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Everything posted by TeamAudra

  1. It depends on the county. Mine was for two weeks, but since I got on a trial right away, I was done early. There is a nearby country that makes them be on call for 3 months. This is obviously not good timing for Morgan. Hopefully, she can get it delayed somehow.
  2. Yikes, Morgan just got summoned for a month of jury duty. A month sounds like a long time to me. I recently had it, got on a trial right away, and was done in 3 days.
  3. This is why I deleted my TikTok app. I never used to to post anything, and never even left a comment on a post. This stuff has been coming out for a while now. There are discussions in Congress around banning TiKTok in the US.
  4. IDF used to be way more nasty than it is now. Most of us don’t really care who wins these days.
  5. Kind of difficult to win a national election when 47% of likely voters think you should be prosecuted, don’t you think?
  6. There were definitely meltdowns, but they also had the most active fan threads of their seasons. So did Sawyer, by far. @istersay was the OP of that one. IDF crashed before the finale, and was down for several weeks, so we never got the full Sawyer meltdown, but he definitely got plenty of hate during the season.
  7. Disaffected Democrats turn to DeSantis over party's intolerance, wokeness: 'Feel condescended to, abandoned' https://www.foxnews.com/media/disaffected-democrats-turn-desantis-partys-intolerance-wokeness-feel-condescended-abandoned.amp
  8. The DeSantis secret weapon that Democrats — and Trump — should fear The author is talking about Christina Pushaw, and he’s correct, although it’s not exactly a “secret.” She’s brilliant. Everyone who pays attention knows this, even if they won’t admit it. She still appears to be an employee of the DeSantis political operation, and will have months to research, and come up with a strategy. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/3767801-the-desantis-secret-weapon-that-democrats-and-trump-should-fear/amp/
  9. What I’ve see a lot from winners, is they either waste too much time waiting for things to come to them, or they assume those reality show fans will always be there. I think they should proceed as though The Voice fan base is nothing more than a mirage, because it’s not too far from the truth. The people who voted for Bryce on the show aren’t going to be the ones who determine whether his career is successful.
  10. Yes, they are retired and old. That is the problem, after the show. The support disappears, gradually over time, and by the time they finally release music, it’s almost non-existent. After reading a few of these, he’s sky high with confidence right now, bordering on cocky. I wish the best for him, but the year following a Voice win can be very humbling. TVLINE | You mentioned Blake guessing that the country fan base would save you. A lot of people have said that country artists on The Voice have an unfair advantage because that base is so large. What do you think? I wouldn’t say it’s unfair, I would just say it’s impactful. And I’m not saying other genres aren’t. I just think if you look at who watches the show and who the true roots of its fan base are, a lot of it is country — people who are retired, sitting on their couch, watching every Monday and Tuesday night because they love The Voice. And a lot of those people are country fans… I’m just blessed that I know who I am and people seem to love who I am. I think that’s what won me the show, because let’s be honest, if we’re going off pure vocal talent, I don’t bat an eye to Morgan and I don’t bat an eye to bodie. In the country lane, I think I was one of the best country singers on the show this year. But it’s not just about the voice, it’s about who you are as an artist, who you are as a person, and who America wants to fall in love with. https://tvline.com/2022/12/14/bryce-leatherwood-the-voice-country-controversy-reaction/amp/
  11. People like to nitpick, but Morgan is absolutely a top tier vocalist. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. I’d say she’s easily in the top 2-3 of this season, if not #1. Some will argue for one or two of the others, and a case can be made for, or against them. Some things are just subjective, and it often just comes down to what the individual likes to listen to. I’m not only basing it on her performances on this show, but the countless videos I’ve watched of her singing live, off the show. She’s money.
  12. That averages out to +11 for the 4 polls, with plenty of room to grow.
  13. I swear, these Trump grifters are all lunatics.
  14. “Drain the swamp” is just another Trump catch-phrase that doesn’t actually mean anything to him.
  15. How many females make it to the finale? One, if they are on Blake’s team. If not, perhaps one can get in via instant save. Otherwise, zero.
  16. Here’s the video of that song she put on social media well over a year ago (June, 2021). It got a very good reception everywhere she posted it. I deleted my TikTok app, but I think it had over 2 million views on there. Over a million on Facebook too. https://fb.watch/hw-BK8RmWW/?mibextid=v7YzmG
  17. Oh, there’s even a 30 second clip. I didn’t see this earlier, because it’s in the reels section, rather than the front page. It sounds great, now the key is making sure as many people hear it as possible. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmXVZ6oA9Ya/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  18. I’m not interested in digging into it too much, but it’s a Real Estate Investment Trust. You can buy shares if you want to. The ticker symbol is RHP. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RHP/ Here’s some general information. https://www.rymanhp.com Maybe Blake is a significant shareholder. He could very well own the building in Tishomingo, and charge rent to RHP.
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