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Everything posted by m1key

  1. Does anybody know if WNTS is happening this year? They havent posted since last Summer.
  2. I wouldve had more appreciation for Arthur if he wasnt praised like the second coming of Jesus by the judges. He was okay but nowhere as near as good as people made him out to be. My personal reason for not liking him is that his tone and unusual vocal habits made me cringe.
  3. Wow, this was a very descriptive and accurate write up! You clearly know alot about vocals and artistry and adressed it all in an un-biased way (which is unique to IDF because there is a lot of bias on here LOL). Im excited to see more of your thoughts throughout the season.
  4. Not people still thinking its a joke when there is literally evidence of these people being in LA and having friends on the cast LOL.
  5. When I first saw a big twist was happening I thought it was Murphy returning because of all of the backlash
  6. With this information, I think its going to be either 2 Returnees + 2 Wildcards for a Top 14 or 4 Returnees + 2 Wildcards for Top 16 redux.
  7. I feel like it would be pointless for the producers to bring out 10 contestants to LA just for there to only be 2 spots (which are likely going to the two people who made it furthest last year, Arthur and Louis). I think they will advance the Top 2 Females and Top 2 Males.
  8. Im most annoyed to be seeing Faith again tbh. She tries to be this big powerhouse vocalist but has little artistry and lacks the vocals.
  9. this might just be me getting my hopes up, but if the judges have any involvement with picking who advances in this twist, I wouldnt be surprised if they reject Arthur. They could say something like "You are much bigger than what we have to offer on the Idol stage and we want you to explore yourself", or maybe they genuinely wont think hes improved or differed from last season. Again, this is just wishful thinking lol.
  10. https://www.instagram.com/p/CM8VVJWBfEd/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Faith in LA. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNEf5T8nL8A/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Makayla, DeWayne, and Olivia all commenting on Alyssas B-Day post. Ill stop spamming now lol, but there is definitely a BUNCH of evidence this is true and actually happening.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNGMh3YHpCE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Wyatt and Alyssa on Franklin's most recent post saying "Working on something really special this week. I can’t wait until I can share details with you all." in the location of Hollywood, California.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNBTPW_p-Ax/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Alyssa Wray and Mary Jo Young commenting on Olivia's post 3 days ago... Its definitely real lol.
  13. I feel like they need to have one week where they choose 2/3/4 of the 10 contestants to join the other contestants and then the competition continues on as normal for the rest. Maybe at Top 10 or Top 12? Idk. Either way, the Finals portion of the show is going to be a very rushed and messy format.
  14. Two winners would be a mess.... I really hope this pull this off the right way because there are SO many ways it could go wrong.
  15. This is literally the craziest reality tv show twist Ive ever seen lol, but im so confused as to how it will work.
  16. Yall this is definitely real. I saw on Alyssas story a birthday card signed by Cyniah and Franklin but didnt think anything of it because they couldve just been in LA.
  17. LOL. This should be interesting if its not an April Fools prank, but I honestly dont think it is because of how late in the day its coming.
  18. Id love to see someone like Lady Gaga or Demi Lovato join. Lady Gaga has a very caring personality and Demi has judging experience from the X-Factor.
  19. Group 1 Cuts: - Alana - Andrea Valles - Anilee List - Deshawn Goncalves This group is pretty easy to predict. Theres a chance that Anilee or Deshawn could end up going through and that Graham could go home, but I think casual voters will recognize Graham more. Maybe Cecil could be in danger, but doubt it. Like a user said above, the girls will probably cancel eachother out. Group 2 Cuts: - Ava August - Colin Jamieson - Madison Watkins - Jason Warrior This group is a little harder to predict. I think Ava and Jason could survive and Hannah and Liahona could be in jeopardy. Although, Hannah does have an advantage being the only country female, and some people find her personality relatable.
  20. The Voice just got Ariana as a judge... hopefully Idol can get someone on that level for Season 20 or else the ratings are gonna go DOWN LMAO
  21. I pretty much agree entirely with this!
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