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Everything posted by Spurrious

  1. I have an impossible question. Which is more beautiful? Her eyes or her voice?
  2. Really? How do you not understand that manipulations can be positive or negative?
  3. LOL! WTF? It's Maelyn and it makes sense to anyone who knows TPTBs sword swings both ways.
  4. I've been been the mad man screaming from the rafters since S4 that TPTB are manipulative AF. Yes, even prime snowflake Maelyn was mindlessly manipulated by TPTB. It was predetermined that she would be Team John and that she would win before the first broadcast. That she 100% deserved to win is irreverent. There have been several that 100% deserved to win but didn't. There's lots of room up here and you get a good view of the carnage...ya know....just sayin'. :flowers:
  5. I was in denial all the way up to Kennedy finishing 4th. That convinced me. Black females have no shot. I'm not sure how much is racial bias and how much is musical preference of the audience demographic but I'm very sure it's some combination of both. Regardless, it often produces poor outcomes.
  6. Is it worth noting? Lauren was team Blake. Lauren also had an estimated 350k iTunes sales + bonus lead and was miles ahead in SM. But she lost....or so they say. :icecream:
  7. Added to the bucket list: Seeing Queen belt live!
  8. Well, technically it should be Queen Maelyn....but it's certainly not ambiguous to call her Queen. I mean....everyone who matters knows exactly who the topic is if you shorten it to Queen. Am I right? :teehee:
  9. Well....I had scheduled myself to watch a primitive brick making video on youtube that night. However, I will now endure the rest of Finale night to see and hear Queen.
  10. Thanks that is nice. Got ask though.... WTF? why do we almost never get a full video of her live. I mean YouTube still exists. Peeps need to quit being so slavish (selfish) to their IG timeline and upload a real video. IG snipets are just not enough to feed my need. It's like you get to smell the steak but not eat it! I need a 24/7 All Queen, All The Time channel!
  11. LOL. I live is SC and have been up in her neck of the woods ...it really is no where. The other side of the deep talent pool coin is there are producer wannabes and aspiring musicians that will work with her for next to nothing just to help build their resumes. Another thing is...from pizza parlors to grocery stores many have little stages for peeps to practice their art. I know that sounds crazy but it's actually true. "Music City" isn't just a marketing ploy. They eat, breath and sleep cuddled up with their guitars.
  12. I wish her all the luck and success in the world. It's tough though. Literally, half the population has the same dream she is carrying with her to Nashville. It's hard to even imagine the depth of musical talent in that town.
  13. Thanks! I love hearing her live! 95+% of all Voice contestants could never!!!
  14. No you're not. I am and expect to be perpetually pressed about that.
  15. Mae killed it but the finals were also kinda sad because the rest of the show sucked. It's frightening to think what that season would have been like without Maelyn. Thank you for saving us Queen!
  16. It's clear to all there is a lot of beauty in this world. Just doing my part to help this thread reflect God's gift of natural beauty.
  17. Naw. It would be over the top anywhere else but normal behavior in here.
  18. Yep a little Broadway ....a little acting....and she can sing a little too.
  19. No doubt she will be compared but....almost all of those who are in her zip code in regard to stylizing (Maelynizing) their vocals, give up lots of diction to do so. One of her most unique gifts is to Maelynize with out sacrificing the lyric. #Queen
  20. Sorta. She is her "own class" singer because NO ONE sounds like her. <3
  21. It's obvious she was a Princess in this pic...so it's only natural.
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