fact he saw her as a battle fodder when she had a whole package to go really far
  20. If she duets with Nick, people are gonna wonder who's the coach and who's the contestant
  21. Plus the finale is 4 hours long cause they want her to have extra performances and bless our ears
  22. She gets a special PV that takes her straight to the finale and she escapes from the bloodbath
  23. So basically this guy doesn't care to be part of the show AND TPTB wants to get rid of him ? Flop prediction : Cam gets the PV, Blake picks Anna cause Pete will win the WC for sure and Jordan goes home
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