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Everything posted by NGM

  1. @Elliott: Tom, Sola, Zoey @JC: Tom, Nico @NGM: @Solaris: Zoey, Nico @Steven_: @~Tom~: Zoey @1234567890: Sola @*Wallace: @Zoey: Tom, Sola, Nico
  2. Heimlich One of the most WTF?! concepts for a Picar character for sure. Still can’t give a f*ck about the movie, so yeah, that’s enough reason to cut him for me (also completely missed him after my stroke seeing all the Ghibli characters). But back to Heimlich, for most of the movie, he’s a severely overweight caterpillar that dreams of becoming a beautiful butterfly (well he got 50% of the way there, so yay progress?). He also has a german accent (random af but we stan random foreign representation) and is one of the circus clowns (along with Francis and Slim). I have nothing else to add so if anyone likes him more be welcome to mourn him. Save: Sophie
  3. since no one has posted yet: save Sophie cut Heimlich
  4. Francis I have made no secret that I give zero f*cks about A Bug’s Life, so this is one of the easiest cuts for me. Francis is a male ladybug, and is basically a drag queen on the circus, with people being absolutely convinced he’s female (I’m starting to wonder why he’s still here lol, this sounds dodgy af, but 90s i guess). That’s probably why they also made him short tempered and aggressive lol. Anyway, don’t care at all, and happy to help with the slow demise of the characters of this movie. Save: Howl
  5. save Howl (Howl's Moving Castle) Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle) cut Bullseye (Toy Story) Francis (A Bug's Life)
  6. Life After Beth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVtaRAAWJss I only watched this movie bc Aubrey Plaza was in it. Don't get me wrong she's probably the best thing in the movie, but that doesn't mean it's something I would recommend to anyone, even if you are a fan of hers (even less if you are watching for someone else on the cast). Anyway, it's a zombie (a concept that hopefully can get left behind in the 2010s) comedy directed by Jeff Baena, starring Aubrey Plaza, Dane DeHaan, Molly Shannon and John C. Reilly (Anna Kendrick is also there if you wanna suffer through this to see her ig). Basic idea: girlfriend dies and comes back as a zombie, and the results are, well, mixed. The movie should have been a short movie at best lol. Anyway, that's it. Save: Looper
  7. cut Life After Beth save Looper
  8. J. Edgar I don't really care about any of the movies remaining, so just grabbed the first 2 and slapped cut/save on them. This is my new randomizer method (until I get bored and think of something new). J. Edgar is a drama movie based on the career of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. The movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas, and Judi Dench. Among random things I learned rn is that this was Adam Driver's first acting role, so nice for him (and that he went on to do better things lol, but that goes for almost everyone in this film). The reception was mixed (duh, there is a reason why Rei was able to nominate it), but there was a praise (and some noms) for the performances. Anyway,bye! Save: Immortals
  9. save Immortals cut J. Edgar
  10. 21 Jump Street So.... I didn't care about this, I didn't care for the sequel. Good enough reason for me to cut it (also bye a miracle I am not past the deadline lol). Anyway, it's a buddy cop comedy, starring Jonah Hill (who also had a hand in writing it) and Channing Tatum (yikes, not a good round for the guy). The movie is also an adaptation of an 80's tv show (guess who has no idea about the show? Me. You learn something new every day), that centers on police officers Schmidt and Jenko, who infiltrate a high school (lol) as students (LOL) to stop a dealer from selling a new drug. It did well enough commercially and critically to get a sequel, so if I cared didn't really matter. Anyway, out of the rankdown it goes.
  11. cut 21 Jump Street save The Wolverine
  12. Katie Stevens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTbGYQ98GQg Like all season 9 contestants, I partially blame them for my interest on the show dying completely. But at the same time, I watched her performances so fast before AI rankdown 1.0, that I can't remember any of them, so even mustering up hate or dislike for her (and the others) is kind of impossible. But hey, at least we are close to culling season 9 completely. She made it to top 9, and none of her performances sound that good listening to them (she's kinda the token flop pop girl from what I'm hearing). Also google is telling me she has something of a career on TV, so good for her that show-business worked out somehow. But out she goes anyway. Lauren Alaina I think she also benefits from me not watching her season in full, just the performances and that's it. She's not bad, but she was clearly too young and it showed in her performances (she was also kinda dull, which made a lot of them blur together). The other thing that helps her for me, is that I somewhat like her post-show career. Is it amazing? Absolutely not, but it's decent enough music that I don't feel the need to skip it as soon as it comes on (and there was a lot of that in country during the 2010s). Anyway, good run, but we are down to the wire and if people like Latoya can go out, you can gtfo.
  13. you watched the live actions and not Up? someone post the choices gif
  14. depends, Kaley could be lol f*ck Nico and Victoria someone else make room for me on their team for all I know
  15. Puss in Boots I'm assuming Dee or someone else is gonna save Life of Pi anyway, so using my save on Hugo. And I feel about the same on the rest of the movies, so I just cut the one that was first on the list. Puss in Boots is not a bad movie, but it's not a great one either. It's fun if you have the time and nothing else to do, but yeah, not something worth keeping (at least for me). It was released in 2011 (damn this is old), and it basically is a prequel for the title character before he appeared on Shrek 2. To some degree is kind of a cash grab? But hey, at least it's not a terrible one. Anyway, good run on the rankdown, but out it goes. Save: Hugo
  16. save Hugo cut Puss in Boots
  17. tbt to me melting down each time Jordin wasn’t announced on AI rankdown 1.0 and regretting all my decisions bc she made top 5 (?)
  18. I will take the positive that Latoya won the last one so it doesn’t matter and we got rid of Jordin a lot sooner
  19. Marcus Canty My takedown of S1 is finally complete. I barely remember Marcus as an artist lol He was a non entity for me (he probably was to a lot of people early on, since he was deleted from bootcamp), and he was too boring and tired as a concept to even be funny to hate. Like, the thing I remember the most about him is that he was against Rachel in the now-legendary B2 during Top 5. And he was barely even a part of that! He finally got voted off the following week in 4th place. Whatever, at least his existence gave us legendary trainwreck tv? Save: Queen of having a legendary voting history, Rachel Adedeji
  20. 4th Impact Oh look another group that can barely do harmonies and has zero identity. This was basically an attempt to get Little Mix but you end up with No Harmony instead. They were big before the show, especially in the Philippines (they are originally from there) were they made a name for themselves for joining multiple singing competitions. Along with that, they also loved to do the overused standards. So yeah, I was bored, and thankfully Lauren beat them, sending them out in 5th place. Their fans were so pressed that the comments for the YT videos were locked lol. Anyway, out they go.
  21. cut 4th Impact cut Marcus Canty save Rachel Adedeji
  22. i don’t wanna save anyone lol
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