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Everything posted by AngelaKD

  1. They are “cutting down” the original episode by removing everything except the performances and the decisions. No packages, no between audition shtick, no filler.
  2. Reba gave her the wrong pitch. ”Olivia, you belong on my team because we have the same hair-do. We can go to the salon together and get the group discount.” And I’ve turned into my mother because the entire time watching I wanted her to get her hair out of her eyes.
  3. You think I need to live in the real world, rather than the posters who still helpfully point out how TPTB could edit the show more efficiently to fit in the montaged auditions? Let me say it again. The montages are on purpose.
  4. The specific contestants who get montaged are rightfully upset about why they were chosen for the dubious “honor”. But complaining about the fact that montages exist? In Season 24? Nope, there’s no reason to act as though it’s unexpected.
  5. They could remove all the coach banter and there would still be montages. It’s NOT a time management issue. It’s purposeful.
  6. There are montages every single year. Someone didn’t do enough research on the show.
  7. Nobody wants to win this ridiculous show. They want to get in front of people who can help them with their careers.
  8. Not to be crass, but how? Amy’s not making any fresher music.
  9. The song they were singing to her during her package? That’s a Bobby Womack song!
  10. I think I know why Lila Forde picked John: John Legend is a master of romantic and sexy music and, the former Sexiest Man Alive, is playing up his allure in a campaign for meditation and mindfulness company Headspace, inviting viewers to sleep with him.
  11. Why are they sabotaging her by highlighting all the woo-woo stuff that the Voice demo absolutely hates.
  12. It’s not cutting corners per se. But the less the live time commitment, the easier it is to get coaches to do the show. The early season coaches had to be on live tv, 2x a week for many weeks. Especially during the fall season, they had to forgo holiday season gigs.
  13. There’s a dude in the YT comments insisting that Nini won’t win…. because she’s Black.
  14. She needed someone to tell her to lose the nose ring and eye glitter during the competition.
  15. I don’t care what other coaching Gwen does, but she better make him stop squinting every time he wants to emphasize a note. He’s not a carbon copy by any means, but he looks enough like her oldest son for that to explain his survival on Team Gwen.
  16. Contestants (and friends and family): Do NOT read the comments, here or on any open forum social media.
  17. TBH, I preferred the Jillian/Rowan battle version 10x more than Laura’s solo version.
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